The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


BOWLING. RACING IN OTHER STATES. SPORTING NOTES ssfut. Thar was a larg attendance. Dt-Trial Hurdle, two miles.

Klne of Nlnht. 1 ENGLISH DZREY. Order of Favorltitm. LONDON, 12m iAlL At. the calliag of tho card wi the -lerb'.

to bo run at Epsom on Wedneaday. May, Ihe ol me lanctea canuiai are 0 to 1 Bala Hisar, 10 to 1 Abjer, lo to Daytona, I'M) 10 7 Pay Up, 100 to St. Mugnus, 100 to Boswell, 4( to 1 Wynd- THE NEXT TESTS. Cricket Writer Pessimism. LONDON.

18th April. The spectre of a possible Australian irtumph 1 tha forthcoming English cricket tour ia already haunting the cricket writers. Tiw 'Sunday Times" expert emphasises that the real business this Hummer wlU Iht buiidlns up of a side with some nope of sucte in Australia, He expresses the oriiuon that England chances will be poor indeea It a line can be taken through the form ot he South Africans, whom Austral! Mclttnif Bradman thrubed, although the Africans were at least England's equals last year. The selection of bowlers capable of dismissing the Australians lor moderate scores will 1m a problem. Two fairly fust bowlers might om chosen from A.

D. Baxter. Copson, W. ope. Pollard, Parks and Andrews, while Sims ana Hollies are likely to be considered as bowlers.

The writer adds that other pnisibiea*tdo Suicliffe, Wyatt. Hardstaff, Wallers, Barber. Mitchell, Allen. Robins, Wellard. James, Langrldgu and Verity.

WARRACKNABEAL ANZAC CARNIVAL. Spargo Defeats McCann in Gift. ARRACKNAF'EAL Warracknahenl dig gers Anuc carnival was held on Saturday, The Sheffield Gift was won easily by Spargo. The siawell Gift winner (R. C.

McCunn) ran ecood. Results: PEDESTRIAN EVENTS. Dads' Men In-road Snnnt. 73 Yards. Final R.

II. Spargo. 7'i W. 3. McLean.

10 V. S. Jeneii, 10 3. 7 2-10 th. WARRACKNABEAL GIFT, 110 YARDS.

First Heat R- C. McCann. 4 yd. 12 2-10th. Second Heal: C.

West, S'i yds. 12 S-lOth. Third Hr-al: R. II. Snartto.

II1. yds. 12. Fourth Heat: V. S.

Jerrett. 15 yds. 12 2-51 h. Fifth Heat; W. J.

McLean, 14s yds. 12 2-10tn. FINAL. R. H.

SPARGO 1 R. C. McCANN 2 W. J. McLEAN 3 Won by three yards.

Time. 11 9-10th. Palestine Hundii.uo. 440 Yards. Final R.

K. Davis, lfl J. R. Davis. 18 If.

Walker. 27 3. 4S 3-1'Jlh. GsllilMili Handicap. 22J Yards.

Final: R-McCann. 1: E. tllejion. lit vriv. R.

H. Spargo, (fl 3. 2') Pozlures Handicap. KS0 Yards. i.

F. Graham. 38 1: M. F. Breen, 32 C.

P. lclaay, 42 3. 1.53 1-Mli. CYCLING EVENTS. Wimmera Flutter Half Kile- Final: L.

Hoffman t. 5D 1' F. Slmoson, 65 F. Bl.tilit. 33 3.

1.9 3-5th. A.E F. Vitiraiu' Whetl Raca. E. R.

White. 10 w. imt-ger, iu i It. Weston, 3. 45.

Park Dash. OiiHrler Mil Finn I Ti 11 drlde. 15 A. Ho Ids worth, 25 2 W. Clyne.

25 3. 33. Thiee-Mllw Scratch Race. F. Bilijlit, Simpson.

2: P. Gould. 3. 28. Aiisirsi wneei itnce.

one Final: it, Budde, 15 L. HofTmaun, 105 A. Coutis. 75 3. 2.30.

Exhibition Cycle Quarter-Mile Time Trial. iiinirien. 41 i-iuin; otuari. Ji v-iutn: upper- man. 32 5 -10th.

Three-Corner Pursuit Race, Two Miles. Opperman, Stuart, Milllken, 3. Continental Style Race, Two Miles and nair. fljiiimen, 1 upperman, 2 ntunrt, Points: Stuart, 19; Mill Ike 10; Opperman. Record Attemnt Over Ono Mile.

r.rnss racK. on inpier wacnine, rtinacn by opper man. Milllken and Stuart. Time. 2.2f) Tandem Paced Record, by Opperman, One District Hand) em Trr-t.

One Mtt nnrl Quarter. R. Fisher's Teddv Cu linden. 4R vds. R.

Pressey's Phyllis, L. Ar- Sni onapsnoi. iz yos. 0.1a., 4. fjcinn r.veuis.

-narcn ana insoeciion: war- racknabual Juniors. Ambulance Work: War- racKnaoeiu juniors. loneenng: uimuooia. Signalling: Dimboola. Fire Fighting: Woom lanp.

Tent Pitching und Camp Layout: War-iscknabeul. Juniori" Aggregate: Lascelles. Fish Creek. FOSTER. The Fish Creek St.

sports were held on and wero ad versely affected by the bad weather. The events resulted: 75 Yards Sprint: D. Loader, 12 J. McDonald. 13 2.

Time, 7 sec. Sheffield Handicap. 130 yards: D. Loader. 17 J.

McDonald, 17 'i 2. Underhand Chop, 40-inch logs: W. Mutton, 15 sec. 1: W. Patterson, 16 G.

Norton, 16 3. Time. 41 l-5th sec. Standing Block Chop, 36-inch logs: P. Whlel-don.

1ft 1: W. Patterson, 15 nee, 2, Time, 37 sec. Four Mile Bicycle Race: Close. 1: A. Ilren.

a. School ChamDiontthlns. Boys: Max Taylor, 1: R. Fisher, 2. Girls: samy oiunueia, utonor, Merriang.

MYRTLEFORD. The Merrtang sports held on satun'ay In aid of the school resulted: Wood Chops. Novice Underhand: B. Jones J. Bennett I 2.

Time, 43 sec. Open Handicap Wood Chop. 36-inch Log: N. and ti. cicAunne ec.

equal, c. Tim. 41 sec. Shnfllelri H.Tndleno. 120 Ynrda: G.

Campbell (10 L. Ablett (9 and A. Perkins erjuni. a. Time, 12 3-6th see Novelty Car Race: R.

Williams, 1- Mtimmerv. 2. Girls' Race: D. Mum mery and M. Lilli.

Single Ladles' Race: Miss D. GlazcbrooK. Mitta. TALLANGATTA. Mltta sports were held1 on Saturday.

Results: Hunters. W. Pow's Yerong. Pony Jumpers. W.

Tow's Dark Ac tion. Bend Ine Rare. G. Ncllson'a Fast Asleep. Wood Chop.

Underhand. Open (35 in. Logs) L. Done lu 11. Novelty Wood Chop.

R. i.afonlaine. Oiwn Cycle Race, one mil-. W. Donclan.

Boys. Undf 16. one mile .1. con way. kmj yards.

G. weHsnn. Wheelbarrow Rjtce. Jean O'Connell-J. Ronan.

Tvre Race. Miss C. Hnrlgkins. Flag Race. i'uncan.

snys, luo larus io itign Konan. tyong jump, n. Ror-'n. Cvcte Half Mile, K. fUrdwefl.

G.rls. 75 Yards (12 to 14). O'Connell. Siamese. A.

Mitclieil-F. Burgess. Nathalia. NATHALIA. Nathalia sports were held on Saturday.

Results: District Schoolboys' Race. 1. Broad. K. Davey, 2.

Girls' Race. Tinkler, A. Vorbach, 2. Boys Race (11 Years 1 D. Llmbrlck.

1 E. Trlckav. 2. Mile Cycle Race. D.

Crowley, E. Baker. Crowlev. 2. Novice Underhand Wnori ntinn C.

Rosenow. A. Galloway. 2. 75 Yards 1 Sprint.

--M. Cahill. A. McC'anon, 2. Eas ier nin.

xi. ianui, j. jtusscii, a. (ipen f-iiiituu t.iii).-rt. incKey, 1.

nosenuw, 220 Yards Handlcan. J. RushpII. 1 Refd. 2.

High Jump. A. McCarron, 1: R. Edmunds, 2. Thoona.

BENALLA. Thoona sports resulted: Shef field Handicap: J. Svkes, V. Hlskcns, 2: u. Kyan, ii.

73 arus sprint: V. Hickens. J. Sykes, 2: L. Duncan, 3.

220 Yards Handicap; V. Hlskens, J. Bykos, H. N'Unn. 3.

Local 101 Yards llnn.llr-tn I Groflvennr, Whitechurch, II. Bain, jroi: j. uorrey uscur, Willis's Kate, 2. One Mile Gig Trot: F. Nichols, J.

Conway, 2. Open Hunters: a. Sadler's All Blue. 1 P. Hawley's Sunrise.

2. Ponv Hunters: P. HjiwIav-h i-'niiBr i- A- Sauler's NImburs, 2. Underhand Lotj J. Summers.

3. Blcycl Race: P. Cusack! 1: M. Ashmead. 2.

District School Flag ---v la.r, tiiuuni rim to, BRITISH FOOTBALL. Leeds Wins Rugby League Cup. LONDON, 18th April. There were 60,000 spectators at the Kiiaby League Cup final, which was played at Wembley to-day. At half-time Leeds led 10-2.

and lo the second term added eight points, whilst Warrington failed to score. The final scores were: Leeds, 18 points; Warrington. The victorious team included Eric Harris. the Australian player, who has bean the tou scorer of tho season, and four of the team wnicn is about to visit Australia. Thev win join tha Cathay at Marseilles.

LEAGUE. First DlvlAlnn iritnal 1 i.U. inn. 11 Birmingham 1 v. Middlesex Blackburn 3 vr 4 v.

Derby 1, Leeds 3 v. Evcrton 1, Liver- pvuj v. isremiorq u. Manchester 2 V. WOl- deiland 4 v.

HuddersOei'd 'i. 3. West farora-wich 2 v. Bolton W. 2.

Burnley 4. Doncaster 0 v. Fulham 0, Leicester 2 v. Barnsicy 0, Norwich C. 1 v.

Tottenham 0. Nottingham 1 v. Manchester U. 1, Snet- Newcastle U. 3.

Swanse HiSf C. 1. West Ham 1 vi Charlton A. 3. 1 BectIon: Aldershot nViCrdJ 1, Br-lBhton and H.A.

4 UliStOl R. 1. BrlBtO '1 Mnptknnnln. 01 Coventry 2 v. Bournemouth 6, Exeter C.

0 vuuiiij. wniwaii v. crystal P. U. Newport C.

0 v. Luton T. 2, Queena F.H. ivivJilS Tof.qu Hnilex 0 v- Reading rmJii v'-hout2er Northern Section; Carlisle 3 v. New Brighton 0, Darlington 1 v.

Halifax 2 v. Chester 3, Hartlepool 2 V. Chesterfield 1, Mansfield 2 v. sSport Oldham 4 v. Southport 0.

RotherhanTa v. Crewe A. 1, Tranmere R. 3 v. York.

C. 1, igton 0. xmm SCOTTISH LEAGUE. 3 v. Particle T.

it. Celtic tj v. Ayr u. Dundee 3 v. Arbroain v.

Hibernian Queen ot v. Qucro'a-P. 0. St. Johnstone 2 v.

Second Division. at Edinburgh C. 1 v. Stcnhousemulr Xl Dumbarton 1. Lclth 5 Bait billing 2, Monton 11 v.

Raith Rovers 3. RUGBY UNION, quins 10. Leicester 15 v. Blatkhedth 'o. P.y- liuuiin AiiJioo v.

Devonport Sen'ices II. Per, ypool J5 v. Bristol Coveinry 42 Ualiiax 0. Cns8 Keys 8 v. Swansea Llanelly 3 v.

Newport 0. Neath 15 v. Cardiff 6, Torquay A. 21 v. Bath 0.

Amateur Cup Final. Casuals 1 v. Ilford 1. WELTER-WEIGHT BOXING. Offer to McLarnin.

NEW YORK. 18th April. Mr. C. Lucas, the Australian boxing promoter, announced to-day that he had offered 20,000 dol.

to Jimmy McLarnin (Vancouver), the former welter-weight, chnmplon, to mci OLYMPIC GAMES. How Accommodation is Arranged. LONDON, 18th April. Illustrating the sweeping character of tha organisation of tho Olympiad games, applicants for accommodation at tho leading Berlin hotela have already been informed that the whole of their rooms have been bookrd by the quartering department of the Olympiu committee, which decides where the vtsitoia may live. They may express wishes to lha quartering department, but the hotels are able to accent bookings only with the committee's, permission.


TatUr.sali'.s Club held a meeting ut Victoria Park to-tlay, in line but cold weather. There was a Inriie attendance. Detail: Feral rum llurdte Race, luo mi! Si Kox (St. Hpimi Ti-rbooKa. 9.3 Johi- i iunifiin, v.i u.

uauini, i Uoltuii. 5.. mi (K. vili.ou. 3.

Matt Prince 10.1. and Count Bur. i li, also staitrd. Bet' 11 tu 8 on Malt Prince. 4 to 1 aizaiua Kuiiiclton, 5 Bnlu.ii.

St. Fox. lHvldcnd. for won iiy a ntcn, tix icngttic nriuuii llllllj. Ann fin to if founti and Count Dltr last.

Time. 3 uiln. 3tf eec. tifiAie record). Hlsh Wflfht Handicap, six furlongs and a Division.

-Ut. Pritt tytardrlit Opcra. 8.8 tH. Kite). 2: Tnnlo Chief.

4 H.ll (K. Aubert), a Wontunta. Fori tii. a.iu; uaiaiy, V.T, fa*ge Boy, M.3; Fnoce 8.U; FlaywrlKlit. a.

Celtic King, 8.7; hund. o-t; ridviiie. b.i. ana fiioimn. a.T.

aiiu rtartcd. Urtllng: 7 to 2 oKiilnpt Port Ned. 4 13 to 2 Flaywrtcht. 10 to 1 Sweet Opera, ti Li 18', 1.4 14, 0. Von by a ificad! thrM-qurters of lencth between second and third.

Uontnnia waj feurtli and Prince Fei- i in uft iafi. Time, i mm. K'J bcc. 1'agc uoy. tvunuu aim utJinin ien.

Viceroy Hnndlcap, six furlona and a hair. Plrftt Ulvlslon.tioldtreta (Virgin V.3 C. 4Joji), roluairlh', 7. a K. Bromley).

i Urlo. 7.2 iU UrivHI). 3. Va-rlnnth,; Ainalablne, 8 3: Bh-ikkar. 7.10 Frlncc .7.1:" Mert'ra, 7.6, and Zasii I'ltla, 7.0.

niho eiuriea. jienint: a 10 i ngainut 3 lo 1 Amnlablne. 11 to 2 Perlaoth. YA to 2 Brio, 8 to 1 Holdlrens. Dividends; Win, ill ttj place.

2 12, i4 S. Woti bv two lengths, three leneths beiwoer second and third. Brave Lid van fourth, mid uuicn uoy laat. lime, mm. iivt fiec.

Second Division. Incline (Beau Fits Max-wellloni. 7.9 IF. Brodle), 1 Young tjiar. 7.11 U.

Iliujonl. 2: K'Iiil' (II 7 1 IK Hmmlcvl 3. Kinjtiwood, 8.8: Man o' Song, 7.13; Koyai Korlern, 7.2; Davcntry. 7.6, and Mualca Ro-niuiicv, 7.0, aldo started. Betting: 3 to 1 oucli against Jujtlne and Elgnt Litres, ti Lo 1 each Miin o' Kohl-.

Yniint- Rtnr And Klne (Ha. DlvldcndH: Win. 2 12: place, i ii. JtJ, i. won by a length, two kngih betweeu uncond and third.

Kingawood was fourtu and Davcntry last. Time, 1 nun. 22 Vj sc. Hliih Weight Handlrap. Rrcond Division: Koyjii Oocra Una an Ki.rna nntni iv 18 (W.

Taitl. Rob. 8.11 (C Mninvtch), Mirth nil Thought. a.T j. pobhard.

0.11: Muninurnltt. 9.9; tiniden o.s: Acceptance. 8.13: Dcna-mnrra. 8.10; Znhtan. 8.10: Lome.

8.9: Fire 1-rliico. 8.Y: Ormali- Star, 8.7; Royal Society, 8.7. and Zatier. R.7. nlHn nt.irt.i neitinv 3 to 1 each againfit Royal Opera and Boh- wuiv, i uimiri Mini, jij cacti- Oliver Hobo, nblan and Mirthful Thought.

Dividends: Win, 4 12; place. 2 3 21, Wftn bY two lengths, two lngfha and a half between second and third. Royal Society wan fourth and Ormaby Star last. Tlm, 1 rain. 2 Hi sec.

TATTERSALL'S CUP. One mUa nnd threa furlonpe. BAJAROO Et. SpMa Mlat Kerlie), K. Aubart) 1 SARAH GAMP, 7.7 (K.

Bromley) 2 SUPERVALVE, 4y 7.12 (J. Sharp) 3 Tresiinton, 7.11; Uoldnome 7.8:' Alfangs', essa. 7.0: Lord' KlldnrA. 7.n-' J.b in und Silver Chain. 7.0.

also started. betting: ft to 2 against Allnuia. 4 to 1 Sarah Oamn 7 Vulfnu-ipra ann v-. iA racrt Mellion and Uoidatuna. 12 cacn Supcrv'alvei and BAJARDO.

Dividends: Win, 13; place, 4 10, 2 Won bv three-eiuartein of a length. bari between second and thtrd. Trenuntoii wa fourth and Scotch Valor last. Time, 2 mio. Chairrnan's H'indlcan.

fIt furlongn and a (Stardrfft Brcwltc). 7.ft (C. Cox), Siuitheru star, 7.0 (il. Car-Hng) Anton Hill. 8.2 (M.

Merrct). J. Isoicolcs. n.O: fleam'sh Boy, 8.12: Ship-innte. 8.10; Count Amalli, 8.6; Prompt De- naU'h 8.0: Ynrrn.

7.13; Wo.ta. 7.6; Blurk Bpark. 7.3; Lndy Orrnabyr 7.3: Presant Hija Cavcll. 7.2; c'alvados. 7.1; NanhoJme -i: MyltiK Jratfr, 70: tris Anton.

7.0, and mVb' la 3trted. Be.linK 'Even M.nv llo' 7,. 10 2 aPall Kins nn1 I V.1A 12 Triiett, 25 Stir. Dividends: Win. if and for X.M 7,3, 334 I hy a icncth and a th'rd.

Shipmate was Siift Vp la8t 1 it.nin Luler -Rose la u), 8.2 c. Mules a. m- 8 nHSllnn. 3. prince Taver.ic, 7.12; Duello 7 0-Brnadacir.

7.7: 77 RS 77: 7-7. and Sir Lectern. 7.7 iSfSi-Jii id lac. lonR an fourth and Eiorm Ia3t. WayvHIe Trotting Meeting.

trotting mwtimt O.Miwa n.indlcap. Elllmm Cl.lrr.c. Jell nn.l on nown over him. Later c. nic to crlef anil otliere hatf to he pulled i nn I worth Ihe rtr.n5h,.oUt tolaliiitoT.

Dliill, 1 Xff. -finish r. 2. l- rd Batw: Pay. Jtalnit' Copper.

Son- Ronclt Pnsaee. 2f) Rmoifv four yards. Time. 3.6 4-flth. -1 l-Kirrt nivi.iAn.

irloni. 2.30 to kittle noid. scr. (F K.mrrf oihers. Bettlnc: 7 to a list nvpp bju.

6 to 1 earh Mae Mi 10 each Mollv Lua Pirect 't''YaI aiuie. won by i fine, x.nn ti J.vriln MnndlciiK C.racr frr. J.i m'estin Ro v.i in IM. Allnn) Lord spot. 10 yds.

bhd. l.cwlsi. 3. Ten Belting: 2 lo 1 "iTflr.rt Box Vn p. 3 i A spot.

7 rac-h Mi. lor Wilkes. Oianrre Boy. Semper and FarnM. 10 Toreenn.

Won ti Derby fell. Tim. Twelve 2.27.- illi: Il.ltl- I nivln rmivAmlo MI. HrilrhriilKf 1 Wen m-f. (It! inm fNcni.

Hov WoilKn. rr. (G. Jamlesonl. 3.

cvfiiiecj i-thers. Belttnc: 7 lo 4 annlnitt M11 lor Sp'cd. 2 lo I Lady Brlcht. fl Flylnc ench'Boy Wonya ami Wr-n Tennessoo. Wl ,1 1 mc, z-in.

Ivru Hanrtlefin. Tw-elvo fitrlAtifit -11 flppopd nivfloii: Dudley Lulu (Lulu Boy uunyi, in yds. bhd. (J. O'Brien), Colonel Rlhhnmvnnd.

nrr. J. Mrl.nnn Mlnin i-nne, scr. v. hiimor), Ten others.

Bet 3 to 1 anainst Colonel Rhlonwoori. i cneti Dudley lulu and Ladv Rtre'ta. M-a rriur. nnr mnjor. ncn aiiant i-inrr.

u'irtrosman. aav-xno ann navaieao, Won bv three vanls. Time, nn.l Karte Kardlean. Twelv furlongs. 2.31 to trennn uivi'ion: illinipnt I.U tHpna Lulu Piccaninny Junior mare), scr.

C. Allen). 1: Atlv Direct, rcr. W. Newbound).

Ltllll Glide, scr. IT. Rerl tmmfiifr n. Four. tern others.

Bcltinp: to 1 agelnat Game. Chimes, 4 each Sallv Dlrort and Gal cater. 7 Puko Slam. 12 each Mldnlitht I.u and Lulu Glldp. Won hv yard.

Tim1. 3.36. j'fiimcr llnndirnp. For trotlers. JSihtccn 'iriNHKi, it rami oii'nies uiiaiiti Vnvngp-- Ada Chimes), scr.

(S. Lane). imiiy fMiciiiinm. von, nnu. 11.

jenKiiioni Lord FlortHn. 30 yd. bhd. (C. Bertles 3.

Eleven others. fi to 4 on Grand rhime. to 2 First Elcc'. to 1 Weir 16 eeh Lorn FlorlMus ami lh Annnium. won t.v it-n vanis.

Time. n.vh. mii ''nnieen inrioncs. Prlnrr Floritfiia (Florltlus Wild wood Junior marr per. kj.

u'Brien), faraaon, srr, (W. Mnvi. 2: Pvramtd. scr. R.

Glatznw). 3, Nine 6thers. Bettlnc: 10 to 9 on Gold JfltkM. to 1 each Prince Floritlu mm Gnmen nut, 10 eir.n ninna's rnoicc and I'yrnmid. in won ny two varus, '(old Jacket pulled up.

Time. 3.41 2-51 h. Penola Club. MOUNT GAMB1ER. Penula Racing Club's Autumn meeting on Saturday was very rac- iw Hie racecourse, were submitted to the, Maura Milre council at lw last mpetlng.

Is hoped that the work will be put! in Hand at an early dale. Sydney flaring; Fixtures. Owing to next Saturday nelns Anzac day there will be no raclnij In A meptlntr will bo hld bv the A.J.C. at! Warwick Farm on Thursday next, Warrnamboo! Mcctliiir. For its winter meeting, lo be held on Tuesday nnd Thursdny.

5th and 7th May, the Warrnambool Racing Club has framed a prcgromme covering 2330 In slake money. Principal events are the Grand Annual Steeplechase and Warr nambool Cup, each of which a strike of 4MC0. Nomination and accept ance fees for these races arc extremely low, nomination bolng 1 and accept-nncc only 2. The club refunds haU 1 all frcUiht up to 190 miles for horses Atarling ol the meetlnK. winners ex Fixtures of the Week.

unDAY, 20th APRII RACINO: Ascot iroiimi niseling; accspujiccs. 2 p.m.. with Vir 1 Keilly I'T fctfbom meelinu (Wednesday. 22nd April ind with Mr. O.

LocklnRion lor pakeu-S-m (ThuriUay. 23rd April), and (Friday, a-ttti April) meetings and Thursday. syili and 3oiti Aunl j. Avenel tTuesday. Airil and Warrnambool i Tuesday, iv.rtne&div nun Ttiursnay, oin, 6th and tin lUvi mecIHiKb; entrlt V.K.C Doumbcn Ncwma rkel itnnill'ittf (Itilh May) and Doom-K tip 3rd May).

SPEED CO rarni at White City Mnripyraoini. BILLIARDS; opening of Nnrih Suburban Association matches. Melbourne dubs' tournament. Tatteraall's inFRDAV. 2tst APRIL RACING: En trie far Ascot nwrtui tsiuinwy, ana May) tirtt forfeits tor S.A.J.C.

Godwood IlBn 11:. Can and King Cup: en fnr rumor cvruts S.A.J.C. meeting and lfith Mayi. RACING IN enQLANO: Great Metropolitan Stakes fi Vniwm. eOXINGN: Amateur box ins Sling ut

ATHLETICS 'tAuJrtlian ctii.mpjl(iiiiniii a-arinyrnong omri APRII RACING En niii compensation meeting. Hamilton mrrW. KtHKiury (N.S.W.), Albury (first dii BllnittW fit. Patrick's meeting, Tsmworth' Ipswich (O.) and Tailero Hend mecllnKS, RACING in ENGL AN City and Suburban Han-AitiP at Ep-om. SPEED COURSING: unround raring nt White city and touron ment.

THURSDAY. APR1 L. RACI NG Pnken. Svl MuKa.r.SAV.) 'and i.u-.,rih iN.S.W.) meetinga. cmnAY.

94f It APRII RACING: Kvntton (N.H.W) ns bHttD hvrnonc. Contests at Fittroy vadium, amateur boxing ana wresuuis ai SATURDAY, 85th. APRIL Anrac day. Grancir's Win at Camperdown. suited by the holding track, Grancar, one of Ihc outsiders in a field of eight, decisively won tho McArthur" Handicap, nnc mi o.

the main cveni at me au- meeting of the Camperdown Turf Clul), on Saturday. Uruba, the winner of tlic Hampden Cup at Terang In Fchniarv. at her last start, was a "hot lavonte. but there was good support lor. Sadie data, Three Pins and David Joy, It -Ai expected that Uruba would at-wnpt an all-the-way victory, but Sadie Olass.

Invariably a slow DEginner, sur. nrised bv Jumping away smartly and set. tin? the early pace from Grancar, with Uraba several lengths away third. Sadie Olass and Grancar led into tho straight radically' on terms, but Grancar iro.ri to the front hall a furlong from home, and won easily from Uruba, who narrowly defeated Sadie Glass ror the minw nlnclne. Gay Libertine was' fourth and Three Pips Inst.

The latter seems to have lost all ionn. orancar is wie mnnpr nf eighteen races at, Wimmera and Western district meetings in the past three years. lie is a seven-year-oia jjeiu-i hir the Grand Parade horse Grand Jov. from Miss Carwelkln. and Is trained at Wurrnambool by B.

(jumert ior ivir. Bicncowe. An Eay Win. Wlndarra scored a runaway win Snl the Hurdle Race at Camperdown on Saturday. He was always at a snort price In the betting, but Troutson, All Say and Councillor were solidly backed aalnst the favorite.

Councillor was the leader past the stand the first time from Stanwo, Windarra and Troutson, Six (urlonps from hom*o Wlndarra assumed control, and then went right away from me Held win easily from Councillor and All Say. The winner, who gave a iod dlsnlov of lumping combined with iwce. is owned and trained by P. Laherty, of Getlontt. Epsom Ciiir.pcnKntinn Meeting.

Handicaps for the compensation meet ing to be held at Epsom on Wednesday were declared on Saturday evening by Mr: J. H. D.ivis. and appear In another column. Acceptances are to be declared by Hie u1r.

J. C. Heilly, 421 Boiirfce-ai'eet, at 2 p.m. to-day. fnittiiiK The ijrctrjnime and order of-running for the trcttlntr meeting to bo held at Ascct raccc*mse to-day appear in this Jamales I.rtins, At Cuuiticlfi on fjnuvday morning Lady RclHTtu ij.

licntlcy) gave a good exhl- fcik'ii ol jump.n;; in a lesson over six urdlcs. tR. Jennings), and fre Wiiccl iK IJuUtnrs) were schooled ott. pcrioi-mma saiisiac-ur: Won at Sri-mid start. Alter havir-3 been heavily backed and btuien Trial Handicap earlier in Elvcclor won the Welter Haii- tiiesp nt Cainpii-down on Saturday.

Tne cwiK-ii Yancey Cravat was a sfiort-iii-iccd favoviic, but lie ran badly! to be beaten out of a place in a field; of luiir. Eivacicr led all the way and1 con ciinifc.ttabiy from the well-supported Devone-ruck. with the former Sydney performer, Iceninark, third. Elvador cmplctct'. a -a inning double for the Gee- iorr; trainer.

1-'. Laherty, who was suc- ecssfui in the Hurdle Bace with Win- riarra. Llvnttor liad been unequal to a piacc wntn lavente ino Trial Handi cap, of fiv; lurioncs. but. the seven fur.

leiiis ol tlic Welter Handicap and the holier Fcale of weights suited him better. The Trial ilnndlcr.p was annexed by the flew Zealand-bred Cape nose, a iteldin- by Cape Horn Rose Martian, who is-now owned and trained J. MaUinev. of Warrnainbool. Texas Jack, a fntir-year son of the Caulfleld uip winner Textile, provided the sur prise ol the mc'timr by leading hom*o a field of June In the Noone Handicap.

The winiler is at. hv tounlry AceeplanrcH. Acceptances will bo declared at 2 D.m to-day for meetings to be held at Paken- ham on Thursday, and at Kyneton on Friday. for trainers and Jockeys or Paltcnhain are now available from Mr. 0.

Locltincton. All tickets for. win bo Issued at the gates. Ihclnr in Itrisbanr. Newmarket Handicap and Doom- ben Cup meetings of tho Brisbane Ama.

ttur Turf Club ore to be held at the Doombcn on lSlh and aarrt Sly. Tne programmes should appeal to fillers nnd trainers, the prize money Win? fnr llm t.A Vwniaritet Handlenp. a straWit carries .1000 added monev. and the Doomk-en Cup. one mile and a fluarter, 1000 Entries for tho New- marxet and Donmben TCup' close at 4 P-m.

to-day. Melbourne nominations be lodged at the ofllcb of tho Vic- nacuii Club, V.A.T.C. Scttllinr. fettling over the V.A.T.C. mMlIn will 'it place at the Victorian Club at 11.3ll and Tattersall's Club! hu nour earlier.

fanillinu itarrs. Tile secretary nf thlV TTnmlllnn XtaMnn Club. Mr. R. p.

rcport.vthe track I oc In excellent condition artcr the ic-Sf Its meeting on Wednesday ma Ihureday. Acceptances for the first wl" 1,0 declared at 4 p.m. mS "nd may bo made in rne mi thn hour with Mr. JSJ. Locktagton.

record entry was Entries tor Asrnl. entries for thn i. ntjjit qii Saturday, 3nd May, at tn-Mnrrmr. Th nr.l Pratnino Jf cnnmrlses: ijidtinn SLr lm Mallacoota 3 holI: Ooltban. Trial Han-ftt.

CM), six urlnnos: tmn.ri.1 iisnn aim and at Muarier 300 weucr "and'cap, "'Tfidtl Races Affnln The irpvnixM unM v-il Jt tho course attcr the soaking it gol p. 1 of rain fell Just before --ni. ram again set in early on Tlday1 flnuo 1. ia wnirs mlJifnrte. After nearly a "i nne weather, which had dried iiuuj WHIPPET RACING.

V.W.R.C. EVENTS. Silver Ring Wins Well. cave a brilliant dis Rice nt f'kmiiiriuii-brldgft on Saturday v.erl nl nlBIK tH WL'I II I St given oy Otau. Speedy Maid and Tasma, HCKiiua.

t-HPP Hfr.iie winners: sil ver Ring. fH Plniu F-'te. 3U Cloud tomeuy, b' vrb. ttiacit uru, o-, tfarn -vorus. a( Piaster junvw, Kmal! Sliver R.nit.

1: Hard Words. 2. Wnr by a lentui; half I en 6 Hi between second snd third. rime, a etc. Fncourtice Ht winners: Itormat 1- yon.

Spnngheel, Mirander, yds. Auibta. a Lady Primrose, it yds Our Alex. 9' Lady 10 yds. Utago, 11 ds.

final: Otsgi. tjiflv Ituxivti 1- Ijirlv Primroff. 3. Won I i nedu. necK oeitccn cccuua ana iuiiu.

Time. 7 8-lutrt eec. Brldrs Handicn First Division. Heat Winners: isancy ITldu, 0 itedcourt 10', Betty's Pet, 12 Hpeed. In1.) ydt.

Speedy Maid, Blue titreak, Silver Boy, 7 Don's Pal. 2, yds. Final: Don rai. had between eecond and third. Time, 7 3-Dtn sec.

Heat Winners: All Class, i vds. Bluev. 11 '1 yds. Second Cilio. 8 i 'nme yo3.

Tornette, 12 'i The Victory. 7 Raima. 8'4 10'. vds. Klnn.1 Tatms.

Tornette. 3. Won by half a length neck be- iwucu fecona and third. liiue, sec. White City.

Nancy's Pride won the main event nt White City on Sutttrday night after dead heat wnn l.i iroue. Stake. Mrs. J. Jacobs Gold (Jason Gxd News), 4 Comet Spot.

3'a Tornado, 2 3. B.own DecK'laren. 3'. Newhaven', 3 Expert, 2V, also started. Betting: io -t iissi'ir a Gjld.

4 tu 1 luinitnti. nun oy a opck; neaa oe- lccu bcoii'j onn inno. lime, u-iom sec, y.w.rt.u. stake Phillips's Nancy's Pride tG'ithlc Nancy). Si, ydi wiiiipms's La Trobe (Rare Chanre silver Thought), aw dead he-it.

Amata, 4 3. Keep Out. 4 1 vds Tni ilt Bonnie Chance. ST. vds.

jingle Ticket. 3 and Whlto Heather, ngalnat Nancy's Pride, 3 to 1 La Trobe to 1 Anvita. Time. sec. R'in-i Nnncy'a Pride.

La Trobe. 2. BetKntr in'1 winner, Wou by a head. Time. 7 4 -5th sec Hurdle Race.

Mrs. 7 bart. 7') 2: Ray's Gift. 8 vds .1 Kiiniras. irt'i Blonde Lady 10 fl nnd Pinto Pete, "iu 7 lo on Trafafg.

1 against Hnhtir. a r.v'i betwecn and 'third. Time, wIflhUwin'A SM.he.--Wee Pet I- rl' vcr Comedy. 3 i vils. yi't'A mivor Wln.n.

21 In. k' i.n, n. iron Dv THE GUN. Nobel Clay Bird Club. The president of the Nobel Clay Bird Club (Mr.

J. M. Wilson) entertained a i.Pr-. ber of visitors and shooters at West Fobtscray on Saturday, and also provided trophies The shooting was not of high standard, nnd the-c were no big sequences. Young W.

Tllhum who the previous week won the rhampionsh'p at Bentlelgh, continued in One form, and won tho second event outright, making a breit of 13 which Included only two recond bar- cAurneni nspiays, marked by consist euey, wore gleen by two newcomers. R. voosier and C. H. Cartor.

In the opening uvu mras mere were 23 competitors, but only two. W. R. "Ithougli the rtS i "on on the first iidditional shot. R.

Welter. H. Wheeler. Appleby, c. Cor Jock, Wight mnn.

c. Mitchell nnd inerc was (he same number of entries for 2, which was shot at ten VV, 1C" away considerably. i 'iKKTgi'e was only 157 ont of 204. and in ihn decider Tilburn won on tho lat? 1 was with 910 Townsend, who wern foliowcn wtth 810 by w' nnd B. cook.

No. 3 was nls.o at ten blrdtt, with 2(1 eniries psii ini-n oh tallied by D. W. Moore, nnd the cluh's 1. ry 'ftr.

As tho Cornier was shooting for birds only, Byers took first trophy. For second and third. 1hre was a lie with 910. by J. Chi.ilcr.

who missed hfs, 1 Townfnd nd R. Webstor iinhicr oetcarea wen-Mer on the thirteenllt round. No. 4, nt ten birds, saw another tie, with possibles hy C. H.

Carter and L. Tubb. ind Carter was vie- 'pnoun on tne J2th. Thlid place went toi iht- anal was at Tlbb 56 Caitcr 87, "and L. Melbourne Gun Club.

There was a very meagre attendance at the Melbourne uun Club's bxture at Tottenham, A mixed hill at starlings and pigeons was Dm- iaea, ana ai neither class of birds was there a noteworthy setiucnce. The which were firet 1 rapped, proved out of the ordi nary, and took full advantage o( ihe variable breeze. No. was at fix birds, and "Tongala" won. wilh 56, from S.

L. Snipe 40. In No. 2 tho only "possihlrv was that or a. L.

Snipe, who toolt fi rut money. There waa atle for second, with 58 ench by uuij'iiMii'y una j. t.ooper. in Ihe shoot-off Cooper alone grassed the first pair, to win with 78. N.i.

3 was a ten-bird starling pool, with two "stars" at any stage "Tonsala" wen outright, with a score of 12. lo which he utilised one "star." Second moiuy was shared with 10U bv It. M. Umphelby, J. M.

Allan and S. L. Snipe, each of whom called on both A four-birder at Pigeons was divided, with full scores by C. K. Nodnim, "Fred." Wait more Stephens and J.

1'iiced full scores by "Tonnala." S. L. and J. M. Allan.

"Tongala" missed tho first onumnai una, nna ine otner two then (UVIUVU. LOCKHART. First Sweep: II. W. Hod son.

Second siweep, Club Trophy: W. Hodgson. Third "Muge'': W. Quirk. Fourth: 11.

W. Hodgson. Fifth: P. Sullivan, w. Bertoll nna a.

w. doci. aiinn: r. bumvan and a. W.

Dorl divided. Seventh: A. W. Doet. Flghth: A.

W. Doel mid W. Bertoli divided. Ninth: P. Sullivan and A.

W. Dol rTividcd. Tenth: P. SuSHvn nnd Hfwlirsmi il'vMrrl Eleventh: H. Hodgson and P.

r.ullivAn divided. Lnritirrnaina novi-'e 1 ropny. bcconn biupe: A. Hunter. No.

1 sweepstake, divided ny W. Sullivan and McDonald. Open tropin- won outright bv R. Becjc. No.

3 sweepstake, oivioeo ny a. 1. rsiven ano 1. 3 sweepstake 'miss out), divided bv R. Wrt -on.

A. Hamilton. K. Michael. No.

4 sweeti' take (hand thrown), divided by W. Etilllvau, T. Bottcn, R. ynn nd K. Mirnaei.

Dunlceld. IM'NK ELD. Races were held on Saturday In shownry weather. Details: Fcrra Park Novice Handicap, about five furlongs. R.

Geddes's Nnogonra Eastern i-ragni, 0.0 11. Jiona, SiitItIII's hr Brown nnd Gold. 8.7 Howes), J. Meek's ch Air Sign. 9 0 (K.

ilamlltjn), 3. Cnno Buoy, 8.0 (F. Came- ron), also started. Bstting: Even money urown ana 1,010. 10 1 afiinsi rooBora, 2 lo 1 Air Sign, 10 Cape Buoy.

Won by half Novelty Pony Race fmir furlongs anf 1 half. II. J. F.wluc's 1) Rnvlm (Cyklon Ionore), 7.5. 33 yns.

bhd. i K. Hnmll ton), 1: D. MelntjTC'n ch Brcwette, Oy. 7.2.

22 vds. bhd. I F. Camer.m). 2.

slartcrs. No Won by of length. Time. 1 mln.

see. William Thomron Cup. of 20 and cup. about one r.illc. R.

Geidrs-s br Third Star 1 in rice ttiversiari. a. it ii. ijionsj. 1 A.

T. Fllzpatrick r. Wee Verb. 9." IV. Lofiker).

2: J. T. Laldlaw's bk Grei: Hnulder. 7.7 fl" rnmeron). 3.

Onlv 'tnrtcrs. Belting: 5 to 4 on Wee Verb, even money Third Star, 20 (o 1 against Great uouiuer. won Dy a icnm ann a nnn, win two lengtha between second ond third. N( time taken. Coolanure Trial H.indlran.

about six fur- longs. A. M. McCulloch'a bk Crowlanrts (Crowdennls Spoarottei. B.O J.

McDonald). R. GcJdes's Noogoora. 7.7l ii-. tiinpj, a.

MCAnnurs iirrenneso, 7.10 (R. Howes). 3. Amhirlc. 8.0 (V.

Iookerl, also started. Betting: 5 to 4 against Noogoora. Won by three-quarters of a length. Time, mln. 17 sec.

Mount Sturgeon Flvtng Handicap, nhnut six H.7 (T." Rtlihal. oil: nr Devon I'nrk Welti Handicap, seven fur-longfi. A. M. Mcculloch's bl; Crowlnnds h.J! ij.

McDun-nld), W. Moodle and R. Bade's Blntrls, 8.5 (R. Howes), 2: A. T.

Fltz Patrick's Wee Vorb, 9.5 (V. Looker), 3. L.rd Ksse.t, 8,7 (R. Agnew), nnd All Sign. 8,0 (R.

Hamilton), also started: Bet. ting: 6 10 4 agitnst each Wee Verb and lord 5it Air Sign. Won by a length and a. half! Time, 1 min. 30 sec.

Handicaps. WAGGA GCI.U CUP MEETING. Cup Hurdle, about two miles and fl? --Lndy Dsnrer, 11.10; Ltiray, in. 10; Nltro, uiiifiiui, v.ij. fiipiim.

1 tTin nehfitc, Friflfern. Gny Titon. I. Roval Corima. I.i.I-j Oil M'ilrien I'lnl P.

flvf fiiTlnmr.i tfin-lnla kfi c-firoitu, An v.ij; isomer jacK, him t. r-ay. urnuy iic.iumont. ci mini Rimh'er. Ditdmimnn, 811: Ca-rnngle.

P.T rtiy i.p.iy, j-1 tijre, iitnann. neau, Sllbreefe. Star Number, Dual Wave, Wan ilaln, Hark away, a.a, F.ulomp Hnndlcap, six furlougn--Mackintosh. 9.7; Plasler. ft.4: Mnfootn.

92: Popo-nnlse. 8.13: Le Comt. A. 12: Fua-lo. H.7: Ksn Dsncer.

Oroko. llnut Coeur. Colo. miw, i.v; Ansisiner. t.

1. Wngga Gold Cup, one ar.i a quarter. 'lurlesoue, 10.7 Whlttincham 10,0: Serlnrtl.; 111, h.j; ih (n 1 Tapestry, w.ti; t'asna M3; Lady Dancer, Ione Rnlder, Sleep moth Noel Soldnt. Onlnion.

H.8: 'enorlta, 8.7; Volwooi, B.fl; Verllrs. 8.5: King ChnrlCS. T-rntitilnl. 4- t.txrnv. -I- Mrtrntitn i.2; Little (Jut'on, 8.0; 7.12; Orange 7.

r.aairrn, 7.4; Salli.nKcr. swate dale. 7.3; Jack 7.2: The Wlr.ard. Jnndarbo, Bovfred, Crimson Riimnler, 7.0. Trial Handicap, five Pride, 9.13: Fnrr Pen, Gracutlc, 0.5: Talarc Ilsekstrnw.

8.7: Red Phonic. My Lass. 8.2; Sirobert, IQ: China qjecn. 7.11; Dt-vo-son, 7.10: Walla Bub, Tora.aus, 7.9; Gnrlbsn. nulling, Loiason.

veneration. 7. yarmagie, Fair Klin, Arllss. Dudnumnp, 7.7. Hlephen Sullivan Handlenp.

seven furlong. -Mackintosh, onlnion, 10.7; I'lssirr, Gnld Tier. 111.2: M.irtnuiilln. f.7: Jak Home. 0.0; Oroko.

i.ll; C-de Vale. T.vlg, Thi i-eitier. 8. in; Ll-iuld crv, 80; us it s-in. Fnlrlaw.

8 7: War. Ksrr Hiv. Kred. H.n; Ynr mm Vacruni. 8.4; Rolling, Vl-oota.

Italloonlst l( gledcld, Double Glow, Ciimin ILimblor 8.0. IN THE COUNTRY. CAMPERDOWN. Handicap Won by Grancar CAMPERDOWN Camperdown Turt Ciub Autumn meeting vcs held on Saturday In thowery weather. (late takings showed a flight increase on last year' nutting.

Detail: Handicap Hurdle Race, of 20. two miles. Laheriy'a Wlndarra (Windbag Ltun Councillor. B.O K. Martini.

2: 11. 11. son's nk AH Say. W.7 (F. Ki-nnyl, 3.

Cutler), and' Texstar. 9.6 (P. Perrott). tar ted. BettiiiR: 3 4 against Windurra, 3 1 run iniini-Qii ana MJirniio, 1 ah nay, councilor.

iu Texstar. won by 3d lenciu Irnclrii between 2nd and thud. Tutic. mln. pec.

Trial Kink's nt 1(1? flv furf.nva 1 Maloii-y Cape tlore (Cuie Hun ney's ih Court Sipiare. 7.11 (P. l-eifi), 2. j. it.

ivincam cn Mattv Morann. 7.7 1 Blrifhnm), 3. Elvador, 6.2 (O. Wallace), nudj icfiinga, (J. uonniliy), siko started.

Hi ting: 0 to 4 a train st Klvarior. 2 ca Cjpo Rose and Court Hquare, 4 to 1 each; iMurJiis nan r-enintja. won ny nan a lepKdi. a. ii-lc betwctii aecwnd and third-Time, 1 min.

4 sec. McArthur Handlrap. one mile. Grancm (Grandjoy Misa Carwelkln). 7.1 B.

Clark). 9.0 (L. Powell). Three pW. 9.2 (G.

Wab i 0- Wardi; David's i'V, ninpnmni: tiay i.irert:ne, 7.1 and. Mirror. 7.2 (A. Hop pood), also etariH. 8 to 4 agalnrt uioi.5, earn 1 nree rip Oallon-glau nnd tirancir.

6 David's Joy. each (lav Llhcrtlnn Anl Th. XI iFrn. oy i lunmns and half, half a length he- jime, min.

4 see. Novice Handicap, of 3, five furlongs. A. Burna ch Te.a.i Jack iTexIilo-Pearlle. 7.7 (K.

nt-hami. I t. 1. Kitzgerald'a bk '01 1 Pipit. 7.10 E.

Clarke). Oroya, 8.2 (L. Powell) Volaloua. 8.0 (O. Vi 'oiiustone); Jack 7-7 (H.

J. Connelly 1 Rattrnn. 7.7 IB warfl) And Avant. 7.7 (H Ilnncnnrl 1 nU, StartArf. ntllnp.

in 1 ia.n yu.ntitmj ana I'iplt. .1 The Lieut ''i Jark-J 7 Bottram. 10 each Lanria, Jack Anton and Avant. Won by a 'eng'h from the dead heatera. Time, 1 mln.

3 2-5th sec. Pony Race. Of 1(V Ave fitrlnnc. Gib Beaehi 79 ivv ut J2 E. TrokeK J.

a. McCallum's Lucas's hp rr trini'H-in. it it. il Only starters. B'ttln; 2' to 1 "on Beach tint, to 4 acnlnst in 1 fl.Vh1-l,eun!, between 1 nun.

sec. "0" Handicap, of 12. seven Flvador (Raron Judy). 8.12 f.L. Powell), o.

Morrison's cl. ii i. Vn i A. w. Noel's .1 10 on isncey crit, 2 to 1 saatn.i! 1 e' on ornnit.

viriP -n- t.' a half between second and third. Tune, 1 miD. 30 aec. WANGARATTA.

St. Patrick's Cup Won by Plum King. dPal1 hf4ta were feature, or Ihe racing Vh KM' ck on Saturilay. Altbou.ti ih. weather waa cow, the attendance WR3 cood.

"imina. lime. 1 mln. 3 1-Sth Saucy. 7,0 H.

il.o i'i' Cuurt. 4 lo 1 ich ncalnVi CUP- of 4n- mile V.H,y"'tt" br Pl-UM KINO (Klnc-a Blos.omi. 0.2 II: Sann) 8 fl UftRCON. (II. l-'osttir) 2 Ncvln's ch EZic, s.3 (R.

Haymond) 3 Only starters. BETTING: money ift'ri I .1 even by a tcnelh and a half, a lencth h. a T2a'o 10- Five furlonirT MularKeniAV iAW Hume- Con nun and Ann Daar. a den.i iwint Tii. i 1.5th sec.

FiVa TroPhy valued 10. rmmfc t-'d- Won Ky a length and a half. Licciued Vl.liiallcr,. weuer 'il'andlcan, ot' 'lie, FostorL 3. Boliltcn 7.

in in i mill. 3 1-sth eec. n'Hinn a sn ii Cedi-lc. r.nondacho dec. Ararat St.

Patrick's Trotting Club. A KARAT The annual meeting of 8t. Pal. rlcka Trotllns Club as Held on Saturday ine nilernoon wa cold, und a few lltht mile and a quarter. T.

l.lll'a Vciiiaia. 1i.R0r scr-. Norma l-lck. and Jeai 'jj. also aliincd.

BatlliiK: 11 lo apainjt Vnnlata; Won by iwo yard, lbur vara, be 3 mlil roc? onc m'lr "nl a bhd. mine Broiue. 60 vdr. earn Si, asst." Welcome Mauri, 21 yds. Design Wa 11 Yds.

hhd nnd Kim1, IiVrJ. da also iitaned. Even mom iiuty unu tP, 2 to 1 Mavenus. 3 each ''ore W'tmitij and Design Way, 8 Welenmel mm ny nail four yards between second and third, rime, mln. 7 sec.

Holiday Handicap, one mile and a half. 0 nt Speedy Maid. vtis. hhn (V. Chlshotm), S.

McCallum's scr. (J. Hal IT, R. H. Rees's Correct Scented Vovace.

ncr. Stylish Vin, Royal Pronte. 30 yds. Voyng. 81 yds.

Robin OS yds. Nimble Dan, 00 yds. also si dried. Belting: Even money Speedy Maid, 2 to 1 ftcflinst Prairie WonRa, 3 Stvllsn n.n.'iMu-, nujai urunie, iu oinerfi. Hti.i by Fevcn yards, a similar distance between second and third.

Time, 3 mln, 43 St. Pal rick's- Day Handicap, one mile an. a half. P. w.

Chisletfa Truevale, scr. (J It. Brock) o. Marwhall'a Princo Pirate, per. (O.

Marshall), 2: J. Hi Hall), 3. Dalln's IniaRc. Wclcom- vds. and Pretty jjiam, 72 yls.

aluj iiiRncii. liening: a io on Trilevnle. 3 to 1 Tgnlnst prince Pirate, 3 Renlm Chimes. Kxactlv. 7 Desert Ribbon, 10 others.

Won by rour yards. 24 yards between second and thud. Time, 3 min. 30 aec, whicli was tlu nun rarr nin in yrarai. ovlce Handlrap.

nine furlunss. Mlssei and K. Durack's West WonRa. scr. (T.

parish), T. Pu-ke's D'rnl's pp. (T" Burko). 2: J. Baron's ch BrlRhl Alllr, 4v.t per.

(J. Baron), 3. Jean rcr" anii Tennc 30 vds. alto started. Be'tlnR: 2 to on Woit ongn.

2 to 1 npalnrt Doral'a Pfcturr. 6 each Jenn and Lady Temessee, 10 Bright tween second and Time. 2 rnlu." 50 Flvtne Ilnndlenn nlnn (urin.n Smith's bk RHiy Rronto. scr. (O.

Rons). i iicuy, 2 yrfs. bhd. (G. Goff), Mr.

Pvers' Sam's Wonder nwiM w.i Abcrville, hind, and bcert Ribbon. 48 darted. Retting: Even monev Blllv Brnnte, Abervllle and Florida ion y'n 1 1,1 De- nl. four ll Time, 2 min. 45 ti sec.

Cr-Jgewa North, CORRYONft. Cudcewa North rri. una on ai.urn.ay. There waa a poor attendance. Details: Mnlrinn rial nt Little llnnr'nv.

Tlv rh nt Lady Mend. A to 4 on Lady Mead. 8 to 4 against oy uvu lon.iiiii. iiire, 1 nun. rcr.

Novrily por-y Race. A. Water' pi Sea Share 1. 11. DllCno).

1- J. W. Kvnnn F1e ilnes. .2 (Dstyt. Oniv starters.

2 lo 1 on Seasidea. evon moiur Klnna Court, 3 to 1 against Five P'nes. Won bv Wolshed Handlrap, five 'furlongs, -fl Beer's br Bnnnn Hantea fPnaioiin Mm spar), 0.5 (Daly). 1: R. Robertsons' 1 in m.

i wueeier), I. Masters a cn Ked Chart. P.7 (Diman), Only atarbtri. Betting: i 1 on Bonnie Hasicc, 0 to 4 against Monitor, 3 to 1 Red i.imn. nun oy uaji a iime, 1 min.

7 see. Cuilmwa North Cin. one m'lo. Mrs. 13.

Chi'-holm's rh Floral Charm. (Dimiltv Red Sp-ay), 11.5 (Wheeler), G. Beer's in MRrt. K.ncn, ju (Hncainer. i W.

ml A. Mann's hr Swt Tone. 11.10 (Ri on). 3 Ladv Mend slsn a'Ai-mri Mntllnn 2 In 1 nn Ploral Charm. 2 to 1 niralnst Sweet Tone, 3 ire Udert, 4 MeaV.

Won by! nn i- iitiik'H'. uiuo min. to l-oin see. Bluff Handicap, five furlnnzs. Mrs.

A Nelson Court (Doub Court- juaycnsi 1 wnecieri, 1 f. wnne. M. Whetiler'a ch I.ady Trllfonl, 2y B.i iDtigsnl, 3 Gnly starli-'. Hfttlns; 3 to 1 on Nelson Court 2 lo 1 against Wymolus, Iidv Trllfnrd.

Won by a length and a half. Time, 1 mln. 7 tee. Final Il'iiipinap. six furlongs.

tt. Boer'n hr Bslie Srour iPeau Kils-CypveHa I. 11.0 (Bttirt, 11 fiioekwfU's br Winnie Iron. n. Whlt-lioft'D, 2: K.

Pndlay'a rh CrnltjrlH (When'eri. 3. cinly siar'ern. Ilit Unit: Kven money each Oc nil got and Win- Encourage Handicap, of X.1 Plv. fjeuverHOOa Sch AMlbrldce a iu- Be tune i also in lfl on Ashbridre, 3 auiacKanoer Coun Khrr SPEED COURSING.

EVENTS AT NAPIER PARK. Mildura Owner's Double. Mr. S. R.

WanEfll. of Mtldura. and the former South Austrdlian trainer, Herb Mac- Far a ne, wero associated In a winning doubl at Napier Park on Suturdy night, when Quick bllvcr and Chrlule Again wero successful. Re- suit; Trial Blake. 310 Yards.

Circular Track. Mrs. M. tietiy Hynn (fcintona Lluirt'iia). cutenaiy Girl, 2: Cam Uien.

Kunand. Uly cavalier, Bmart Atex uu tiJ.nnc klartL-d. Letting: to -I lynn and Omcnary Girl, ii Cam Uien. Wou by (wo lemctbs. lime, zd a-lotn aev.

S. H. Mdnseil'i cnruuiifl A pain (My Chris MkawDfr miiv wvni. 1 limine name, t. titar Ltver, 3.

Happy Gang, U.ndnd, Uolera, Kl-Iiuch. Ladv aim Mini nex also started, Utmiig: Kven money Hiking Home, lo 1 Cnnsaie Atam. tl btar Lover. Won by a head. Time, iu tu-ioin sec.

B. R. M.inseil's Quick Silver (My Chris Micawbtir Ladv Win). 1: tloLham Hsistrji. 2, Roma's Urundsun, J.

Just Andrew, Cult Chat. Mid Micawtier. uative and Whit 1'renct-nt also binned. licit in 6 to 4 ui Quick Silvi-r, 3 to 1 agalnal itelthU, r.uuia urniiukun. nuu uy lutee lengiua me.

IO ll-JQHl sec. Novice SluKe. 34U Vard.f. Circular Track. O.

Staiil a Jmk o' Lamern iPondviluo Cnng.1 i bKinity. Margaret natnieen. DiMd Sands. Air Raid. Levy'H Point und Keilor liupe al.sp sinited.

Betung: to ukuuiul ii M-rii ei naiiuueii, a iu aaippy, Jack Liime.u. won by a head, 'iiiue. fee. 1 -ascot- Vale HifiUe. VnrrlN fitrnlu'il Trai k.

Healy Streamline (Fast and runuus Ancia', oiun, urn verse, Dame Brigand, Bryanguo, Roy's liiatons, Fair-ticld Lassie and Sciirainouche a started. Bitting: 5 to 1 agai ast Streamline, 3 to Tim Verse, 5 Slim. Won by a nead. Time, iu ii sen. loo Handicap Hurdle.

310 Yards. Circular: Track. Unu Semi-hual. 12 Yards. A.

Bum's Ronnie Laadie (Gur laddie lionnle Ajaiionj, tiit-Btion, Uaron Uoy. 3. bpark-ling Rebel, balouia and Aah Brown alai suited. Betling: 6 to 4 against Sparkling iicuci, uuiiinc juuuic, 4 10 1 oieaaon, lo Baron Hoy. Won by tt length.

Time -1 cc. Secund flotn1.Annl-.Vtra IVhlt.onj.u Oliliast (Wharnilnda Hasty), 10 King Mail, 13 Maine, 13 3. Sam-! pan, 13 and Cemunan, 13 also r.Li i nviiiiiK. 1 iu tttjumtt uiniast, i to 1 King Mail, i Maltle. Won by three- quarters of a length.

Time, 20 15-lGth sec. 1 lnilrd Seml-dnol. A. R. Hanco*ck's Glen Robe (Red Robe Glen Unle), 9 Wee "fniina wneeis, 3.

lying Charlie, a yas.j Flying Buitons, 1 and VilluEH Green, nlnn trtP(i Belling: 2 to 1 cacli against Wj Pyichiey and Village Green, 3 G.en Robe. 8 WagBon W-16 til sec. 10 Handicap Race. 4lM) Yards. Straight Track.

W. J. Bertalli's Airflow (Boasler nayayn, 4 If. 12 d. Homage, 15 Silent Spot, 9 Desert Brlgana.

Dasziing iBnow, 7 and Shining Gold. 3 also started. Betting: 2 to 1 against Dazzling Snow, to 2 If, 7 to 1 Haydyn. 10 Alrtlow. Won by half a length.

Time, 21 Vj sec. STEWARD'S REPORT. I B. Denim Coursing Club Upend arv stewnrri. Iiiiidh i waa compulsorlly wlth- th Trial Slake (1) because he the Trrt" nnal1of.

Hurdle Race respectively on nn.Vi tJnJurlM wclollford, who was an, FAVORITES FAIL AT WHITE CITY. Billy Bunks and Silver Win Handicaps. Followers Of form warn nut nw White City coursing on Saturday night, when -i number of favorites were badly beaten. or 1 vo iu 10 1 ouisiaers were successful. Results; Track: m.

O'Brien's Triihv 1, 0 dp 1 1 i I L'ib sV 1 i Bo.8 r''nlo Donkey Dave) m- Chevron. ting: 3 to against Amy Mont. 7 in 2 10 to 1 Bob's Pride, won by a neck, a heiii second aud third. Time, 13 3-10lh Novice Stake, 500 ynrds. Circular Track: Monreal (Monipelller 3IJZ).

Up. l0llnfi Knn. 3. Peter jKiiiiiiiir, uomuu Knine Mate tin Again 3 to naif hend, half a liena between second and third. Tin uanaicap Race.

straight Track: R. White tiiiiy imnks (ileaufortAnothcr One), 5 Llhon. 2: Rnlrion Vr.r.ets,nJ X.a' Gate, 1 yd. also started. Betting: 5 to 1 against.

Billy Bunks. Klbon. 7 ivTlden i. 1 vX'a neck- a nca between second and third. Time.

12 4.5th sec. b'DKe, 000 yards. Circular Track: A. Whltehouse's Air Favorite (Fast and Ijurlous Lorna White). Brown Rsiah.

Star Bargain. 3. A leek nnnn Kii-nT nor. Lcnora and My Hal also started. Bot-111 gainst Air Favorite.

4 to 1 i.nnii, 1 ja(i. won ny lennrh, a neck between second and third. Time. uj'. see.

Novice Stake -Straight Track: c. Porter's "'I, wideawake. Clmssle Mln, Mick Limes Dant-ndabla. 4 to" lAfore Ye Go. 10 Vnja Mont.

Won by a head, a hert hi. twe-n second and third. Time, 13 l-5th N'tv'ce Htirritn tlnrt r.rvt i.awt. B. n'ueris inaaree (Kl la-drough Bnnnlei, l.

Momanna, 2- Chatham i-nne. ijousn coy. King Kong, MyrniL Loy nnd Brlnuin Mac also slarteB in tiRa hl Mont(inEtti Chatham, lengths htlweon second and third! Time, 37 2-o'h sec. Novice Stake, SlraiRht Track: J. Murray's Queer Lady.

-fabricate? 3. Brlndle honp Modesty. Silver Beak. Motlv'a RenuesL nn. Grand ravprlle also started.

Batting: 5 lol Won by half a length, a. head he 1 ween second aid third. Time, 13 l-3lhi Hnndlcin Rnre. vnrrla nirniar J. Buckley's Sliver Andrew Willing Danny 'Boy.

2 3. Sandallatlon. 8 yds. -ipec 3 urigaan, spuier. 4 and vouiiaj, -t niso started, Betting; 5 to 2 against Silver.

3 to 1 Danny Boy. 6 Blue Flash. Won hv Hvm innr-th lengths between second and third. Time! ii scri. Handicap llurdle Race.

500 yards. Circular Tract; J. Curran's Green Flash (Clean j.Mit vmu, henn Red eao. 15 3. RnlWnn1 Buckjcr.

23 Sunspot. 2. and nipg iMTMing: each against Green Flash and Redlean. 5 Kenny. Won by three lengths, one length, ni'i eec.

WARRNAMBOOL. Bunlea's Pride Wins Bushfield Stake. vi ARRAMBOOL Warrnambool Speed Club held a meeting on Saturday afternoon. Stfiket. Nevado.

Wee McGre gor, Dnmlnalicn. 3. Betting: 10 to against winner. Time. 20 l-5th sec.

Phrid stake Bunlea's Pride. Dally against the winner. 'Timn, is 4-5th sec. Maiden Bitch stake. rtrglnin, 1: Susie Sue, Daisy Bell, 3.

Belling; 4 to 1 on1 Half-way Slake. Whists Rantr. 1: Tmner. live. 2: Silly Symphony, 3.

Betting: Even money winner. Time. 19 sec. Maiden Hurdle. Nevado, Maybe, Gur hir.

TimeV 21 W'Q Middle Grad.i Hurdles. Ember Girl, lj Wee1 Mr Oregon 2: 3. Betting: 3 to 1 f-upplemontary ttakes. Weo McGregor, 1 our Micawlier. 2: Beryl Loo, 3.

Belling Kven mc-my winner. Time, 20 sec. Sale. BALL. Despite, ndvero weather a speed1 coursing men ting at sale on Saturdry nlghtl was highly successful.

An effort it belngi umuv it piumpion coursing, STRAIGHT TRACK. Handicap. Green and Stuckcy's Andv Olen (Andy Llmeanzaj. fi Torquay. 81 rop' 3- Spinner thel Sccmd.

Lnij Mary. Jolly Guard, Robert Mac w. in a cat on 1 -ror- Tiny, a to Rpred Con. 5 each Andy Glen innt, i H'uucr ino aeconn. in Lou Miry.

Won by half a neck. Time, 13 rcr. Trial (No. 1). First Division: Mrs.

Meanv's NS Ronrv im, Lois Mac, 3. Stratford Lad and Cormln'ta Sj)lpcn a's" "fried. Betting: 2 to 1 ngainni 1 tie 11 nna corm ntn aitifn a i Mnc. 7 Htrnlfnr.l l.n VL-n' Trial (iNo. 2).

-A. Sluckey's Tressfda (Andy Glen--Btty). 1: Carmines. 2- Nulla Nulla. 1.

Snlnner ths Senmul Onlir tpm Bn.i sllOt nlSri tTl(i1 Prtt Inv mnn Treslda. 2 to each against Order Form and Gunshot. 4 sach Nulla Nulla and Spinner tho w.m oj a icngm. lime, 14 3-alii Trial (No Peconl Division: E. Arm- ng's One Chance (Nabob Figure), 'OWn Gav.

Cs.mark. 3. anrl Tn Guard alfj started Betting: Even mony, fine Chanr-c. 4 lo 1 against earmark, 5 Crown lwJ ici'buij auq a nan. lime, 1.1 if-oin sec CIRCULAR TRACK.

tlsnrllcnti .1 i II Tabltha). fi yds tressi.le. a 2: Jolly inrn. 10 Lo'i Marv, Spfrd Cop. nndv Line and Pnr.wv nm tarirt 2 to I ng-iin-'t Kaolin.

3 Trcssfdv earh 8nox-v Gte 1 Hondv and Spcd Cop.1 fl fiiard. 10 Lou Mary. Won by a irrtKin. line. ec-.

Trial. Glllam's Order Form, I Car-1 matk. Ruber. 3. Nulla Nulla and MARIBYRNONG.

SPEED COURSING. (Rcglctcrod N.C.C. Greyhounds Only.) TO-NIGHT, at 8.15. Straight, Circular and Hurdle Events. WHITE CITY.

TO NIGHT, at B. ri5KD COURSING, ADMISSION, LADIES, 10. Trnlni 1-ave stieet. at 0. 13, Hates 10.10 ill.

KlmrtHfriii. 1 CrowndnlH. 0 7 ill Iauiey). Jck Thrive, It. 13 Hamerl, 3.

I'rula and Krt King also siartod. Hutting: Kven money Klnj; Nithl. to 2 Crowndalc. 3 to 1 Jack Thrice. Inveal- 3 mm.

b2 sec. Flving Handicap. five furlongs and 1W (lame Chick. 7.4 (F. Burria).

Patch, IL. Culllcani. 1: Miat Vin Ha run, 9.7 IW Boyle), J. Favour, Bi- toA and NonnB-a alh't starred. Bclttn: Kvea money 1U1 Uurun.

2 to 1 auainit White Patch. 2 Ounii Invested. 43 it, uiviocua: t.a ae. lime, 1 win. sec.

Novice Ract (Weluht for Arc), live furlongs. CentL-ry ljuten, 8.12 (L. Patching Stella'd C'lianco, fi.12 (K. Pairls). Thatala, 8.11 (L.

CoIIirbii), 3. Lido's Lr-k. Isotta. Outtkor. Ladv Kama and Honev Wimmi also tailed.

Belting: 2 to each against Century tut-en, titella'a Chance and Thirzala. inveaien: 10. iivtuena; jlj l.o. 120. Time, 1 miu.

3 l-b sec. Autumn Handicap, one mile and 12 chains. St. Cotthard. S.3 L.

Cullman), iinl Card. 7.12 IM. Barry) dead heat. Tranol. 7.7 it.

uurrisi. 3. uiuy starters, uetting: to 2 St. Cotthard. 2 lo 1 aul'ml My Card, Tranol.

Invested: 3R 12. Dividend: Jotihard. 126; My Card, 1 176. Tranol wad four lengths away. Time, 1 mm.

30, sec. Trial Stakes, six furlongs and a half. VIkH King. 6.4 (F. Burrlsj.

1: The Knight, 3.1 (W. Brady). LIvo Bird, 9.0 K. Hummer. 3.

Atlamurra, Mnoc. Full Cry, KiiBtern nrlft and Wantiimma Lad altiii started. Betting: to 4 aealnai Vlml King. 4 to 1 Atlamurra, 1 10 uive tiru. 10 1 1'he Knight.

Invested: 81' 10. Dlvidrnds: i 7,0. won Dy a lengui ana a naji Time, 1 mln. 22a sec. Handicap Welter, seven furlonps.

Intahn. 8 3 L. Patclimg). 1: Whito Patch, 0.3 i Callinatil. 2: Kivinc Fish.

8. ID iK. Parrlsi. 3. Ciowndale, Favour.

Tranu, Fleurote and Nerine started. licit Inc: 2 to 1 -(gainst Flying Fish, 3 each White Patch and iligll Favour, 7 to 2 Intaba. invested: U-t 1. Dividends: 4. 11 10, won riy length and a half.

Time, 1 mm. 27 2-3 nee. QUEENSLAND. ALBION PARK FIXTURE. BRISBANE, Saturday.

Backers gencr. ally wero astray in their calculations at the BA.T.C. meeting at Albion Park today, when only one straight out favor-ito scored In a programme of six events. A rank outsider, Cool Valley, won the main sprint event, the First Division Handicap. The Jockey, A.

aharpc, narrowly- escaped serious injury when his mount. High Drama, fell In the Fourth Division Handicap, one of the fo owinc horse: appeared to strike him, but he escaped wiui minor mciai injuries. Details: Kiret Division about nix fur- longa and a liulf. a. Hansen und V.

Ber Strom's Cool Valley, 8.0 (K. Lei erg-L-ml- tic. 8.13 (W. Crockett), 2: Will Yot. tii'i.

BLnc'rr, Amberfelt. air Monarch, High Benin. Schoolmate, lice war. Arvadowi and Yoburn also rtarled. Dividends: 1 ia, is and 11.

Betting: 2 4o against Schoolmate, a to 2 Rccwar, 3 to 1 Will Yet. 6 High Benla, 20 each Cool Valley, Semitic nuu uuicib. vun dy nan a icngili. me, 1 min. 24 sec.

Second Division Handicap, about seven Andrewa'a Teal Ton. 8.3 IN. He- rinc), Bustle On, 8.0 (K. Lee). Field pun, 8.5 (E.

Klrwan), 3. Myles la Con-Jen, Golden Cider, Ben Art, Qukk Reply and Wlndoo Lady also ttartud. Dividends: 3 5 and 16. Betting: 2 to 1 on Beit Art, 5 to 1 each against Golden Cider, Field Gun unci niiHiie un. icai on.

iu ouick tlcply, 12 Mylea la Coplen, 30 Wlndoo Lady, won by four lengths. Time, 1 mln. 31 sec. Parle Purne, about one mile and fifty-seven ynran. u.

a inert on bpcanlcu. 8.1- (B. Sinclair), High Incline. 7.3 (A. Wllluy), Field Gun, ft.

7 tE. Klrwan). 3. King Veil, Red Tor, Tho Menace, Kenil Girl and Kim Baldwin also started. Dlvldt-nds: 15 ana jl i.

i to 4 ucfunsL 3 to 1 Rtd Tor. fl each The Menace and Ken-II Girl, 7 King Bildwln. 10 Field Gun. IS High Incline. 14 King Veil.

Won by a head. Time 1 mln. 4S sec. fourth Division Hnnrlican. about seven fur tones.

C. H. Carter's Trent wood, 0.0 (W. Hill). 1 Gold Snca 7.2 S.

Benncl 2 Silent John, S.I (J. Carmont). 3. High Drama, Amberheart. Tick Tack.

Warniitli. Merrier. Warmeag, BuzoneHti anl Syccmllc also started. uivmenos: i 'r, '-j nn 1.:. Betting: 7 to 2 against Fllent Jolin.

each II tcli uramn und Trentwood. 5 War niet-a, 10 each Tick Tock and i-ycomllo, 2" Gold Spear. 12 to 20 othcrf. Won by five icnfcinp. i ime.

i min. sec. Third Division Handlcan. nlit.ut seven fur lontrs.V. L.

Kinc's Hlgnette, 9.0 (J. Car mont). HlKhlnla, 8.13 (B. Sinclair). Ai.

RoundBmnn. 7.7 (N. Stone). Mr. Hlvoll, Slleut Frisco.

Homework, Black Peer and Prince Arunfcal iiIro slarted. Dividends: 1 10 and Bettinc: 5 to 2 against Silent i-nso, io i eiicu jncncne, nr. kivoii ninrk Pcr. 6 Illchinla. lo Roundsman, Hnmcwork.

33 Ptincn Arungal. Won by lour cumins. time, min. i fee. Park PlnlP.

nhnut one mile and flftv-spvnn yards. iinn.sctrs Aniuerace, 7.0 tJ. con qtiecu. innmn i-itKir. an (w.

nun, hii rerella. 7.10 (S. Lon'iott). 3. Pwcetmoc Heewar.

Hush fiun. Beau Cello. Miss Sun snd Tommv Cvrus aLo started. Dlv dends: x. ni, vi nnu ia.

iu i Imllnn Fait I r. 5 c.T-h Swc et mco .1 nd Beau rello, fi each Sir Prelia nnd Amberaoc, 7 BiiKh Gun. 10 Keewar. 2d others. Won by 1 nee, jimc.

mm. WEST AUSTRALIA. MEETING AT GOODWOOD. Handicap to Dainty Verse. PERTH, Saturday.

A meeting was held at Goodwood to-day in line weather. Details: Goodwood Plate, six furlones. Maneosa Manfred Jolly Cosy) 80 if. Whit bread 1: Bviiconalc. 8.0 (R.

Perclvall. 2: Tremnev. 8.S tit. Morlcy), 3. finrclilnnte, Gnncnioden, Taj and Nlctirt nlno starlert.

Betting: to 2 crjcli Mancosa and Trcmney, -1 to 1 tfyncopate. uiviutnos nor on in. itt place, 7, 7, if. on by half a length. Time.

1 min. 14 3-Mh sec. Maiden Handlcan. seven Temple (Paiilheon Lacerta). 7.12 (II.

Wliit-bread). 1: Beau ComSoue. 8.3 iE. Pccki. 2: Slnrler, 8.3 (TreiTone).

3. Wlndale, uunje. r.r(-oiease, I'lyuip iiero, Aioany war. nigan l.ura. imhiki wuhm, uennviiic, a nine r-ito.

Acroise. Brawn Kmblcni. Pan- irrntlc. Band Cunltff, Catullus. Gay- toit una Di-vmny aiso utanefi.

uctting: a to 2 ncalnnt Stoner. l'i to 1 Beau Comlauo. 14 Star Tcmnle. Dividends: Win. 2 -1: nlar.

10, 17, 11. Double: Munvosa and -Star Temple, 18 fl. Won by twu icnguis. Time, 1 mm. fcc.

Rivervnle Pure. one mile and a ouarter. Wlitte iSpear (Hiienrhend Malsmi du Blanc), Arm.infBCo). Ii; Roy'al Snrennder, (K. 3.

Farrlle. iiaharatta. Riveret. Mouny. inravancer.

Balik. Saltatc. Third Mate. Star Jueen. Tnmi.livn.

Wavia. His Vest. Grabee. nnd Our Hort also started. Iletillic: to 2 against Balak.

0 to 1 Fcrnridge. tVhlte Fpear, 13 Roval Ferenader. Dividends: Win. 3 10; 'place, fl 2. 13.

1 11 Double: Star Temple and WhlUl Hpeav, 12 vnn oy 1 nreft-qnaiitro 01 a lejistti. iiiur, min. 7 3-ftih ftc. 4PRIL HANDICAP, One mllo nnd a quarter. OAINTY VER8E (tllaa isa), 7.0 KNIGHT COMMANDER, T.2 (A.

Coffey) 2 GOLDEN IMAGE. 7.6 (3. Dodd) 3 Betaloo. Haeehvood. Branchy.

Adriflora and Royal Durbar also started. BETTING: 3 to 1 each nealnsl DAINTY VEltSF and AgrlOora, 6 KnlGhl Commander, 12 Golden Image. vidends: n. 1 3: ace. 8.

0. IS. Double: Whlto tipcar and Dainty Verse, 0 it Won by length, two lengths between and third. Time, 2 mln. 7 3-5th sec.

Breeders Handlcan. seven furlonKs. Rrldess fErldanns Ayr Gold), 7.3 (N. Armunnsco), 1: Reuuar Klne. 7.8 (B.

Shaw). Bui-mi Puerto. 7.9 (W. Glhson), 3. HegRPr One en.

Airanlnd. Idolize, sea Blue, jaralita. l.and-;rest. Wisbech. Piltharra.

Nlaht Char tie. Reefer and Jackeroo also stalled. Bettlnc: to 2 against Beggar Klne. 0 to 1 Burn Suerle. Eridess.

Win, 5 19; niare. 1 lit, 11. Double: uatniy verse Time, 1 min. 28 2-nth sec. Flmil Hand lorn, one le.

Gunc Das I C.tniopiin "jeiia n.w (f. imnni, P.l tR. Morley), 2: Nirarl. 8-0 D. Milter).

3. Grrat 8lpn. Amootan, Ma noli ve, lOaslncton, Gandtil. Pawn of Youth. Crys'fl--iie, Knlr Win and Sport alr-o started.

Bet ing: ti to i aRHinsi iiunRn imn, i io i jte rnira. 10 Nlr.iit. Dividends: Win. 1 place. 10.

8. U. Dnul'ic: Kridess end nuiiga Das. 0B 12. Won by a neck.


Warrnnmbool plumptnn club held a meeting on Saturday night. Re sults The Gift: NaHve Roy. County Our nnonlum. 3. 4 to 1 agalgst the win ner.

Time. 17 1-5 cec. Queen's-road Ptnkc: Whixz Bang, Kvmy 9nm, 2, rrin'n Rny. 3. Belling: Kven moimy winner.

Time, 17 err. Meirl Ptalte: Hoi; Jim. Diinlci's Pr'rti Charoclrr. 3. Betting: 2 to 1 ngiitist winner.

Time, 17 rrc. Milrinn fitnke: fulmo, 1: nine Chance, PominHInn, 3. Betting; 2 to 1 on winner. Time, Id 3-3 sou. Shire Hurdles: Greenptead.

Hall Mark. 2. (mreratlve. 3. 2 to 1 against winner.

Time, 10 sec. WanRoom Stake: Bavace Limes. 1: Kl'ig firoid. The Toff. 3.

Betting; to 4 or. winner. Time, 10 1-6 ec. Russell's Creek Hurdles Kirl Bradford Blue Streamer. 2: Big Swell.

3. Belling; 54 against winner. Time, 10 2-0 fee. City Hurdles: Character, 1: New Grove. 2: Flash Hop, 3.

BcttinR: Even money winner. Time, 18 3-D sec. Course record. Terrier Coursing, The Victorian Terrier Coursing Association tald a mcetlnff at Melon-street. Bray brook in flntnrdny.

Results W. Moller'a rpider Iasb, R. Rlchardson'i Uarrlo, W. Hrnd ford's Cream Girl, .1. Guaranteed Trial Stakes: W.

Carter's Glndwyn, L. Gates's hlashllgnt, U. cooper nunny uiri rir.nn ffinkf fl. Smith' Rushv Kate. I Williams's Midnight, J.

McLcod'i Little Briton, a. PAM.ARAT. Rnllarat Knst Coursing Cluh. uppy Stsliei A. McDougnll's (linger Meis, A.

Tiger, 2. Mnlden finite: W. Tresoowthlek's Jnynelle. 1: J. HimtwoTs WnU lace, 2.

Opn Starte: T. Downey The Vic tcrv. T. Downey a Hieimra. 2: w.

MCCon-vllf's I.UII Lndy, 3. J. Htmp-un'a fliiositioea, T. Downey's Glcnora, 2. crv.

l. I'owncy uirimra. v. DISTRICT TOURNAMENTS. Eastern Suburbs.

Th. final games In this tourney were ad vanced a further stage on Saturday on the City it Camber well green, under very cold and showery conditions. Owing to th. rainy wea- her the tournament could not be concluded fhe green, despite the wet con.Mtlona, played jxcepUonally well, and some very una garnet. were witnessed ny a targe gallery, Th low'ng is the result: RINKS.

First Round: Piatt (B'burn) 18 d. Leeson 1. Hilli 11: Lanzton it w.o. irom Mackav tKoroit): Dumas (Vic.i Id d. Hoi- zer (Aub.j Bruce 19 d.

Came IAUD.) v. teconn noun j. riait, a. cuenaor, Kilunior, f. fiaii tc.j ii a.

Ks, uaiiey, Duncan, Lang ton (c.) 14; N. Ford. Cavuu, Uolger. Dumui (e. i 19 d.

tierrymdD, Low-rev. N. l.ustv. Bniee ic. 7.

Tha nnitl came, between Dumas and Piatt. will be played on the City of Camberwcll green at il ClOCK on vt emicttuay next, ninut (Cant.) and Langton E.C.J decided to divide intra ana tounu prizis. PAIRS. First Round Barston E.C. lfi d.

Arnot (G.I-) 12: Allen tThorn.) 19 d. Champion tCamb.) 14; Duma tVlc. 15 d. Thomaa (Cant.) 13; King Aub.) 19 d. Short tuily rlulp) IN Second Round: Whltager and Barstuw 19 RnL-ersnn and Allen 14.

The final games and the gme between King and Dumas will be played during the coming ween. Kangaroos. Kangaroo club (six rinks) played 25 ends against Werrioeo ai werrmec on eaturoay. Scores Kangaroos V. Wcrrihee.

K. 1 Moore, Jones, Goldsmith, Morsby 1 Ho.lgsoo, Q. Jones. Powell. I-ord 2.

Muriun. Goss. Molony. McCredle 37 w. 17 l.lsnma-1, ft-enaeuy, uiujen, eu- 14 1 loalna.

Hunt. Honev. bone 1 Stemp. A. Fisher, Hansford, Johnson 4 Sandow, W.

Malr, Lyall, Ryan 15 20 MCtnven, jacae, muiiuw, 23 5, Lee, Brown, D. Malr, O'Sulllvan 21 Brow nh 11 1, Mathews, Kendall, fl. Piir.C Hodgson. Smith. Tlvey IS Thomiunn, M.

Glblelt, Jarman, Hosklng Totals 125 20 19 113 Spoons presented by Werrtbee club were won by McCredle's rink. There will not be any game next Saturday (Anzau doyj. Greenkeepers. Tha Victorian Greenkeeners' Bowling AasO' elation played four rlnkB (21 ends) against Coburg, at Coburg. iasi inursany iwui- Scores: V.G.A.: Momtt, sa-n; bwvw, in.

riM.Pn. mil. nrd. un.B.A.. 71! Coburc.

98. Next Thursday afternoon tha V.G.B.A. will play against. Ivanhoe on the Ivanhoe green, commencing at 2.45. Cards drawn at 2.30 sharp.

Members are reminded that tills will be the final game oC the present season, and to make themselves available If possible. Tne commitico hm decided to nom a Diuiaras lournmiioui tnrnue-h tha winter months. Entries will be received by the secretary next ween. Mildura Bowling Carnival. The Mildura Bowling Club'a winter carnival will be held from 6th to 14th May.

Tha club has arranged a series of sightseeing tours, with motor-boat excursions up the Murray. The Railway department Is offering special flrst-class return fares for 3 and second class for 2. The tickets will extend over month. A Reao, train will also leave Mel hourne nn 4th May and from Mildura on 14th May. Kn tries for the carnlvnl close on 27th1 April.

ine secretary, air. 11. u. norman, 1 ght-street. Mildura.

will arrange accom- luuuawuii. BENDIGO. Twelve teama conducted rink tournament on the Bcndigo club'a green on Haiurnay. mc winning nnu was j. it.

v. Anuerson, ai. orien, aaivaaa ana n. jacHson. The annual president's rink tournament conducted bv the South Bcndigo club Saturday afternoon.

Only one rink was successful in the three rounds. They were: uioomiieia, u. furey. ti. tieaion ana, u.

tugnt, wno won ine event. EUROA. Btiroa 77 d. Moreian-1 58. KYNKTON.

Kvneton club conducted fhsmnlnnsliln 00 KnturrtiV. wllhll till title was won by J. Kilroy and R. Darby, who were untie tea ten in tne uirce comeais. A FFRA.

Results of MnlTra club's annual handicap singles: Hemi-nnais: w. iiaycox, wn. 21 d. W. K.

Kearney 20, T. Graham 2 c. Hisnup 11. inai; i uraiiam si Haycox 15. MT nA MHIER.

Tournamnt results: r-hnmnlonthlu: D. J. (E. W. Brandt 21 d.

E. B'. Fox 2f in llm final. Handlcop (insolation: v. e.

uay. rairs: 4. louin and w. narrows. RALE.

H. Clement! and R. Walker won the Sale ctuo's spoon competition. Reso Train to Mildura. Bookings on the Reso train to Mildura for the Mildura bowling carnival next month will close to-morrow.

The rain, which consist? of sleeping cars, a lounge-observation car, a dining car and hot and cold shower baths. will leave Melbourne on 4th May and return from Mildura on 11th May. While in Mildura. the train will be placed In a elding overlooking tha Murray River, nnd passengers will be accommodated on the train during that period. The fare from Melbourne will be 15 8, Including return rail travel, meals and sleeping uenns.

tsooningH may uo maae at ine khu-way offices. Spencer-street, or at the Government Tourist Bureau. Perth Carnival. ALLEY REACHES RINKS SEMI-FINAL PERTH The various Australian champion-tdiips advanced another stage on Saturday. Results: lnlor-State Match.

Tasmania 110 Queensland 73. Australian run unarnpionsnip. yuaner iv given): (jiougnt IvV.A.) 10. PERTH. Mr.

E. C. Cordner. who was sec retary of the Australian Bowling and is secretary ot ine Victorian oowimg Association, resigned the former position during the nresrnt chamoionshlns carnlvnl Ir Perth. M- C.

O. Smart, secretary of the New South Wales association, has been appointed as his successor. 1 Master Blue also started Betting: 2 to l1 each against Order Form and Master Blue,) 4 Hubert Mnc. Won by a length and hall. Time, 21 y.

sec. Encourage stake. L. Bourbatid'a Lois Mac (Aadrew Mac Mistletoe' Prldej. 1, The Bell, 2.

Co mint. Queen, 3. Lena Guard, and Stratford Lid also started. Betting: 2 to 1 against Cormlnta Queen. 4 Lois Mar.

5' Stratford Lad. Won by half a. length. Time, 20 3-5tU aec CASTLEMAINE. The Castlemafne Speed! uoursing chid unai meeting ior tne season remilledr Mnlrlen: Frank's Pet.

Barry Brook, Turner's Hope, 3. Miller! cup. First neat Grenadier, 1: rouceman'si Gift, Plainsman. 3. Second Heat: Mcnellk.i Old Shadow, Sleepy Handy.

3. Opetii Novice Nellie Tolan. 1 Jenn Margaret 2 1 Merrl Old England. 3. Hurdle: Plainsman.

While Chief. 2: Glen Alnley. 3. Final Miller Cup: C. McSnanag's Policeman's Gift.

1 Grenadier. Sleepv Sandy, 3. Consolation Stakes: Elaine's Choice, Lyall, Ch teste iynn, White City Draw. Following Is the draw for the Whlto City meeting to-night (Monday): CIRCULAR TRACK (385 Yards), Novice Stake (1). HIazaraee.

Pnm. Be- guile, Prince Conceit, Spotted King, Noie issue. iJriiniri'ri Hon. liu Kinur er 1 nin a- nel). Novice (2).

Jut imagine, Oreen An- ton. Gay Element. Dark Prince. Fawn Cap, Dilation March. Golden Swon.

vondol. Novice Stake (3). Big Wind. Honesty, Alt Motor, Keen Charlie. Late Again, Sir Hex.

Maud Ration. Gallant Mafd. Heath Staka. Lander, Swan's Echo, Tisl Stride. Stormy Ra, Joan of Arc, Shy She, STRAIGHT TRACK.

NavlM Stsktt IM. IjvIiIo. fir mo Vanlnrl Valiant. Sanlv Blls, Jeanfrvd, Bristol Channel. Belly's Tet.

1 Novice Stake (2) Flamingo, Flash Lady, Jlmrole stop Got, Prismatic, Unstlo on, Heath Stake Golden Sands, No Favors. Loper, Sea Bound, Sunny Lad, Ulysses, Flashing Fluke, Potsy Guard. Handlenp Race. Versatile. Mtsa Nell, Micky the Miuse.

7: Some Reward, Vui-al. addln. Salamander, Laoy Kaflla, Silent I WHIPPETS. Trial Atbi xn. ci.imi.

timni, 1 Norma, Jimmte Bov, Grand Blam, Auto Amy, Oilhlc Light, Golden Bell. V.W.R.C. S)Ak You'll White Don. Rare Divot, Junt-s Hope, Shadow 1 vinruoa, AuiocnHncr. Ml-hell Stike.

Marween, Anna St on. Iirralne. Metro, Lucky Sol. Kniidle Boy, Flying Mash. Hurdle Pr'rie.

Flashllrht. Terpn-Luckv Tnrl Words. Fast Life. Clan Flu. bert.

Sl.vcr Ring. Maribyrnong Draw for To-night. Fotiowlmt la tho 4rw for the mcetlni lo oe neid at Marlhymon to-night: CIRCULAR TRACK. River Stake (1). -First Division: BtHe-s 1 inc.

rxuuiiij-u, rnnrc jjinoie, Annsm Lid. Bark Buttons. idles. Bolero Btver Rlake (I). Second Division: Kellor's rjujir, iin-n iioyni.

urarn wionarcn. worunn EneftiirsM flt)t' T) rem in l-wnirtht tTtiM Tl'i-tek Po. Betty Fiynne, Moonshine. 'Humor. Rather Rire.

H-indiem Rare: Gflv Roval mi. ton lia, Jjlllie ion) (ft). Corel Reef (4). Skinny (3). Hurdi" Race: Ultron ttlverston Mil lurn Me Vr (13).

Wagcon Wheels, Trlncc -ine. nnr iari ti, vi.1 iiumpnrey ij Glen Role (5). PTILMGHT TRACK. Trial Stake (I): Rmty Cib. Treble A.

Request, Hspny's Rsl. Nea Tap, Crvstnl Queen, Heoten Haff. Grevfrlar. Novice stake. Hiking Home.

Heroi, Densrl 1 utmiu, ruin, wuicKPiiver. neiifliy Gilrl. Prlris. I Intermediate Stake: Ikev. Ticer Too, peoieh Hot ham Heights.

Vicuna, Flying Mnrelind Ac'nln. TlfiHlialnn Ronny Cliff. Csshel, if, Coburg Laddie, Great! 1 5omeone colls for good AMQIa iiY Wl 111 ccptca. rrce loose ooxes are also pro- vided oy the elub. As usual.

Wednesday cepted, free loose boxes are also pro- 01 warrnamoooi weeK is devoted to tne 01 inn warrnamoooi Amoieur at 8 p.m. to-day with the secretory of I lilk Kit, rr rr mm iviiiiKi, tin. v. A. fl ITTAtUlUVl IVUlUlt- ciearintr oil during the r'Pf- Warrnimbool; Mr.

J. C. Reillv favnrohu everything deemed 421 Bmirke-strcct, Melbourne, or Mr. H. ino 101 lowing day's meet-iiJew, rinmiiton hoWr LV on Hrtday morning, full Ja hpnvy raln commenced to Jii.

and nn Inspection of the rrliieiai ihe committee was JJclan ly forced to postpone the meet- nu iwit. Jiw nfth efTort thHk TdP but' Without clZ-L, the PnWto Works Hi? rnn P5l nM uineer to Inspect ne-if witn plans enn; tor Mm dralnasfl of the publ.c icaoi 10, which Is known1 Nominations rlor.o to-day with Mr. G. Lockinuton, V.R.C.-bulldings, fnr the rare meeting nt Avenel on Tuesday. 28th April.

The programme Is as follows: Maiden Handicap, 20. live rurlongs; Two-Ycor-Old Handlcan. 20. five fur. loiuip; Avenel Handlenp, 3S, one mile.

wovica jianmuuiJ, a-iu, em iiinonpA Waller Handicap, 25. seven furlongs' Trial llancllfAi). X30. 0111 mile. A.

nominations arc lV 1 rs ui 1 1 I 11 11.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.