The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)


IRISH LADIES IN DISTRESS. The Lord Mayor, at the urgent appeal of an Influential committee of ladies in Ireland, headed by the Countess Cowper, has OPENED a FUND at the Mansion House in aid of "The Association for the Relief of Ladies iu Distress through Non-Payment of Rent in Ireland," and he earnestly commends the matter to the practical sympathy of the public. The heartrending condition of the unfortunate ladies, some of whom have bad to resort to the workhouse, seems to demand national interest in their behalf. The pressing imminence of ths matter necessitates a prompt response to this appeal. DON Al IONS may be paid in daily at the Secretary's offices Mansion House; or at the Bank of England.

Cheques and postal orders should be crossed "Bank of England." Steamers. I Tons, i Tr'u I 1 London I Plymouth Bona I 2.727 Bee. 19 I Bee. 21 Almora 2,613 Jan. Ki I Jan.

13 2,04 1 Feb. 13 Feb. 15 Compta 2,094 Mar. 13 Mar. 15 I I FIRST LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS.

The Right Hon. the Robert Fell, Esq BIRTHS. Allen sf On t.e at The Chestnuts, TunVldge-welw t. mfi w. il.

Alleuder, of a son. W' at AiUia Balham, the wife of E'ji'rH Aitkin, of a sun. Bean ie ai Chobham Lodge, Chobhain, the wife ol 41 F. Beau, of a sun. en tte 1 at Knowle House, Hirfield, the wife Ot.i- rrc Brooke, of a son.

BCCEI -y the the wife of John Buckle, M.R.C.S.E., of Lt at bannwid, of a son. lhe 5,1 at the wife of the Rev. J. B. reel, of Dowles, of a daughter.

nit On the nth ult at Allahabad, in India, the wire of Uoiilau Ck-iuenti, of a son. C'. rm 'T. On the at 10, Cambridgegardm-, Rich- mui Murr-y, the wife of David Cornfcot, of a daughter. Davis "ii the at The Piirsonace, Aberfelde, the wife of ll Ki Hardwirke Davis, M.A., private chaplain to tin- Karl of Breadalbaue and iiclland, Lord LI.M.'s Household, of a son.

Rd at Muniharn, near Horsham, the wifu Percy S. Uoodmaii, of a daughter. CPA; T. Ue 4th uJt at The Residency, Muscat, the wife of Al. Grant, ji.B.M.

Political Agent and Consul, of a 13; i On the 2J at Toronto Hou-e, Brockl y-park, lor lull, the wife of James S. Hepburn, of a daughter. A -i On tka Sfth at 47, Godolpain-road, Shep-heiil'- iiuiji, the fcile of Alfred R. M. Langhorue, j.

(late iif Fusiliers, and 62d Oxfordshire Light Lufauir)), of a LeD On the 2Hb at Lnngton Hous, E-st Moulsey, burr. The wife of (Justav li. le Doux, of a daughter. LiTAv "ii the 2d inst at 10, Westbourne-terrace, the wife of fidviai Lucas, of a doubter, stilitorn. JlArK: ztf.

On the lztb at Klfindale, Maskeliya, Ceylon, the Walter Turing Mackenzie, of a son. Vi" a. the 4th at 10, Alfred-place, Thurloe- aqt.a Ni.j A. Ma of a son. Mam -'Jr.

the 4th at Blllesdon, Torquay, the wife cf ti. 1'. w. oi a daughter. ttu 4th inst 50, arlborough-hiU, N.W., the wn i on ii, of a daughter.

1 i tl 4th at Chantry View, Guildford, the wife OrtAU REWARD STOLEN, from Bryn--5. fyJ kinallt, Chirk, the residence of Lord Trevor, on Sunday, the 4th instant, the following Articles: 1. One lrga Diamond Necklace, with 50 larga diamonds graduated -set in Silver. 2. One ditto large, fixed on frame for head.

8. One fine even Pearl Row, with diamond clasp. 4. One ditto fine row small Pearls, with large diamond clasp. 5.

One large Tiara Comb or Brooch diamond with pia. Monogramic design. 6. Ona large fan shape Diamond Brooch (one diamond missing). 7.

One small ditto, ditto. 8. One fine Diamond Cross, 2J inches long, crucifix 3hp. 0. One fine Diamond Round Locket, with cryatal back.

10. Two small Flower Brooches, one probably fixed on hair Din 11. Two Paste Hair Pins. 12. One pair magnificent diamond dressed Earrings, in four pieces top3 deficient.

13. Pair fine Diamond Tops for eairlng3, with hooks. 14. Four pairs Diamond Earring3 two large pear drops and tw mailer. 15.

One large Diamond Brooch or Locket heart larg pearl hanging iu centre and pearl coronet on top. 16. Two round Diamond Brooches one pin broken. 17. Ono Diamond and Emerald Spray Brooch, with emerald pear- shaped drops.

13. One Emerald and Diamond Sevigne, with pear-3hapal emerald drop and two pearl drops. IS. One pair Pearl Eardrops without tops. 20.

One Amethyst and Diamond Oval Brooch. 21. One large flno Grey Enamel Watch, set with pearl3, diamond hands, enamel dressed in one place. 22. One very pecubar Diamond Link Chain Bracelet, curbf pattern.

23. One pure enamel spring Snake Bracelet, diamond head ami ruby eyes. 24. One large Amethyst Necklace, with fine large drops, set oa gold chains with diamonds. 25.

One broad Gold Band Bracelet, set with three large ame thysts and diamonds between, and one pair top and drop Earringa with diamonds between. 23. One double Band Gold Bracelet, with fourteen Flat Locksti or Boxes to open for hair, some with monograms and dates inside. 27. One flat flsxible Band Bracelet, with three stars, blue enamel pearl and 2S.

One Gold Chain Bracelet, with enamel heart locket. 20. One Opal, Ruby and Diamond Necklace, formed of 3t'iJ linked on chains. 30. Fine Roman Mosaic Lockets, set In gold.

31. One Turquoise Snake and Bracelet, with diamond head ami ruby eyes. 32. One fine Diamond Half Hoop Ring. 33.

One fine Heart-shaped Opal Ring, with diamond coronet a top. 31. One large Diamond Buckle, fastening with hooks, gold back. 35. Two Diamond Paste Waist Buckles.

With other Bracelets and various Diamond and Ruby Ring, Lockets, Chains, The above REWARD will be PAID by Lord TREVOR, of Bryn-kinallt, Chirk, to any person giving such information as shall lead to the conviction of the thieves and recovery of the Property. Information to Major Leadbettsr, Chief Constable, Wrexham, or to the Director of Criminal Investigations, Great Scotland-yard, London. Dec. 1831. 3 0 3 3 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 110 110 110 110 110 110 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 THE AMMONIA GAS PURIFYING and ALKALI COMPANY (Limited).

Incorporated under the Companies Acts, 186i to 1880, whereby the liability of the shareholders is limited to the amount of their shares. Capital 100,000, in 10,000 sharos of 10 each, with power to increase. 7,000 shares are now offered for subscription, the remainder being reserved as payment to the vendors. Deposit of 1 per share on application and 2 on allotment. No further call will be made tor three months, and at least one month's notice will be given.

If no allotment be made the deposit will be returned in full. DIRECTORS. Edward Clark, 1, Old Broad-street, EC. William Graham, Trig-lane, Upper Thames-street, B.C. James Parke Holmes, 5, Jeffrey's-square, E.C.

William Owen Robinson, Esq 6, Warnford-court, Tbrogmorton-street, E.C. Ebenezer t-towart. 4, Queen Victoria-street, E.C, and Oil-Seed Mills, Rochester. BAKKERS. National Provincial Bank of England (Limited), Bishopssate-street, and Branches.

Mastfactuung Chemist C. F. Clau3. Consulting cuaiiitfT w. Heaton, F.I.C., C.S.

SOLICITORS. Messrs. Hughes, Hooker, Buttanshaw. and Thunder, 2G, Budge-row, Cannon-street, E.C. Skcrktart (pro tern.) w.

F. Jack. Temporary Office 5, Jeffrey's-square, St. Mary-axe, E.C. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS.

This Company lias been formed for the purpose of acquiring four patent right, dated 1877 aud 1881, extending for a period of 14 years, and carrying out the inventions of Mr. F. Clans for purifying crude coal gas by the application of the ammonia gas found as an impurity in the coal gas, and generated in the course of the ammonia-loda process of alkali manufacture, which is now carried out on a very large scale both on the Continent and in England. In the course of this process of ens purification common salt is converted, at a comparatively small cost, into carbonate of sola, which sells at from to 10 per ton. Ammonia is used In the manufacture, but is recovered, with some slight unavoidable loss, and can be used over and over again.

As the ammonia contained in the gas does actually combine with and remove, In the form of nnnnoniacal liquor, a small portion of the acid impurities from the coal gas, it has long neen percdvsd by gas makers that ammonia, being an alkali, would, if suitably applied lu sufficient quantities, remove all the acid impurities from the Many attempts "nave been made to attmn this object, hut hitherto with limited succe3s, from the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient supply of ammonia. This difficulty has now been overcome. Knowim? that pure ammonia gas Is necessarily producd at one stage of i he ammonia-soda process of alkali manufacture by itself a great commercial success Mr. Clans devisd a sjsteni by which gas purification and alkali manufacture can be carried ou conjointly with reciprocal advantage to each, the gas beiriK purified automatically by the ammonia liberated in the alkali manufacture. That crude coal gas can be completely puiified from carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrog-n, and ammonia, and to a grest extent from bisulphide of caibon, by tho addition, in suitable quHutitie, of ammonia ga3, and without the use cf lime or oxide of iron puriflern, lias been conclusively proved by experiments recently carried out under this process by Mr.

Clans, by permission of Mr. George Livesey, In the works of the South Metropolitan Ga3 Company, in the Old Kent-road. Fi'oui estimates prepared with the greatest cure, from figures supplied by competeni gas engineers and from the published statistics of the ammonia-soda process, it is calculetad that the profits wising from the procae cannot amount to less than 25 percent, on the entire capital of the Company, and further considerable profits will accrue to the Company from granting licenses to work the patented processes at other gasworks. It-is not, however, the intention of the Company to put up Bny permanent work3 until satisfactory arrangements for a specific supply of gas for purposes of purification have been made. Copies of prospectus aud forms of application for shares may be o'ltained from the Company's bankers, and at the offices, 5.

Jeffrey's-square, St. Mary-ase. E.C. Thursday Island Cooktown Townsville Bowen Mack ay I Rockhampton Brisbane Taking cargo lor Gladstone aud Maryborough. Special terms for return ticket'; and abatements for families Apply to Gray, Dawes, and 13, Ai3tinfriars or to Gellatlv Uar.key, Newell, and No, 51, Pall-malL W.

and 109 Leadenball-street, London, B.C. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION C.IMPAN'Y (Limited). Mail and Passenger SThA M-SIII PS ANZIB AR, Kurrachee and Persian Gulf Colombo. Madras, and Calcutta. BRITISH INDIA ASSOCIATION STKAMKRS-QUEENSLAND ROYAL MAIN LINK to I udia, Javaand Queensland Ports.

Kuriacbee and Per- Colombo, Madras, Java and Queens--sian Gulf. I aud Calcutta. i laud. Steamer. To Suit1 SteamiT To Sail.

Sfc-amer. Pallia Dec. 22 Dec. 14 Roma Arcot Jan. 5 Camorta Dec.

28 Canara Ian. Jan. ll Ohycbassa Coa Feb. 2 Qustta Jan. Compt.

Kver.v comfort for a tropical -voyage. Passengers and cargo bonked through from London to all the important piris on the coasts or Tiwlia, Burmah. Persim Gulf, Java, Sumatra, and Queensland, and conveyed to destination by Company's mail steamer. Apply to Gray, Dawes, and 13, Austinfriars, London or to Gelliitly, Uaukev, Sewell, and Albert-square, Manchester, 61, Pall mall, and 109, teadenhil'-street, London. LONDON and BORDEAUX DIRECT, SOUTH of FRANCE, and the PYRENEES.

Tne GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S magnificent New Steamships AN NET, LAPWING. KESTREL, and BUTERN, with splendid pasiener accommodation. LEAVE LONDON (Croanate and St. liatharine's Wharf) for BOR-DEAUX eivry TU I'RSDW Dec. at 1 at 11 a.m.; 22, at 1 p.m.; aim Kriday, 30, at 11 3.111.

Saloon, 3 fore cabin, 2. Return (available for one month): Saloon, fore cabin. 3 6s. Sd. No steward's fees.

Through tickets are now issued to Arca-thon, Biarritz, Pan. Cannes, Ac. The rtiru veels leave Bordeaux evsry Friday Dee. 9, at a.m lfi, at 9 a.m.; 23, at 4 a.m.; 33, at 0 a.m. For fur.

her particulars apply to tho Secretary, 73, Lombard-street, Lin ion, K.C; or 37. Piccadilly-circus. W. 1 the ORLD AC TI G. NOTICE.

Tne LATEST OPPORTUNITY for JOININC1 the steam yacht Ceylon at Port Said is by OVE BLAND MAIL. Decemlier 9. Apply to the Int-'r-OceauicSteani Yaehtins CompanyI.imited), Palace-ehamViers, Westminster, or to Grindlay and 55, Parliament-street, S.W. TV'ILE SEASON. THOS.

COOK and SOX i give all infoneafian to Invalids and othera contem-pliting speiiding the winter on the Nile respecting Dahnbeahs. the Lutor Hotel, or the improve services of the steamtrs of the Khelive and l'o-tal Administrations. LUXOR HOTKI, IS NOW OPEN. Resident physician, J. D.

Hutcheson, M.P.. L.R.C.S.v. THOS. COHK and SUNT, Ludtrtte-clrcin or 445, West Strand. AN DOWN PARK CLUB DECEMBER RACES.

Esher. TUI3 DAY WEDNESDAY). 7th, and TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), Sth December. soit it LSI ax a 1 lway. CHEAP TRAINS fro.n Waterloo, Vauxbalt, Hammersmith, Kensington, West Br Jmpton, Chlsa, B.ttUrsea, and Clapham juuc.iuin Mations to bsner, up to ism a.

in Si'EClAL TRA1XS from 10.0 a.m., and from Esher after the Races. 'The Special First-class Train, for Member' of the Ciub only, starts from No. 5 Platform at Waterloo at 11 3j a m. each day. The last Special Train will leave Waterloo at 1 0 p.m.

Passengers holding Cheap Utturu 'tickets cannot return till after 5.30 m. For Fares, see hills. Trains from the Kensington Line to Clapham Junction In connection with Specials to Ksher. Tickets nny be procured at the Central office, 9, Grand Hotel-, buildings, Charin-croas the West-cnd-office, 1. Recent-street, Piccaiiillv -circus Messrs.

Pratt and Barhrook, 2S, Conduit-street, Golden Cross, Charing-cross Messrs. Gaze and Son, 142, Strand Exeter-buildirijs, Arthur-street West, E.G.: aud at the Waterloo-bridge, Vauxhall, Clapham Junction, and Kensington (Addison-roau) Stations. fYy II BRIGHTON SEASON. JL Frequent Trains from Victoria and London-bridge. Also Tra'ns in connection from Kensington and Liverpool-street.

Beturn Tickets. London to Brighton, available for eight days. Weekly, Fortnightly, aud Monthly Tickets at Cheap Rates, Available to travel by all Trains between London and Brighton. Cheap Hal'-Guinea First-class Day Tickets to Brighton Every Saturday, from Victoria and London-bridge, Admitting to the Grand Aquarium and Royal Pavilion. Cheap First-class Day Tickets to Brighton every Sunday, From Victoria at 10.45 a.m., and Lomion-bridg3 at 10.35 a.m.

Pullman Drawing F.oom Cars bet ween Victoriaand Brighton. Tnrouh Bookings to Brii-litrm from principal Stations On the Railways in the Northern and Midland Districts. A Special Train for Horses, Carriages, and Servants, From Victoria to Brighton, at 11. "'5 a.m. every Weekday.

pI.AND AQUARIUM and PAVILION. Vj Military and other Concerts every Saturday afternoon, for which the above Saturday Cheap Tickets are available. EW ROUTE to WEST BRIGHTON 11 by the Direct Liue Preston-park to cliftonville. A Morning Up and Evening Down Fast Train Every Weekday between London bridge and West Brighton. Paris Shortest cheapest Roum Via NSW HAVEN, DIEPPE, and ROUEN.

Cheap Express Service every Weeknight, 1st, 2d, and 3d Class From Victoria 7 60 p.m. and London-bridge 8.0 p.m. Fares Single, 17s. Return, 55., 3:13.. 30s.

Powerful Paddle Steamers with excellent Cabins, Trains run alongside Steamers at Newbaven and Dieppe. SOUTH OF FRANCE. ITALY, SWITZERLAND, Ac-Tourists' Tickets are issued enabling the holder to visit all the prlncipad places of interest. HAVRE. Passengers booked through by this route every Weeknight from Victoria and London-bridge as above.

TICKETS and every information at the Brighton Company's West-end General Offices, 2H, Regent-circrs, Piccadilly, and 6, Grand Hotel-buildings. Trafalgar-square; also at the Victoria and London-bridge By order. J. P. KNIGHT, General Manager.

WW EXPRESS DAY SERVICES to Ll PARIS and BRUSSELS by LONDON, CHATHAM, and DOVER RAILWAY, via Dover and Calais, DAILY (Sundays included), leaving VICTORIA, HO BORN VIADUCT, and LUD-CATE-U1 LL Stations at 10.0 a.m arriving in Paris at 8.0 p.m and Brussels at 7.0 p.m. The Return Services leave Paris at 9.E5 a.m. (on certain days this train will leave Paris at 9.30 a.m.), and Brussels at 10.32 a.m., reachins Victoria at 7.20 p.m. Through Booking and Registration of Baggage. The Ordinary Mail Express Trains leave Victoria, Holborn, and Ludgata Stations Daily at 7 35 a.m.

and 0 p.m. IONDONT, CHATHAM, and DOVER RAILWAY. MARSEILLES. CANNES, NICE, and MENTONE. New and Accelerated Serviee, without change of carriage between Calais and destination.

In connection with the Mail Eipress Trains leaving Victoria, Holbom-viaduct, and Lu Igate-hill Stations at 7 35 a m. and 7.55 p.m., via Dover and Calais, through Express Trains will leave Calais at 12.30 p.m. for Marseilles and Nice, and at 1.0 a.m. for Marseilles, Cannes, Nice, and Mentone. Through booking and registration of baggage.

OUT HETa7ST RlfLVVAY, MARSEILLES, NfCE, CANNE3, A'C. NEW AND IMPROVED SERVICE. Through Carriages from Calais. From Charing-cross Station by Royal Mail Trains at 7.40 a m. and 8.5 p.m., and Cannon-street Station at 7.45 a.m.

and S.10 p.m., daily. Through Service now in operation, by which change of carriages between Calais and destination is avoided. Through booking and registration of baggage. MYLK3 FENTON. General Manager.

G1 A WESTERN RAILWAY. IT CHERBOURG and PARIS, via Weymouth. New route through Normandy and Brittany to Paris, the West and South of France, and Spain. Through rates for passengers, parcels, and merchandise between the principal towns on the Great Western and Western of France Railways. The Steamers leave Weymouth at 11.30 p.m., and Cherbourg at 7 p.m., daily (Sundays weather and circ*mstances permitting, in connection with fast trains on the Great Western aud Western of France Railways.

J. GRIERSON. General Manager. EAST and WEST INDIA DOCK COMPANY. The COURT of DIRECTORS of the East and West India Dock Company HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, That the TRANSFER BOOKS of the said Company will be CLOSED on THURSDAY, the I5th day of December, 1881, and REOPENED on MONDAY, the 2d day of January, 1SS2.

By order of the Court. J. L. DU PLAT TAYLOR, Secretary. East and West India Dock House, Billiter street, London, December 6.

1881. THE BANK of BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. The COURT of DIRECTORS HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, That a HALF-YEARLY DIVIDEND, at the rate of Twenty five Shillings per share, on the capital of the Bank, wiU be PAID, free of income tax, on the 6th day of JANUARY next, to the proprietors of shares registered in this country. No Transfers can be made between the 20th inst.

and the 5th proximo, as the Books must be Closed during that period. By order of the court. A. G. WALLIS, Secretary.

No. 8, Clenient's-lane, Lombard-street, London, E.C., December 7, 1881. Ti. Sail. Dec.

19 Jan. 1C Feb. 13 Mar. 13 RYSTAL PALACE. THIS DAY, Dr.

ZEREFI'S LECTURE, CONCERT, open from 10.0 till 6.0. Dr. term Lecture on "Egyptian Temples, Tombs, and Pyramid," 11.30; Herr Frikell, conjuror, 2.0; Vocal and Instrumental Concert (vocalist Mr. Brereton, pianist Mr. Arthur L'Estrange, conductor Mr.

August Manns), 3.0 Great Organ (Mr. A. J. Eyre). 5.30; Panorama, painted by M.

PhiUppoteaux(admis3ion, Skating Rink, 2.0. Admission to Palace, One Shilling or by season ticket. JOYAL AQUARIUM. Open 12.0. Close 11.30.

2. 0. Opening of the Grand Wedding Exhibition. 3. 0.

Unrivalled Variety Entertainment. 4.25. Paul Marti uetti and Troupe in The Duel. 5.30. Mi3sand Willie Beck with's Grand SwinimingEntertainment.

5 30. Reception hy Mr. G. A. Farini's Tattooed Greek Nobleman.

6.30. Recital on the Great Organ, 8. 0. Grand Promenade Concert. Conductors, Sir Julius Benedict and Mons C.

Dubois. 9.45. Miss and Willie Beckwith's Grand 3wimming Entertainment. 9 45. Reception by Mr.

G. A. Farini's Tattooed Greek Nobleman. SMITH FIELD CLUB CATTLE SHOW, Agricultural Hall, Islington. The Slth ANNUAL SHOW of Caitle.

Sheep, Pigs, Roots, and Implements, THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY), December 7, at 9 a.m. Admission Is. Close at 9 p.m. CATTLE SHOW, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, December 7, 8, and 9. Admission is.

Opea at 9 a.m., clo3e at 9 p.m. S. SIDNEY, Secretary. Agricultural Hall Company (Limited). CATTLE SHOW.

ELECTRIC LIGHT. During the Smithfleld Club Cattle Show, December 5 to 9, the AGRICULTURAL HALL and the ARCADE and BAZAAR will be ILLUMINATED with the BRUSH ELECTRIC LIGHT. By order. S. SIDNEY, Socretary.

Agricultural Hall Company. (Limited). CATTLE SHOW. CARTERS' GRASS SEEDS for all soils. Stand No.

85. CATTLE SHOW. CARTERS' GRASS SEEDS for Sowing on Untenanted Farms. Stand 86. CATTLE SHOW.



Tho Queen's Seedsmen and to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 237, 23', High Holborn, London, W.C. ANITAS DISINFECTANTS are USED Kl EXCLUSIVELY at the SMUHFIELD CLUB CATTLE SHOW, 1881. The Sanitaa Company (Limited), Bethnal-green, E. T3 OYAL ALBERT HATjI--The SCOTCH FESTIVAL will be REPEATED on SATURDAY AFTERNOON next, December 10, at 3.

30, when Madame Christine Nihiaon will make her Last Appearance iu London this season 23. and Is. IVfADAME CHRISTINE NILSSON will SING -LvA My Love 13 like the red, red rose," the Jewel Song from "Faust." and in "Miserere" from "II Trovatore," on SATURDAY AFTERNOON next, December 10, at half-past three, at the Royal Albert Hall. ERLIOZ'S FAUST. REPETITION on SATURDAY EVENING next, Dee3mber 10, in St.

James'3 Hall MR. BR AN DRAM'S TUESDAY AFTERNOON RECITALS at Willis's Rooms will commence TUESDAY, January 17, and every Tuesday up to March 2S, 1SSJ. Full particulars In Friday's advertisem*nt, or on application at Mr. Mitchell's royal library, 33, Old Bond-street. Special reduced subscription for schools.

Subscription Ust wiU soon be closed. VISITORS to LONDON during the CATTLE-SUOW WEEK should avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing the splendid entertainment of the world-famed MOORE and BURGESS VI I NSTRE L3 at the St. James's Hall. Piccadilly, the oldest established and most brilliant and successful entertainment in the world. Performances EVERY NIGHT, and on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at three also.

Omnibuses run from "The Angel," Islington (which is clone to the Cattle Show), direct to the doors of St. James's Hall: fare 4 1. Price3 of admi33ion 3s and 5s. No fees. No charge for programmes or for securing seats.

Magnificent programme for the Cattle-Show week. MR. and Mrs. GERMAN REED'S ENTERTAINMENT. St.

George's Hall, Langham place. Managers, Mesirs. Alfred Reed and Cornsy Grain. TO-NIGHT, at eight, AGES AGO, the favourite Musical Legend, written by W. S.

Gi'bert, music by Frederic Clay. After which, OUT OF TOWN, a New Muiical Sketch, by Mr. Corney Grain. Concluding with NO. 204, by F.

C. Burnand and German Reed. To-night, at eight, and Every Evening (except Thursday an 1 Saturday), at eight Thursday aud Saturday, at three. Admission, Is. aad stalls.

3a. and 53. Will close on Monday, Dec. 19. Reopen Boxing Day at three and eight, with novelties.

HE Sr (J LE RS GTAND CIRQUE; Argyll-streot, Oxford-circus OPEN EVERY EVENING with CHARLES HEN'GLER'S Unrivallod EQUESTRIAN ENTERTAINMENT, comprising the first artists in Europe, rideri, gymnasts, aud clowns, and sph-ndid stud of horses and ponies of extraordinary training. Matinees every Wednesday and Saturday. -Seats may be bco*ked at the principal libraries also at the box'-office at the Cirque from ten to four daily. Proprietor and Direct. r.

Mr. Charles Henylftr. HErsGLEIVS RAND CIRQUE. EVERY EVENING. GRAND EQUESTRIAN FETE, a combination of artistic wonders, daring, marvellous, exciting, and elecant; Heir Wullf, the renowned trainer, with Stud of Traoheue Boi-ios.

Opening Every Evening at 7.0, commence at 7.30. Matinees every Wednesday aud Saturday. Opeu at 2 0, commence at 2.30. Prices: 43, 3s, private boxes, 30i. Proprietor 3nd Director, Mr.

Charles Uengler. EXOLER'S GRAND CIRQUE. At Every Performance, the Beautiful Til AutlKNE HOKSBS, pro nounced by tha whole press aud public t'la most wonderful display of horse training ever seen in London. MADAME TUSSAUD'S. Portrait Models of Mr.

PAR M.P., and Mr. MICHAEL DAVITT, the late D-au STANLEY, the late President GAR FIELD al3r a Portrait Mcdel of GUITEAU, tiie Assassin. Admission, Chamber of Horrors, fid. extra. Ooen from ten till ten.

MADAME TUSSAUD'S. A Portrait Model of LEE ROY is now added. FIMIE ANNUAL WINTER EXHIBITION of JL HIGH-CLASS PICTURES by British and Foreign Artists, including Benjamia Constant's new Picture, Presents to the NOW OPEN at ARTHUR TOOTH and SONS' GALLERY. 5, llayinarket. opposite Hr Majesty's Theatro.

Admission, one shilling, including catalogue. ROYAL SOCIETY of PAfNTERS hi WATER COLOURS. -The TWENTIETH WINTER EXHIBITION is NOW OPEN Pall-mall East, frcm ten till five. ALKREDJ). FRIPP.

Sec. INSTITUTE of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS The SIXTEENTH WINTER EXHIBITION is NOW OPEN from ten tiU six. Admission Is. Catalogue 6.1. illery.

53. Pall-mall. H. F. PHILLIPS.

Sec. FRENCH GALLERY, 120. Pall-malLThi TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL WINTER EXHIBITION of PICTURE by British and Foreign Artists, including Broik's ureal work. UN RUBENS, is NOW OPEN. XT'XHi BITION of CABINET PiCTURESin JTj OIL.

Dadley Gallery. Eirvptian Hall. Piccadilly. The Fifteenth Annual Exhibition OPEN DAILY from 10 till 5. Admission, Is, R.


including catalogue. Is. Vf ARLBO ROUGH ROOMS, 307, Recent-street. lTfi These Magnificent ROOMS are licensed for Music and Dancing, aud can be LEI' for Concerts, Realing3, Balls, Military, Masonic, and Public Dinners. For vacant dates apply to Manager at the Rooms.

MMEDIATE CASH GIVEN for DIAMONDS, PEARLS, JEWELLERY, SILVER PLATE, HANco*ckS and Jewellers to the Queen and Royal Family, 30, Brutim-strect. corner of New Bond-street. WALKER'S CRYSTAL CASlfi WATCHES. Prizs Medals: London, 1392, and Paris, 1337. 63, Corn-hill; 320, Regent-street: aud 76, SLrand.

CHRISTMAS and WEDDING PRESENTS. Diamonds, Antique Silver Plate. Jewellery, Old China, Brass Goods, Parcels sent for selection to the country. Please apply early to MAURICE MOSES, 4G4, Oxford-street, to Mortlock's. ROSES.

ROSES. ROSES. THE CHAMPION CHALLENGE CUP of the NATIONAL ROSE SOCIETY, won by BENJAMIN R. CANT, Rose Grower, Colchester. The beautiful collection of 72 varieties which gained this great prize can be had in splendid plants tor 3 10s.

carriage paid. Descriptive lists post free on application. DOULTONS RADIATING TILE STOVES, which obtained the SPECIAL MEDAL of the Sanitary Institute, are on view at Stands 13 to 16, SMOKE ABATEMENT EXHIBITION, South Kensington, QTOVES, Economical, Efficient, and Elegant, suitable for JJALLS or WAITING-ROOMS, STUDIOS or WORKSHOPS. Manufactured by JOULTON and Albert Embankment, S.E. C1AU1ION.

The Public are Cautioned against purchasing spurious IMITATIONS of RITCHIE'S PATENT LUX-CALOR Heating, Lighting, and Ventilating STOVES. None genuine without the trade mark "Lux-Calor." Only address, 23, Swithin'a-lane, E.C. Can be obtained ol all respectable ironmongers. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Useful, Pretty, New, and Inexpensive, at LOVERROVE and FLINT'S Fancy Warehouse, 9, Halkin-street West, Belgrave-square, S.W. ClHRISTMAS CARDS.

Surplus of a Manufac- turer's stock at less than cost. Sixty and 6d. flrst-class CARDS, assorted in a packet for half the quantity for 2s. post free. The sale of this stock wiU cea3e after Monday, the 12th of December.

H. S. WARR. stationer, 63, nigh Holborn. FIFTY KINGSBURY'S CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS for Is.

(the talk of London); post free, 1. 2d. 250 Scraps and Chromos for post free, Is. 2d. 103.

Wholesale Packets for Shops, post free. 10s. 0d. Kingsbury's, South Kensington Baiaar, S.W. Lord Mayor Messrs.

N. M. Roths 10 0 C. W. Archer, Esq Frank Flower, M.

S. C. D. Kemp Welch, Esq The Rev. Lord Sidney G.

Osborne E. Godfrey Faussett, Esq Major Paris J. H. F. and E.

Colonel Henry Mrs. and Miss Ash- more Lady Palmer Mrs. Done Davis Mr3. and Miss Walter Rev. Charles W.

Cass Miss Flower A descendant of the Geraldine3 W. Smith, Esq Thos. E. Inall, Esq. E.

H. II. C. Richards, General F. Carybeare, per Qrindley's W.

Hughes Hughe3, Esq J.P Rev. F.P. H. Katharine Chance Lieutenant-Colonel H. Mackenzie The Hon.

Colonel C. child and SonB 750 0 0 Sir Uy. W. Peek. M.I.'., vvimiiieuon .100 0 0 H.

L. Bischoffsheim, Esq Lord and Lady Cran-brook Arthur Cates, Charles S. Paris. Esq W. R.

Mitchell, Charles W. BelI.Esq.. Francis Bayley, Mrs. Capo Rev. Tho3 Sheppard Lieutenant-Colonel G.

R. Manderson Arthur T. Ualiburton, Esq Admiral Thomas Chaloner, C.B W. Fuller, Esq Lieutenant-Col. J.

W. Bateman Champain and Miss Champain John Bramston, Esq. F. S. Ellis, Esq J.

Aird, William Wright, Esq. William Cullum, Esq. Mr3. Flower Lady Colchester Thomas Price, the non.C. Gathorne Hardy Ralph Disra-jli, 62 10 0 2 0 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H.

Lindsay, C.B.. 5 0 0 I Sir George Oiborue 5 0 0 I A Friend 5 0 0 Miss T. Parry Woodco*ck, Esq A parcel of clothing from Mrs. Lane. J.

WH1TTAKKR FLLIS, Lord Mayor, Treasurer. Mansion Houso, Decemlier 0. 1S81. CJ A PARK Esher, Surrey. CLUB DECEMBER MEETING Will take place THIS DAT (WEDNESDAY), and TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), December 7 aud 8, Commencing at 12.30 p.m.

ea.di day. Frequent Trains from Waterloo, Vauxhall, Clapham-junction. and other stations as advertised. A Special Train for Members only will leave Waterloo Station from No. 5 platform at 11.

U0 each day. nWFA WILLIAMS. QT. ANNE'S, Soho. SPECIAL ADVENT SERVICES will be held in this Church on FRIDAYS, December 2, 0, 16, and 23.

commencing at eight o'clock p.m., at which Bach's cantata. My spirit was in heaviness," will be sung, with full nrchestral accompaniment. The doors will be opened at seven. Admission to the body of the church by tickets only, which can be obtained by Bending stamped directed envelope to Rev. Canon Wade, 23, Soho-square tha Churchwardens, W.

J. Fraser, 2, Soho-square, and J. Burroughs, pj, Soho-square, or of the Choir Secretary. J. Berwick Orgill, Members' Mansions, Victoria-street, S.W.

BARNABAS MISSION, Lisson-screet, Marylebone. Entire' dependent on voluntary contributions. Fuller particulars sent. FUNDS are urgently NEEDED for expenses. Hon.

RD. DONAGAN, Esq. 182, Alerandra-road, St. John's-wood. EXTENSION of the HOSPITAL tor CONSUMPTION, Brornpton.

NEW BUILDING for 137 Beds. Present ordinary expenditure about 17,00) a year, raised by voluntary contributions. 10,000 PER ANNUM MORE will be NEEDED on completion of the New Building. Average number waiting admission 200 to 300. NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS urgently necessary for the proposed Exteusion.

PHILIP ROSE, Hon. Secretary. HEX RY DOBBIN. Secretary. BRITISH HOME for INCURABLES, Claphim-rise.

U. the Princess of WALES. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS and DONATION5! are most earnestly SOLICITED, the Institution being very greatly in want of help. Information and forms of application for candidates can be obtained from the Sectetary at the office. HANKERS.

Messrs. Barclay, and Lombard-street, E.C. Offices 7 i. Cheapside. CUAULES HOOD.


GRAND DRAWING. MONDAY, December 1J, in Aid of the Building Fund of the MANCHESTER SCHOOL of ART. Eight Hundred Prizes, Seven Thousand Pounds Valuo. The Prizes consist of valuable Paintings, Drawings, choice Engravings, Pottery, Etchings, Books, and miscellaneous Art Productions. Value of chief Oil Painting.

1 ty P. H. Calderon, R.A Value of chief Water-colour Drawiug, by Frederick Tayler 0 SulneM Tickets, fis. each, and List of Prizes will be sent on receipt of cheque or postal order by EDWIN W. MARSHALL, Secretary.

School of Art, Manchester. TICKETS BE PURCHASED AT ONCE. LEWIS and ALLEN BY Display of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, 1531. Elegant Trifle3 in great variety. Choice Articles of Taste and Utility for Wear, Ornament, or Decoration, all excellent in quality and moderate in price.

These will be Displayed for Inspection from the 5th December to the close of the mouth. FOREfGN" and ORIENTAL EMBROIDERY, Mounted as Small from 2s. Plush and Velvet Embroidi-red Table l'jver3, in all sizes, 0s. Cd. to 6 guineas; Tables covered wiili Plmh aud Velvet, from Brackets ditto, from 2s.

Brackft.s with Mirrors, from 103. 9J. Cushions in Silk, Plush, Velvet, and Embroidery, from 12s. Work Baskets, Chairs, and an unrivalled collection of Japanese Embroideries, from 5s. to fiO guineas Japanese Screens, from 31a.

Cd. to 50 guineas India Shawls Rampoor Chuddahs, from 12s. 9d. ARTICLES DE PARIS and VIENNESE GOODS. Fancy Boxes, Sachets.

Albunn, Bags, Writing Cases, Fancy Leather Goods, Card Cases, Articles iu Metal, Fitted Work Baskets, Src. LACE GOODS, Mantillas, Fichus, Embroidered and Lace Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Ties, Collarettes, uufl, yets, Jtc. MANTLES and CLOAKS. Sealskins of the fine.t qualities, BroehC- Velvet Cloaks, Opera Sorties de Bal, and a large assortment of every other description to select from. GLOVES, FANCY HOSIERY, FANS, PERFUMERY.

Johann Maria Farina's Eau de Cologne, the best, at Ss. per ease. COIFFUBFS, BONNETS, MILLINERY, and FLOWERS. COSTUMES and ELEGANT TOILET TES complete. ORIENTAL CHINA and SPECIM ENS of MODERN ORIENTAL ART.

English-made Cabinets, specially arranged for the display of these goods. LEWIS and ALLENEY. 193, 105, and 107, REGENT-STREET, and 60, 61, 62, 63, 61, and CONDUIT-STREET. HOW of DINNER and BALL COSTUMES lO By GAS L1GUT (during the day). At WATERLOO HOUSE.

A 3pecial Show of the above (in rojtns expressly prepared for the purpose) will take place on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, December 7 and 3. HALLING, PEARCE, and STONE. WATERLOO HOUSE, Pall-mall East and co*ckspur-street, 3. W. HRISTMAS PRESENTS.

THIS, and ERY DAY until the end of the month. HALLING, PEARCE. and STONE have a SPECIAL SHOW of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Consisting of a Large Collection of ENGLISH, FRENCH, and GERMAN FANCY GOODS, Together with a number of SERVICEABLE WOOLLEN DRESSES, Averaging 14 yards each. At from to 19s.

6d. worth from Ids. 6d. to 30s. WATERLOO HOUSE, Pall-mall East, and co*ckspur-street, S.W.

LADIES' DRESS ASSOCIATION (Limited), 71 aud 70, Jermyn-strest, and 25, Bury-street, St, James's, S.W. A large selection of CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR PRESENTS, consisting of work boxe3, glove and handkerchief boxes, writing cases, brassware, 6ilver ornaments, Japanese screens, and other fancy goods; also a small and remarkably cheap coUection of real Persian rugs. C. O. RISING, General Manager.

LADIES' DRESS ASSOCIATION (Limited). Members for bfe, oue guinea annual ticket holders, W. S. BUTSON, Secretary. 71 and 70, Jermyn-street, and 25, Bury-street, St.

James's, S.W. LITTLE and CO. (late Little and Radermacher), Specialists for Evening, Dinner, and Character Dresses, are eminently successful with their present collection, which includes Young Ladies' Gowns from 1 guineas. Mantles iu every variety, many weU adapted for the application of ladles' own fur. A large purchase of Cambric Handkerchiefs very cheap, 103.

6d. the box of one doz. Rich Silks, Velvets, British Fabrics, Lace Goods, etc. 1S2, 183, and 184, SLOANE-STREET, S.W. INDIAN, TURKEY, and PERSIAN CARPETS.

Imported by LAPWORTH BROTHERS. CARPET MANUFACTURERS to the Royal Family, 22, Old Bond-street, London, W. Be3t Brussels, Wilton, Velvet, Saxony, Axminster, and every other description of Carpetlug, at the most moderate prices. ROBARE'S AUREOLINE, or Golden Hair Wash, for producing the beautiful golden colour so much admired. Warranted perfectly harmless.

Price 5s. 6d. and 10s. of all principal perfumers and chemists throughout the world. Wholesale agents.

It. Hovenden and Son, London. -y lss't, of a sou. i'." i at 22, T.a:lbroke-grove, the wife of Is- li- -n oi a daughter, fin i. at Field House, VTalthamstow, the van Mr: of a daughter.

I'll in Tii" 7th St. Thomas Collet, Colo-jibo. a Ik ie oi vhc Waiduu, the Rev. IS. F.

43 ill or, of twin nji the Sd the wife of Frank Nclthorpa, of Sl 1, t'asex, oi a daughtrr. me rult, at 185. Denmark-road, Manchester, tiit Tnouiaa Oiikicy, of a daughter. Oak I i'(u tl.e 2d at 23, Gloucester-crescent, Ilyde- i v. Ifti i Fn dti Oaklf of a sun.

i. Mnnnt, Madras, tit, ti- John BooEli Kich-rdsuu, Royal Art ill i a -n. tiic ith at T.nokwood, Elthaiu, Kent, C. II. RicLardsou, oi a sou.

i. jl.e at It ail 130011, Burin all. the wife of Rol-ert culiVe (. oi a daughter. fi 'ii tin at Wiuii.lcdou, the wife of Edwin 'a i-S'i-, a daughter, t', at 41, nigbbury-liill, the wife ii iit, Sehaaiann.

of a son. 4Jb the wife of Algernon E. Sydney, Jiitjd ml, Mai da-rale, of a son. 1 1 ti, i.Mh at Jersey, the wife of Thomas A.M.D., id a daughter. V' ih the 01 Ueujamiu Pliilip 'Wood, of i 1st at KiUiucy Church, by the Rev.

ii asshsu'd by tfcf Rev Canon Stavdey, Thomas Air. i-s! of tin late James Hell, of Greenhouse, K-; Lucinda Brooke, youngest daughter of si. 1 sjmes, 01 isto'broke, cq. Lfui.Un, Eq. fcjn-i Gi.vnkd vvm (in the 4th at Vienna, I eide 1 of Alfred Ritdc.tnann, 24, 1-iy-water, to 1'auline, only daughter of 1, iirunehaiuii of Vienna.

1 1 i vs. On brr 22, at AliwAl North. Cape Colony, 11 itri lieutenaut Cape Mounted Rifles, fourth son Y'. hi-r-General Edward brice, R.B.A., to fi -a Caroline, third riaushter of licmy Lucas Bean, Et 1' 1 ui 1 -s uv-er-41 are, Somersetshire. i On the 1st at Cheefoo.

China, Fi- i .1: lin, to Anes Kuima, eldest daughter of Alfred In-, ii: 4 Kd'l Molesey. i -xi 1 ibo lt at St. Andrew's Church, i 1 Rev. 1'. A.

li.more, vii-ar of Hermitage, Berks, -j the assisi by the Rev. W. Berry, curate of d.n Kaue, B.A. and 41. of Almonds iu- Lershije, 10 tmnia, eldest d.iugliter of G.

S. 1 -ii of Mru'lofiroutfli-huiidings, 1 Uiiipitals, 11. Julian Annj (ntired). Li'-'' the 6 th inst at the residence of ii 4 father, by the Rev. 1.

W. M.irks. truest eldest i 15. l.cversoii. of Queeusherry-place, (LiUfcl*ter of a.

li. B-ddington, of 1: 1 5 juarc. (in thp at Bombay, Edmund 1 Manpore. fourth son of Alfred Penny, C.K 11 estnnnster, and Beckri.haui, to Ellen 1 I'anghv-rr of sj. 3'cicy icudamore commandant ad Madias N.l.

Mai.ti::. the 2d at St. Jude's Church, by the Rev. Br. Forrest, Chailes hemy i if Lancaster Bouse, Biyswuter-road, to Ar.uis, i 1 1 Riehaid ilartin, E-i oi 12, OuUingham -road, South

On the gd at St. Matthew's Church, USiiifftm parK, ll.e ev. "iiuaui lianucoi uaroiu Alfit-I eldest cf tin- late a urea Muar to oriribtina oar-den. daughter ctthe late 1'iancis l'retmantle Maclean. i 1: nTr-Ti IN.

On the at the West London ijue, fleiiry Soli men, of Clapham, to Nina, eldest J.ichtetisteiu, oi Sutbeiliiud-gardeM, V. till 10 the 1st at St. James's Church, by .1. C. Lt-cke, 41.

vicar, Howard Henry, second in ton ot the late Richard Rhod Swaun, oi The Grove, i- and tlovd's, to Maria Ciarkson, elder daughter of p.r j'lirch. of Vauhrugh Park, i.Iackheath. DEvrns. Rat; 'mi the Zi at church-green, Witney, Henry late of Oxon, in riis eighty-second Ba: I'ii ll.e 1st suddenly, at Craigview, Murrayfield, bear i on iiigh, C. A.

Bayne. I -tin the eth at Westhury, Clapham-common, i W. Cawstfiiij aged sixty-one years. I. the 2d at Couiston Lodge, Ealing, Frances haioiiers.

)oungesi, daughter ol the luts Richard Shafto 1;-! rs, the 3d at Lewes, Sussex, after a long illness. a'o tin and only surviving son of Major James t'tHldSj ciapham-commoii. i-' On the 2d inst at Barmouth Junction, Merionethshire. orth Waleb. William Hume, eldest sou of the late v.

o. lirury Chidson, of Aigburtb, near Liverpool, aged tvve: tj-a-ven. On at Whitehall-place, Gravesend, rr 'i. i leatc, harhour master, aged forty-four. i On the Sbtli at Irs residence, C3, White 1:1 rm 1.

Clifton. Henri Jean V. de Candole, Ph.O., M. i.j Ult: piofessoj-of French and lecturer at Clifton College aad 1: I Bristol, aged sixtf-six. i -t 1 'n the 2d inst, at Pauton nense, Cambridge, 1 nnlilto, infant daughtei of Charles Finch and Jane i n6trr.

-y rg the SCth at Warfield, Bracknell, John to late of 19 and 21, Ludgate-lall, in his eighty-eighth -r tho at SB; Thornhill-road, Barnsbary, lb, Mile of William Groser, aged tigbty-four. ''n the 3d st his residence, The Laurels, bill, Birmingham, Edward Johnson. the 2d at Sliema, Malta, Eate Christie, w.h- William Johnston, of Liverpool, aged thirty-nine. 11 the 1st at the Rectory, Burnbam Westgate, N'rloSU, Anne Lamb, widow of John Lamb, B.D., Dean ot and master of Corpus Cbristi College, Cambridge, aged (li the 6th at Le Mars, United States, Mary Eliza, illiam Coombs tane, daughter of the late Br. i Barrow, of Wedmore, Somerset, aged forty.

Iii Hi, the 1st Stephen William Leach, of Oxford I v. urnham-green, for forty years engineer to the Thames Board, aged sixty-three, -s the 3d at L'pnor, near Eo Chester, William bur Utile, in his seventy-eighth year. Sip -dn tr.b lst jljst at the Hotel, Sandown, Isle of Wight, l- wife of Walter Mew. oh the 2J at Aisthorpe HaB, Lincoln, Emma M.iu. R.

v. Otter, the late rector of the parish, illness, aged seventy. atki i tlie 3d Edward Overton, of Streatham-Uit- aged forty-one. 'i' on the "Mb of rheumatic fever. Clara for twenty-six years teacher of the Wilkes-street the Sfjtb Adolphus Owen Pearn, of H.M.'s "O.HUVUU1, )ouuesv ua e.i ou.tij th.f-t Mdl bt) ih-: I at 174, Adelaide-road, South Hampstead, "in ef James Renj on i'eile, in the forty-ninth year the at 10, Marlborongh-place, Brighton, 'a 1'retious, aged seventy-four.

Itr f.flk ftie HlnnHf.nli risriliff tllfi -v U'h Hutciiinson Keating Rickards, in his seventieth 1 sn of Richaid Fowler Rickards, of Llantiissant, Vtu jrjaie the at Teheran, Persia, Jeannie, youngest 1 1. etenautC.lonel R. Murdoch Smith, R.E., aged Sd at Cambridge-terrace, Hyde-park, ---'-daughter of the late Alexander Smyth, of -1st at Walthamstow, Marian, wife of lir yuiigest daughter of John Nettleton, r' "sl i H'td thirty-five. --h at 4, Delamere-street, Westhourne-J Frederick James Spring, retire! chaplain litUtnt' aud lalt vicar 01 cortoll Suffolk, aged -h-wai "st- at '2- High-street, Sheerness-on-Sea, Ji.u.v... ts.A., agea tuty-eignt.

-a at ClifLon-hill, St. Jobn's-wood, and 1011, ewcaatk-upou-Tyue, William Strong, aged sixty 2(1 at bis residence, 2, St. John's, luerii Putney, William Theobalds street), aged ninety-three. iml lht tost- at Bellevue House, Bagshot, Surrey. alcrer.

aged fifty-seven. latii at Hall, Rotticrham, James 1 aged eighty-tliree LOST, on Sunday Evening, near Eaton-squsre, FAWN-COLOURED ST. BERNARD DOG. Whoever wilt linng4the same to 7, Granville-plaee, Portmau-square, ba REWARDED. ADVERTISING.

C. H. MAY and GENERAL ADVERTISING OEDTCES, 73, Gracechurch-street, London, E.C. The only addreii. Established 1346.

Advertisem*nts ot every dsscription received for iusertion ia all newspapers, Ac, at the sime rates as olflces of the papsrs. E3tiniate3 for general advertuin. Reduction for a 3eri33. Special an i very favourable terms to large advertisers. Advertisem*nts lso received for all newspapers, which may addressed to these oihcea without extra charge.

Replie3 sent. ROYAL ACADEMY of ARTS. The POSTo7 CURATOR in the School of Modelling from the Life is NOW VACANT. Hours of attendance, 6 to 8 p.m. daily.

Salary 100 a year. Sculptors only are eligible. Also the POST of TEACHER in the Class of Modelling for Architects. Hours of attendance, 2 to 6 p.m. on Saturdays only.

Salary 50 a year. Both these posts may be held by the same person should any one duly qualified present himself. Applications, stating age, together with testimonials, to be addressed "To the Royal Academy of Art3, Burlington Uoii3e, Piccadilly, on or before December 10. FRED. A.

EATON, Sec. DOVER COLLEGE. President Earl GRANVILLE, E.G. NEXT TERM will COMMENCE on January 13. Board, 40 6s.

Tuition from 13 to 13 guineas. For particulars apply to the Rev. W. Bell, M.A the headmaster or W. Knocker, the honorary secretary.

ANDREW'S COLLEGE; Chardstoek, Dorset. Terras moderate and inclusive. NEXT TERM BEGINS JANUARY 27. 1832. Apply to School Secretary.

TUTORSHIP sought by an Oxford graduating iu the ensuing summer. Has hnd considerable experience. Excellent testimonials as to his careful and painn-taking teaching. Address A. at C.

H. May and general advertisina offices, 73, Gracechurch-street. No ngent3 MARRIED Pfl SIC I AN7Uvhi2 in London; t. can RECEIVE a LADY or GENTLEMAN requiring quiet, refined home highest references given and required. Address D.

lewis's library, 138, Gower-street, W.C. JIDINGLESSONS. jTR. F. ALLEN; of TO; Seyniour-placa; -LvA Bryanston-squire.

g3 to i.iform the Nobility and Gentry that he ATT EX 03 PRIVATE or LE3SOXS, iu tha school or on the roil, where, by his known system, he c.xa ensure a graceful and practical proficiency. Ponies or children. For terms apply at the office. 1 EDUCATION. Germany.

Bonn on tha 'J Rhine The Friiulein KUNDJ5 RECEIVES a Limited Number nf YOUNG LADIE-: home comforts, best masters; unexceptionable references. Fraulein Kunde will be in London from 7th December until the 12th to mike arrangements for tha coming term. Daily intsrviews from twelve to three at tha Grosvenor Hotel, Victoria Station, S.W. AS GOVERNESS "(French Protestant, DipK.mee;, in a Family or School; age 22; understand her duties thoroughly; very good testimonials. J.

10. Charlotte-street, Portland-place, W. GERMAN LADY (Proteatant) aire gjE Cer-tifieated GOVERNESS; English, German, French, drawing, music (two years' conservatorium) Address Herrn Oberlehrer Kable, St. Johannv, Saarbrucken. Germany.

COM PAN I ON to a LADYENGlVt iEMENT as above desired by a Lady of good birth and cuLivation. A good linguist and very good musician; a travelling engage ment (lesirar)ie. Auares.s a. ioj. Kelcrave-road, S.W.

IE RV ANTS WANTED, one hour from town; LADY'S MAID; most be a good dressmaker. FOOTM AN thorough indoor servant. COACHMAN and GROOM; ride and drive well. GOOD COOK: soups, entrees; assistance given. State full particulars, age, height, wages, by letter, Webster and 60, Piccadilly, W.

A SITUATION REQUIRED by a thoroughly c- resrectalde Person, aged 30, as L'seful LADY'S MAID, a good needlewoman and plain dre33maker could assist In housekeeping. K. Bolton's library. Knightsbridge. LADY'S MAID Swiss thoroughly experienced; accustomed to travel good linguist and packer dressmaking and millinery over three years' character.

T. Post-oflice, Knowl-hill. Twyford, Berks. MAID very good needlewoman and hairdresser, who would assist in homekeeping age not under 30. Apply, between 2.30 and A ft o'clock, or between 7.0 and 7.20 o'clock, at 20, Dean's-yard, Westminster Abbey.

NEEDLE TVORTv Done by the Day, Week, or Month, at Ladies' own Residences. Terms 2s. -3d. per day. L.

8, Endsleigh gardens, W. A LAD of Rank wishes to RECOMMEND a IX Thorough Good HOUSEKEEPER, who hs3 lived in her family for yeara. Apply s. II. Thompson, baker, Gloucester-road.

South Kensington. 7ANTEDby a Ladv, a SITUATION a HOUSEKEEPER. Thoroughly understands all household duties. Fond of children. Address Miss Hilder, Jireh Lodge, Robertsbridge.

Sussex. LADY RECOMMENDS her kitchenraaid aa CM- Thorough COOK parting with her on account of going abroad. Personal interview can be had. Address G. 11, Hyde-park -gardens, London, W.

WANTEDTby a Country Girl, a SlTUTflON as UNDER HOUSEMAID; age 13; no kitchen work; can be well recommended bv her present employers. Address A. 27. Soutbwick-street, Hyde-park, W. AlJNDRY.

To Heads of Families, Proprietors of Hotels, Schools and Institution. LAUNDRY WORK SOLICITED. AH articles thoroughly cleansed and got up in tha best style. The best appliances, economy, safety, and punctuality ensured. Mrs.

Walters, Blechynden House Laundry, Blechynden-stieet, Notting-hill. W. "IJETANTED, an UPPER LAUNDRYMAID, where two are kept, for a large family in the country wages 25 and all found. Apply to Mrs. Bulteel, Pamftete, Ivy-bridge, Devon.

W- ANTED, a Single-handed BUTLER town assistance given not under 30 two years' good references indispensable. Address Mr. da Stainsby's library. Sloane-street. VALET to a Nobleman or Gentleman, thoroughly experienced in hi3 duties, or GROOM of the CHAMBERS in a Large Establishment.

Single; age 40; height 5ft. 9in. Address Alpha, 1, New Burlington-street, London. COURIER and TRAVELLING SERVANT, and Good VALET. Swiss.

Age 35. Speaks four languages flueutly. Highest references and personal character. T. King-street.

Grosvenor squire. A GENTLEMAN can highly RECOMMEND his COURIER and TRAVELLING SERVANT, who has been in his service on the Continent for seven winters he is a thoroughly trustworthy and obliging servant; good linguist. S. J. Yolland's.

No. 10, Duke-street, Manchepjer-square. I'NDOOR SERVANT, single-handed and out of livery, REQUIRED one who has lived under a butler pre erred. Age from 2J to 20 Apply, in first instance, by letter to A. 8, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden.

LIVER COMPLAINTS, Biliousness, Indigestion, cured by Dr. KING'S DANDELION and QUININK LIVER PILLS (without mercury), which act effectively on tha liver, and, while mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by directly freeing the Uver from sluggishness, causing the 3tomach to properly perform its functions, thus quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppression at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensations of heaviness and irritating depression attending bilious attacks and liver derangement. Dr.

King's Dandelion and Quinine Pills have the great advantage over all other pilli that not a trace of mercury or calomel is used in their preparation, and so aro perfectly safe for any constitution. Sold in boxes by chemists vnd others everywhere. Be sure to hava Dr. Kiag'3 Pills. THE AMMONIA GAS PURIFYING and ALKALI -COMPANY (Limited) The LIST of APPLICATIONS for SHARKS will be CLOSED on MONDAY', the 12th December, for London, and on TUESDAY, the December, for the Country.

THE LONDON and PROVINCIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN (Limited). Offices 159, Leadeuhall-street, London, E.C. (corner of Bishop3-gate-street). Subscribed Capital 1,000,000. WKKCTOR3.

Chairman EDMUND CHARLES MORGAN, Esq. (late of Messrs. Ashbtimer and Calcutta, late Member of the Legislative Council of India and Director of the Bank of Bengal). Vice Chairman -M. H.

MOSES, Esq. of Messrs. Moses, Levy, and John Bell, Esq. (Messrs. F.

Green and Co L. L. DUlwyn, M.P. (Director of the Great Western Railway). Sir William H.

Drake, K.C.B. (Director of the Standard Bank of British South Africa) J. Dummett, Esq. (late of Messrs. Peek Brothers and Co.) Robert Ewiug, Esq.

(late of Messrs. Fiulay, Muir, aud Calcutta and Bombay). C. Eraser Mackintush, M.P. (Director of the Calodonian Banking Companj H.

.1. Gardiner, E-q. (Director of Bradbury, Greatores, and Limited). H. E.

Giliuan, Esq. (Messrs. Oilman Brothers and W. J. M.

Melliss, Esq. (Director of the Fore-street Warehouse Company, Limited). F. Newman, (Messrs. Armitage Brothers).

Sir James Sibbald David Scutt, liirt. Director of the National Provincial Bank of England, Limited). DA.NKKKS. Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie, and 07, Lombard-street, E.C.

SOLICITOUS. Messrs. Chappie. Welch, and Chappie, Carter-lane. GusEHAr.

Manager Henry Williams. This Company have removed from their Temporary Offices, "Crown-court. Old Broad-street, and are now prepared to entertain prnptis ds to Insure airaii st the every description of property in all parts of the world. Applications for Agencies in London, the Country, aud Abroad are Invited, and shall receive prompt attention. Prospectuses and proposal form3 may be obtained at the offices, and wiil lie sent by poH on request.

Insurances expiring at Christmas, and intending to be placed with this Company, should be handed in ou or before 24th December next. CLERGY MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Established A.i 1829. PATUON3. His the Archnishop of CANTERBURY.

His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. president. Ih-: Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of LONDON.

Chairman The Archdeacon of WESTMINSTER. DEl'CTY-Cu AIRMAN -ROBERT FEW, Esq. Physician Br. Stone, It, Dean's-yard, S.W. ACTUARY Stewart Utlder, Esq.

Financial Information, 1st June, 1831 Total Fundi Total Annual Incume 321,385 Total Amount of Claims upon Oeath 1 935,299 Press Manual, a list of all newspapers, free, 8d. No Agents employed and no Commission paid. BONUS. 437,347 was distributed among3t 7.882 policies at the Tenth Quinquennial Division of Profits. Of these, 1,070 are now, by means of bonus, not only altogether free from the payment of annual premiums, but have, in almost every case, additions made to the sums originally assured by them.

PREMIUMS. Assurances may be effected at very moderate rates of premium, Mie-fifth of whb may remain a charge upon the policy, to be repaid wholly or in part at each quinquennial division of profits. AN AGEMENT. The total expenses on all accounts were, in the pist financial year, 3 7s. 2d.

pr cent, of the total income. QUA LI EI CATION. Admission to the Society is open to all persons connected with the Clergy bv kindred or by marriage. MATTHEW HODGSON, Secretary. Copies of the 52d annual report, forms of proposals.

Ac, may be had on application to the Society's offices, No3. 1 aud 2, The Sanctuary, Weitminster. THE SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND, the oldest of the Scottish Life Offices, was established in 1815 for the Assurance of Lives on the MUTUAL System, whereby the whole Profits of the Business are secured for the exclusive benefit of the Policyholders. Accumulated Funds upwards of SEVEN AND A HALF MILLIONS. The SURPLUS available for Division as at 3ist December last was 1,347,000, which yielded a Reversionary Bonus Addition to sums assured and existing bonuses of 31s.

per cent, in respect of each annual premium paid during the past seven years. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Lists for the First Year of the New Septeunium CLOSE on the 3l3t instant. Persons desirous of Eecuring a full share of the profits of the current period should accordingly effect assurances without delay. LONDON OFFICE 28, CORNHILL, E.C.

West-end Agnncy 4, Fall-mall, S.W. ARCHIBALD DAY, Secretary in London. OYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, Royal Exchange, E.C, and 29, FaU-mall, S.W. incorporated uzu. FIRE, LIFE.

SEA, and ANNUITIES. Liberal Terms. Prompt Settlements. Largo Life Bonuses. Funds In hand exceed

ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY (Limited). No. 7, Bauk-buildinjts, Lothbury, E.C. General Accidents. Personal Injuries.

Railway Accidents. Death by Accidents. C. HARDING, Manager. "MPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.

Established 1803. 1, Old Broad-street, E.C., and 22, Pall-mall, S.W. Capital. 1.600,000. Paid up and Invested, 700,000.

E. COZENS SMITH. General Manager. UNIVERSITY LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 25, Pall-mall, London, S.W. Total Funds Invested 1,000,000 Policies in Force, with Additions 2,200.000 BONUS ADDITIONS for every 100 assured have for the la3t 65 years been at the average rate of 2 per annum.

For forms of proposal and information apply to the Secretary. iehaIiTlTfe assurance society, Jl St. Mildred's House, Poultry, London, E.C. F. ALLAN CURTIS, Actuary and Secretary.


AGLE INSURANCE COMPANY. For LIVES. Established 1807. 79, Pall-mall, London S.W. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1801.

THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the Court, acting in the prosecution of an Adjudication of Bankruptcy made on the 22d day of November, 1S65, against JAMES WOOD BAKER, formerly carrying on business and residing at Bury, in the county of Lancaster, afterwards at Sale, Lancaster, and Rhyl, in Flint, then residing at 6, Walton-place, Knightsbridge, and late of 5, Allan-terrace, Kensington, both in Middlesex, and while resident at the two last-named places carrying on business at D2, Pall-mall Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, Merchant, Cotton,'nPr nnd Manufacturer, did on the 20th day of February, 1866 GRANT the DISCHARGE of the said Bankrupt. l30Dl P. U. PEFYS, Registrar. LONDON CHARTERED BANK oi AUSTRALIA.

(Lneorporated by Royal Charter.) Paid up Capital, One Million. Offices, 88, Cannon-street. LETTERS of CREDIT and DRAFTS GRANTED on the Bank's branches In Victoria and New South Wales. BUli negotiated and purchased. Denoaits received for fixed periods on terms to be ascertained on application.

JOHN SUTHERLAND, Secretary. AGRA BANK (Limited). Established in 1833. Capital, 1,000,000. Reserve Fund, 150,000.

Head Office, Nicholas-lane, Lombard-street, London. Branches in Edinburgh, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Kurrachee, Agra, Lahore, Shanghai, Hong Kong. Current AccoSnts are kept at the Head Office on the terms customary with London bankers, and interest allowed when the credit balance does not fall below 100. sm3I Deposits received for fixed periods on terniB to be ascertained on application. Bills Issued at the current exchange ot the day on any of the Branches of the Bank free of extra charge and approved bills purchased or sent for collection.

Sales and Purchases effected in British and foreign seciirlties, in East India stock aud loans, and the safe custody of the same undertaken. Lnterest drawn, and army, navy, and civil pay and pensions Every other description of banking business and money acency, British and Indian, transacted. j. THOMSON. Chairman..

The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.