The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2641-2660 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2641

In Zhongquan’s eyes, Charlie was a standard sweet and pastry.

Leaving aside Charlie’s so powerful and strange strength, the marriage contract between Charlie and Sara and the firm attitude of the Gu family willing to abide by the marriage contract made Zhongquan look forward to Charlie’s official return to the Wade family.

The money earned from trading is earned by accumulating one point after another point, but if you make money by marrying a woman, you may add tens or even hundreds of billions of property overnight.

Philip only has a daughter Sara the only heir of the huge wealth, so everyone knows that once someone marries Sara, he will inherit the entire Gu family.

Zhongquan wanted to surpass the Su family a long time ago. If Charlie really took Sara into his bag, then the comprehensive strength of the Wade family would surely surpass the Su family by a large margin.

Moreover, now the Su family has suffered successive blows. If Charlie can match up and let Wade family and Gu family work together to deal with the Su family, then it is very likely to pull the Su family down from the first place and drag them directly to third place.

When the time comes, the Wade family will be the first, and the Gu family will be second, and the Gu family is almost equal to the Wade family. That is really the time for the Wade family to rebuild its glory!

Therefore, Zhongquan would be tolerant of Charlie in every possible way. Charlie could only use his Concorde airliner, and he could only give it; if Charlie wanted him to help enter Syria, he could only help.

Therefore, he immediately mobilized resources and made arrangements, and then told Charlie: “Charlie, I have arranged it. The plane will take off from Eastcliff in ten minutes, and it will land at Aurous Hill Airport half an hour after takeoff. Then you can directly board at Aurous Hill Airport and fly non-stop to Lebanon!”

Charlie was relieved after listening.

Although the matter of going to Syria was too hasty, and there is no news that Melba has a confirmed accident, Charlie still felt that he has to go.

It was just that Charlie was about to leave for Syria suddenly, and he didn’t know how to explain to Claire.

After much deliberation, he could only use the old rhetoric of showing customers Feng Shui, and called Claire.

At this time, Claire was still in a meeting in the Emgrand Group.

In the recent period, more than half of her working hours have been in the Emgrand Group.

Because many plans need to be connected with the representatives of the Group, if there is any need, the plan must be adjusted in time.

Emgrand Group itself is the largest real estate development group in the city, and its requirements for project partners have always been very harsh.

Moreover, in the Group, apart from Doris who knew that Claire’s true identity was the wife of the chairman, everyone else did not know this.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people, Claire won the bid for the cooperation of the Emgrand Group, and they naturally have to strictly demand the partners.

Claire received the call from Charlie and hurried to the bathroom. After answering the call, Claire asked, “Husband, why do you call me at this time? Anything important?”

Charlie suddenly felt a little tangled.

In fact, he didn’t want to lie and deceive Claire without a last resort.

But this kind of thing, he can’t tell the truth to her anyway.

Not only is the situation in Syria extremely dangerous in the eyes of ordinary people, but the reason for going to Syria is simply not understood.

If he tells her that the child of a man who was a classmate of his mother is about to be in danger in Syria, then many of the questions involved cannot be answered at all.

For example, who is his mother? Who is the mother’s classmate?

For another example, what can he do if his mother’s classmate’s child has an accident in Syria and can go there alone with bare hands? Besides, there is not even a direct plane, how can he get there?

Sometimes, if you choose to tell the truth, you must pull out the radish to bring out the mud and confess all the key information, otherwise, it is more appropriate to fabricate a false reason.

Therefore, thinking of this, Charlie had no choice but to say: “Wife, this is the case. I have a client who wants to ask me to go out of town to show Feng Shui in his house. He just happened to have a fancy for a second-hand villa that others are desperately selling. If there is nothing wrong with the Feng Shui, he will just buy it.”

Claire asked him, “Going to another place? How long?”

Charlie thought for a while and said, “If it’s fast, I can come back tomorrow; but if it’s slow, it may take two or three days.”

Claire couldn’t help but asked him in a low voice, “Husband, can this project be dropped? You will have your birthday in a few days. I really don’t want you to be as busy as before…”

Chapter 2642

Charlie was moved in his heart, and said softly, “Good wife, to be honest, I don’t want to go out at this time, but this time I met an old customer, and I really can’t escape.”

Having said that, he paused slightly and continued: “Wife, or else, I promise you? After this order is finished, I will not accept new orders in the next month!”

The reason why Charlie promised for a month was that it was Ching Ming Festival almost a month later, and he had to go to Eastcliff to participate in the ancestor worship ceremony at that time, and he would definitely have to explain to Claire for reasons of Feng Shui.

Claire on the phone, after hearing Charlie’s answer, not taking orders for a month, her mood finally eased a lot, and her tone was also a little bit coquettish, and said, “This is what you said, if in the future within a month, if you dare to go out and show others Feng Shui, then I will not share the room with you to sleep!”

When Charlie heard this, he immediately agreed without hesitation, and blurted out: “My wife, don’t worry! I will do what I say!”

Only then was Claire satisfied, and asked him, “Then when are you leaving?”

Charlie said, “I’ll leave directly in a while.”

Claire couldn’t hide her surprise and asked, “Why are you so anxious? I thought you have to wait for tomorrow to leave.”

Charlie explained: “The seller of the villa at the other house contacted several buyers at the same time. Because the price is relatively cheap, whoever gets the deal will get it first. That’s why this old customer is so anxious and wants me to go with him today.”

Claire asked curiously, “What customers, man or a woman?”

After speaking, she felt that her question was a bit inappropriate, and hurriedly explained: “Charlie, I just asked casually. There is no other meaning. If you don’t want to say it, then forget it.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It’s a male client. He is quite famous. He is the general manager of our Shangri-La Hotel, Issac Craven.”

Claire naturally heard of Issac’s name.

However, she only knows that Issac is the general manager of Shangri-La, and that he is very influential in Aurous Hill, but she does not know Issac’s true background.

So Charlie was not afraid of using Issac as a cover.

Hearing Issac’s name, Claire exclaimed: “Damn, this man is said to be very powerful. Even the Song family has to give him some face. When did he become your old customer?”

Charlie deliberately lowered his voice and said with a smile: “Aren’t these rich people in Aurous Hill quite good? They believe in Feng Shui. I was a bit famous before, so many rich people came here admiringly.”

While talking, he said again: “Wife, wait a minute, I will let Mr. Issac say something to you.”

Claire hurriedly said, “No need, no, husband, I just asked casually, no other meaning.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Your husband didn’t mean anything else, just to let you rest assured.”

With that, he said to Issac: “Mr. Issac, please talk to my wife.”

Issac hurried over and said seriously: “Mrs. Wade, I am Issac. Mr. Wade will go with me this time, and I hope you don’t mind.”

Claire hurriedly said, “If I don’t, I won’t, I hope you all go well.”

Charlie said at this time: “My wife, we are going to leave immediately, so I would say to you bye for now.”

Claire said hurriedly, “Then you must pay attention to safety when you are away, and remember to eat regularly.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I will take care of myself.”

Claire reluctantly said: “Then you go, I will continue to work hard, come back soon.”

“Sure, I will.”

Charlie also hung up the phone a little bit reluctantly, and then immediately said to Issac: “Arrange a helicopter, I’m going to the airport!”

Chapter 2643

When Charlie said that he was going to the airport, Issac subconsciously said, “Master, going now?”

Charlie blurted out: “What are you waiting for if I don’t go now? The plane is estimated to have taken off. It will arrive at Airport in less than 20 minutes. If the helicopter moves more slowly, the Concorde may arrive first.”

Issac came back to his senses and smirked awkwardly: “Yes, yes, yes, I forgot that this Concorde airliner is flying fast. Wait a moment, I will arrange the helicopter to take off.”

After speaking, Issac picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and blurted out: “The helicopter crew prepares immediately and takes off to Aurous Hill Airport in five minutes!”

Soon, Charlie heard the helicopter engine starting sound from the roof.

Issac hurriedly said, “Master, you can go!”

“Good!” Charlie stood up without hesitation and walked out of Issac’s office.

Issac’s office itself is on the top floor, and the helipad on the top of the building is directly above his office. At the entrance of his office, there is a special elevator that can rise directly to the top of the building.

Under the leadership of Issac, Charlie took the special elevator to the top of the building. The helicopter had started at this time and was ready to take off at any time.

A flight attendant opened the door of the helicopter and stood aside respectfully. Charlie stepped up without hesitation. Unexpectedly, Issac would also follow.

Charlie said: “You don’t have to see me off.”

Issac said hurriedly, “Master, I am not going to see you off, I am going to go with you!”

“Come with me?” Charlie frowned and said, “Don’t have to be so troublesome, I can do it myself.”

Issac blurted out: “No, master, you are going to Syria and you are not familiar with the place. Although your strength is unmatched, I still hope to be able to stand by your side, and if my Lady Claire calls you, I will at least can help you round up a lie.”

Seeing Issac’s insistence, Charlie didn’t refuse, and said, “Okay, let’s go together.”

Issac was overjoyed, and hurriedly sat down beside Charlie, and said to the crew: “Get off!”

The helicopter immediately climbed and galloped towards the Aurous Hill Airport.

Twenty minutes later, when the helicopter was less than ten kilometers away from the airport, Charlie saw a slender white passenger plane in the sky above him, swiftly passing by.

Unlike the arc-shaped front face of an ordinary passenger plane, the nose of this plane is a very sharp cone, and the wing is not in the shape of two open wings, but a triangular wing that is rearward. The shape of this delta wing is the kind of design style that is extremely speedy.

Issac on the side also saw the plane, and said excitedly: “Look, master, that’s the master’s Concorde! It seems that this plane has arrived before us!”

The approach speed of the Concorde airliner was nearly 400 kilometers per hour, which was much faster than the helicopter, so the helicopter was left behind in the blink of an eye.

Charlie looked at this plane full of science fiction imagery, and couldn’t help feeling in his heart. He really did not expect that such an advanced plane was a product developed decades ago.

What made him even more emotional is that the power of capital is indeed extremely powerful. The cost of this aircraft is extremely high, and the cost of modification and maintenance is higher. The cost of keeping it is faster than burning money if it is not for assets with more than one trillion. No one in the big family can afford to burn such expensive things.

Chapter 2644

A few minutes later, Charlie’s helicopter arrived at Aurous Hill Airport.

At the end of the airport runway, the Concorde plane was parked just now.

The pilot said at this moment: “Young Master, Mr. Issac, the feedback from the airport said that the Concorde is ready to take off. Let’s land directly next to the Concorde, and then board and take off immediately!”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded. He became more aware of the reasons for the success of the big family, and a large part of it was the guarantee behind the success.

Ordinary people want to go to Syria, according to the conventional route, from the moment of boarding, it takes at least 24 hours.

However, with such a complete support system, the time to arrive in Syria can be almost reduced to six hours.

The difference of eighteen hours does not seem to be a big deal in normal times. It is nothing more than the difference between a plane ticket and a green leather train ticket. But in the face of extremely important events, these eighteen hours can be a great headstart. There are too many things and too many results that can be changed.

As the helicopter descended, Charlie suddenly received a call from Pollard. As soon as the call was made, Pollard said in a panic, “Charlie…know that something serious happened to Melba… “

Charlie hurriedly asked, “Uncle, don’t worry, and speak slowly, what happened to Melba?”

Pollard blurted out: “I just received a message from a local friend that the government army’s military operation failed today. The troops they sent were encircled by the opposition. Over a thousand people were killed or injured, and nearly a hundred people are captured. Eight young Americans including Melba…”

“What?!” Charlie suddenly exclaimed, “Is the message confirmed?”

Pollard said nervously: “It has been determined…Now the government forces are preparing to launch military retaliation, but the opposition has already told the government forces and the U.S. Embassy to pay 80 million US dollars as ransom, otherwise, the eight of them including Melba will be executed!”

Charlie asked hurriedly, “Did the American Embassy declare its position?”

“I have expressed my opinion.” Pollard sighed and said: “Their spokesperson strongly condemned the actions of the opposition, and they said that they would not accept the threat of the opposition, and demanded that the opposition must release the hostages, otherwise they will launch Military offensive against them…”

Charlie’s tone couldn’t help being solemn, and said: “If this is the case, it is likely to anger the other party.”

“Yes…” Pollard gritted his teeth and cursed, “My friend knows the people in the US Embassy. They actually don’t care about the lives of these eight young people!”

“And they are not willing to pay the ransom at all, because they have made a lot of enemies in the Middle East over the years. Once this compromise is made, I don’t know how many people will follow suit, so they want to prevent this from happening again… ..”

Speaking of this, Pollard choked and said: “The opposition is also very angry at the attitude of the Embassy. They said that they will give them six hours. After six hours, one will be executed every half an hour. Melba! I… I am afraid this time it will be too bad. …”

Charlie hurriedly comforted: “Uncle Watt, don’t worry about it…”

Pollard cried bitterly and said, “Hey, how can I not worry…I am about to have a heart attack now!”

“And I really regret it! I regret making Melba naturalized at the time… She was born in the United States at the time, so she was naturally naturalized at that time. If she was a Chinese national, she would definitely return this time. There would be a turnaround…”

“It’s a pity that she and her classmates and friends are all American…”

Charlie hurriedly said: “Uncle, don’t worry, let alone not be so pessimistic. I will set off for Syria right away. I will definitely find a way to rescue your daughter. You can wait for good news from my side!”

Chapter 2645

Pollard never dreamed that Charlie was already ready to go to Syria!

He originally did not call Charlie to ask him for help, because he felt that Charlie could not help much. After all, his daughter is now six to seven thousand kilometers away in Syria, and she is too deep in the armed conflict.

In this case, even the Syrian government army could not help, so he never thought that Charlie could help.

Pollard made this call to Charlie mainly to tell him the latest situation.

Therefore, when he heard Charlie say that he was ready to go to Syria, he was shocked to speak.

After a while, he subconsciously asked, “Charlie, you…how would you go to Syria? That place is not even connected to civil aviation…”

Charlie had already stepped off the helicopter and stepped onto the slender Concorde in front of him.

As he ran up the boarding stair car, he said to Pollard on the phone: “I let the Wade family arrange the plane to fly to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, and then enter Syria from Beirut!”

Pollard heard this and immediately said excitedly: “Charlie, you… are you serious?!”

Charlie said, “Of course, I’m already at the Airport here, and will take off immediately.”

Pollard asked subconsciously: “How long will it take to get to Syria? The opposition will start killing hostages in a few hours. I’m afraid you will toss it so far, but in the end, you still can’t catch up…”

Charlie said: “I borrowed the Wade family’s Concorde, and I can get to Beirut in not more than four hours. In addition, I also asked the Wade family to prepare the resources and contacts there. After I land, I should be able to go directly to Syria. Kent is only a few tens of kilometers away from Syria, and should still be able to catch up.”

Pollard hurriedly asked again: “Then…can I come with you then?”

Charlie said, “Uncle, time is running out. I will take off in five minutes. You can wait for my message here with peace of mind. I will definitely bring your daughter back safely.”

Pollard said gratefully, “Charlie, thank you so much…”

After speaking, he asked again: “Charlie, how do you plan to save Melba when you arrive in Syria? You promised uncle that you must never try to risk yourself! In any case, you can’t put yourself in a dangerous situation, do you understand?”

Charlie comforted: “Uncle, don’t worry, I mainly intend to use the money to solve the problem this time. Don’t the Syrian opposition just want the ransom? If the US embassy is not willing to give it, then I will give it.”

Charlie couldn’t help but ridiculed himself again: “To be honest, I am going to be a spoiler for the opposition this time. No matter how b@stard they are, they can’t even let the God of Wealth not let go, right?”

In fact, Charlie just comforted Pollard and told him not to worry too much.

Using money to redeem someone is not Charlie’s style at all.

Because he knows that such desperadoes are absolutely impossible to have any credibility at all.

Generally speaking, such brutal and vicious criminals will only see money open and treachery will follow.

They really took tens of millions of dollars in the past to redeem people, they might not only not let them go, but on the contrary, they would feel that they were a big fish and detain them and asked for more dollars.

So, this time, he is ready to directly use violence to solve the problem.

Chapter 2646

Pollard didn’t know Charlie’s plan.

When he heard that Charlie planned to use the money to solve the problem, he was a little relieved.

Originally, he hoped that the U.S. Embassy would pay for the ransom, but the Embassy’s attitude was very tough and did not give the opposition any room for negotiation.

Now, Charlie is willing to pay for the ransom in their place. He feels that once the core demands of the opposition are met, they will naturally honor their promise.

So, he said to Charlie gratefully: “Charlie, everything is up to you!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Uncle, don’t worry, the plane is about to take off, so I won’t tell you anymore.”

Pollard hurriedly said, “Well, that uncle is waiting for you to return safely!”

After hanging up the phone, Charlie was already seated in the Concorde. He and Issac buckled their seat belts under the reminder of the crew. Then, the plane sprinted at the end of the runway with all its strength and rose into the air.

The biggest feature of the Concorde airliner is that it flies fast and high, and its cruising altitude has reached an astonishing 18,000 meters.

After the aircraft climbed to a predetermined altitude in one breath, it began to enter supersonic cruise.

Charlie has been lying leaning against a comfortable first-class seat with his eyes closed and rested. Issac on the side seemed a little excited. While holding a mobile phone and using the expensive satellite network to communicate with others, he held a pen, Constantly writing and drawing on the small book.

Halfway through the voyage, Charlie opened his eyes, looked at him, and asked curiously, “Mr. Issac, what are you painting there?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, the master gave me the contact information of the Lebanese counterpart. I communicated with the other party and learned some more specific information. Now I am sorting out the resources we need to use.”

Charlie asked him, “Are there any new specific information?”

Issac said: “Yes, the position of the opposition garrison has been determined. It is in a small mountain town 80 kilometers north of the Syrian capital. The master has opened up the border between the two countries. When we arrive in Lebanon, we can directly transfer to the opposition’s location by helicopter. Where the pie is.”

After speaking, he said again: “Master, the military strength of the opposition is still very strong. According to the information received by the Syrian military, they have stationed at least two thousand soldiers in this position. Each soldier is equipped with automatic weapons. It is also equipped with more than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles and four armed helicopters. If we go by helicopter, the other party will probably send an armed helicopter directly to attack us, I am afraid it will be difficult to get close!”

Charlie pondered for a moment and then said: “Then, let your contacts prepare a fixed-wing aircraft in Lebanon. The aircraft will take me to the sky above the destination, and I will parachute down by myself.”

Issac blurted out and asked, “Master…you want to go by yourself?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Of course, could it be the two of us going together?”

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, what I mean is, we’d better mobilize a group of foreign aid in Lebanon. I have asked the docking person to contact the mercenary resources in Lebanon, and I am contacting as many mercenaries as possible.”

Charlie waved his hand: “The opponent has 2,000 soldiers and heavy weapons. This is basically a regiment configuration. In this case, it makes no sense for us to find mercenaries.”

“If you want to be able to fight them, at least you have to have thousands of well-equipped mercenaries, not to mention that since the opponent is stationed in a small town, he must have a strong mass base in the local area. Adding thousands of militiamen with live ammunition, I believe that the reason why the government forces failed was that they underestimated their military strength and combat potential.”

“And don’t forget, the purpose of our visit this time is to save people, not to wipe out the opposition for the Syrian government forces. If we really bring a thousand mercenaries to fight over, this group of people may not come to death. Kill all those hostages, even if they are all wiped out then, what can we do?”

When Issac heard this, he couldn’t help asking: “Master, if you sneak in by yourself, wouldn’t it be more dangerous? Also, even if you can sneak in, how can you rescue people and come out safe?”

Chapter 2647

“How to save people?”

Hearing Issac’s question, Charlie gave a wry smile and said frankly: “To be honest, I don’t know how to do that.”

Issac asked nervously, “Then how sure are you this time?”

Charlie said seriously: “I have never been to Syria. I don’t know the individual strength and defensive level of the Syrian opposition. But judging from the situation you just said, the other party’s paper data is still very strong, even if they are a little capable. It’s impossible to take on thousands of soldiers with live ammunition, so I can only find a way to sneak in quietly.”

While speaking, Charlie sighed lightly and said, “If I’m lucky, maybe I can sneak in, but if I’m not lucky, I might not even be able to get in.”

Issac was very worried and said, “Master, if you go into the tiger’s den by yourself, will your life not be in danger? What if the other party finds out?”

Charlie waved his hand and said, “I still have the ability and confidence to protect myself, but it’s hard to say whether I can rescue people smoothly.”

Issac asked again: “Master, you said you want to skydive from a fixed-wing aircraft. Have you got any skydiving experience before?”

Charlie shook his head and said, “No, I have had food and clothing problems all these years, so how can I experience skydiving?”

Issac’s expression became even more nervous, and he said, “Master, if you have no prior such experience, wouldn’t it be more dangerous in this situation?”

As he said, he hurriedly said again: “The information I received shows that the opposition’s current air defense weapon is a Stinger air defense missile made by the United States. This missile can effectively shoot at a height of about four kilometers. The flight altitude of GD must be kept above 4,000 meters, which means that you have to skydive from a height of more than 4,000 meters, which is very difficult!”

Charlie asked humbly, “Then tell me specifically, what are the main difficulties for parachuting at a height of four kilometers?”

Issac explained: “The first thing is to deal with the high-altitude air pressure and low temperature, which is a test of the physical fitness of the skydiver.”

Charlie nodded: “I believe there is nothing wrong with me in this regard, what about the others?”

Issac continued: “In addition, it is to maintain the high-altitude posture. You must ensure that your descent speed is moderate, not too slow, let alone too fast. This requires you to make reasonable use of your body and constantly adjust the air resistance and Your posture.”

Charlie nodded and said, “It sounds like it shouldn’t be difficult, is there any more?”

Issac added: “The other is the control of the timing of opening the parachute, and the control of the parachute after opening it. When you jump from a height of more than 4,000 meters, the high airflow is unstable. You have to constantly adjust the direction. Make sure you land at the predetermined location as accurately as possible. If you make a mistake, you may miss several kilometers or even dozens of kilometers.”

After speaking, Issac continued: “Yes, there is also the landing posture. Although usually watching others parachuting, it seems that the landing speed is not fast. In fact, at the moment of landing, the descending speed is still very high. This requires the skydiver to land. Make adjustments the moment before. If you don’t control well, it’s common to break your leg or break other body parts.”

When Charlie heard this, he couldn’t help but ask him: “The last time I jumped from a ten-meter-high helicopter, it was all right. What you said shouldn’t be a problem to me.”

Only then did Issac remember the performance of Zhiyu and Liona rescue last time by Charlie, and he felt a little relieved when he thought that Charlie’s physical fitness was completely different from that of ordinary people.

So he took a breath and continued: “Master, since this is the case, then I think the only two issues you need to pay attention to are direction control and the timing of opening the umbrella. I will contact the Lebanese side. The interface person, let them prepare a device that can display air pressure, altitude, and GPS positioning. Then you can judge the time of skydiving based on real-time data, and then adjust the direction in real-time based on GPS.”

Chapter 2648

Charlie nodded: “Okay, let them arrange a parachuting instructor to board the plane with me, and tell me how to open the parachute and control the direction on the way!”


After more than four hours of flying, Charlie’s Concorde airliner finally landed at the Lebanese capital Beirut Airport.

At this time it is afternoon in Beirut, and the temperature reached about 30 degrees Celsius.

The sky has been a little hazy, and the air has been a little damp. It seems that a heavy rain has been holding back for a long time and it has not come down.

After Charlie’s plane landed, he taxied directly to a huge hangar. At this time, there was also a transport plane with four propeller engines parked in the hangar. A group of crew members was surrounding the plane for detailed inspection.

After the plane stopped, the ladder docked, the crew opened the door, and Charlie and Issac walked out of the cabin together.

At this time, under the ladder, a middle-aged man with a Chinese face was standing respectfully. When Charlie and Issac walked down, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully, and said, “Hello, young master. Welcome to Beirut.”

Charlie looked at the other party and found that this person was about the same age as Issac, in his thirties, and his Mandarin was very standard, and he did not seem to be an overseas Chinese living abroad for a long time.

So he asked, “Are you from the Wade family?”

The other party hurriedly said, “Going back to the young master, I am the spokesperson of the Wade family in the Middle East. You can call me Chester. The master specially asked me to fly over from Saudi Arabia to help you clear the official work and provide you with all the help I can.”

Charlie nodded slightly and asked him, “How is the situation in Syria?”

Chester explained: “The Syrian opposition is in a stalemate with the U.S. Embassy, ​​but the U.S. Embassy’s attitude is very firm this time, and it doesn’t mean to compromise. So I guess they will lose patience soon.”

Charlie asked again: “Is the U.S. Embassy not prepared to intervene in this matter at all, or does it have other plans behind it?”

Chester said helplessly: “At present, it seems that they are not ready to intervene at all, mainly because they did not get any benefits in Syria in the past few years, and now they do not want to be implicated again after the withdrawal.”

“On the other hand, it’s also because these kidnapped young Americans are not the children of American politicians or rich people. They have no background. The Americans want to make things trivial, so they have begun to suppress information in their homeland. Ordered major European media not to follow-up reports.”

“In this way, even if the reactionaries really kill these eight people, American citizens will not hear anything.”

Having said that, Chester said with emotion: “Moreover, the situation in Syria is particularly chaotic now. Not only are the government and the opposition fighting, but Kurdish forces are also involved.”

“The camp behind this is even more complicated. The United States, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Turkey are all contributing to the flames behind the scenes. This has led to various armed conflicts in Syria all these years, and any war on both sides is a state of killing red eyes. Without leaving any room, the U.S. Embassy has warned American citizens not to come to Syria. These eight young people knowingly committed a crime. If something really happens, they wouldn’t save them.”

Charlie nodded solemnly, and asked him, “Has the skydiving coach arrived?”

“He is here.” Chester said, “The coach debugged the parachute bag and the device on the plane. I will take you up to see him. By the way, master, our plane will take off in ten minutes!”

Chapter 2649

When Charlie boarded the plane, Mr. Chester pointed to one of the men who was checking the parachute bag and said, “Master, this is Vasily from Russia. He was a paratrooper instructor who was a professional high-altitude parachuter for twenty years. The experience is very rich.”

The Russian man called Vasily stood up, saluted Charlie, and said: “Hello, Mr. Wade! This time I will temporarily act as your skydiving instructor. If you feel unsure, I can take you to jump at that time.”

Charlie nodded and asked, “If I jump myself, what should I pay attention to?”

Vasili explained: “When we are approaching the destination, I will choose the most suitable skydiving location based on the altitude, airflow, and wind speed around the destination. If you pick it yourself, you must be there where you want to land. When I say jump, you have to jump out decisively.”

After finishing talking, he handed Charlie a professional watch and introduced: “Mr. Wade, this watch can monitor your altitude, temperature, body temperature, heart rate, and GPS position in real-time. After you parachute, open your limbs to stabilize the landing speed. At the same time, use your limbs to keep the proper direction. Then I will use your GPS coordinates to remind you in real-time how to control your limbs and then control the direction by radio, so as to ensure that your landing point does not yaw as much as possible.”

“In addition, I have set the umbrella opening reminder in this watch. If you reach the predetermined height of the umbrella opening, the watch will emit vibration and sound prompts. Then you can directly pull the main umbrella switch on the umbrella bag. This will turn on the parachute.”

Charlie took the watch and put it on his wrist. Vasily picked up a prepared parachute bag, pointed to a pull ring at the bottom, and introduced: “This is the cable for opening the umbrella. After the given altitude, you must pull out the parachute within 20 seconds, otherwise, it may be life-threatening.”

After that, he pointed to a switch on the right side of the parachute backpack and introduced: “This is for parachute cutting. If your parachute is not turned on or becomes entangled in the air after turning on, you can use this to release the parachute, and then The one on your left is the switch for the spare umbrella. After cutting the umbrella, you must turn on the spare umbrella immediately.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Okay, I will remember it. Open the main umbrella first. If something goes wrong, cut the main umbrella first and then open the second umbrella.”

“Yes.” Vasily said seriously: “If you don’t need me to parachute with you, then I will monitor your status in real-time, and then I will direct you to do every step of the operation.”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Okay, I didn’t jump over the umbrella, and I have no experience. With your guidance, it should be a lot smoother.”

Vasily nodded, patted his chest, and said, “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I will do my best to provide you with all remote guidance at that time!”

Chester said at this time: “Master, the plane can take off at any time.”

Charlie asked him, “How long is the estimated flight time?”

Chester said: “The straight-line distance is only more than 100 kilometers. The plane can take off in five minutes, and it will be close to the destination 15 to 20 minutes after takeoff.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said calmly: “Then get ready to take off!”

“OK, master!”

Chester walked into the co*ckpit, and after a few commands, the aircraft engine slowly started and pushed out from the hangar.

Immediately after that, the plane taxied all the way to the end of the runway, and then pushed forward with full force. Two minutes later, it rose into the air and drove straight over Syria.

After the plane entered Syrian airspace, Chester used a tablet to open a map of northwestern Syria and said to Charlie: “Master, it is cloudy today. Although the visibility is not high, it is still easy to be spotted by the other party during daylighting, so this time we booked The landing place is here.”

As he said, he pointed to a place on the screen, his fingertips drew a red circle on it, and then he drew an arrow pointing to a valley: “And here is your destination, and the distance of your landing Your destination is about five kilometers away. After you land on foot, it is safer.”

Charlie waved his hand: “It is originally a mountainous area with a straight-line distance of five kilometers. It would take two hills to cross. I don’t know how long it will take. Is there a better way?”

Chapter 2650

“This…” Chester hurriedly looked at Vasily.

Vasily spoke in embarrassment, “Mr. Wade, if your parachuting point is too close to them, it is likely that they spot you in advance before you get the chance to touch the ground, so this is all for your safety.”

Charlie said lightly: “It’s okay, I have a way to prevent them from discovering me.”

Chester had no choice but to take out an engineering plastic box from under the seat. After opening it, it contained two dark pistols, a pile of bullets, a stainless steel tactical dagger, and several grenades. He said to Charlie: ” Master, you should take all these weapons and equipment, in case you need them.”

Charlie shook his head and said, “I can’t use a gun.”

Chester exclaimed, “You don’t know how to use a gun?! Then…then how can you defend yourself this time?”

Charlie smiled and said, “If I dare to go alone, I will naturally have a way of self-defense, but it’s not a gun.”

Charlie knew very well in his heart that he wanted to sneak into the quarters of thousands of soldiers alone. It is impossible to solve the problem with a gun. This kind of thing can only be done by outsmarting.

If he wants to rescue Melba alive, he can only go in quietly and come out quietly, and must not go to war with the enemy.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will be stunned and even waste his own life in it.

Therefore, guns and grenades are absolutely unusable. Once they are used, he will immediately become targets in the eyes of thousands of soldiers.

Chester couldn’t help being worried when he saw that Charlie couldn’t use any weapons.

This time, Mr. Wade asked him to help Charlie. He didn’t ask for merit but no demerit. But when he saw Charlie going to do this kind of life-threatening thing, he also trembled in shock. If Charlie never returns this time, he must be punished by the old man.

So, he hurriedly handed Charlie another piece of paper and said to Charlie: “Master, there are some words written in English and Arabic on it. If you are discovered by them, you will immediately give this piece of paper to them. As long as they see this piece of paper, they will not embarrass you!”

Charlie asked with great interest: “What is written on this, is it so capable?”

After speaking, he opened the paper.

Charlie does not understand Arabic, but he could use English as a second mother tongue since he was a child, so he can see this passage clearly at a glance.

The meaning of this is actually very simple, just a paragraph of content, probably means: “I am the son of the Chinese Wade family, don’t kill me, as long as you make sure that I am intact, my family can give you 50 million dollars!”

After reading it, Charlie couldn’t help but sneered, and said, “You are indeed very considerate, but in my opinion, this thing is really useless.”

After that, he tore the paper to pieces.

Just when Chester was stunned, Charlie took the tablet computer in Chester’s hand again, drew a red circle on a mountain about 20 kilometers away from the destination, and said to him: “From the beginning of my skydiving, Six hours later, you arrange for a helicopter to come here to pick me up!”

Chapter 2651

Fifteen minutes after taking off, Charlie only had the last few tens of kilometers to the destination.

According to Vasily’s calculations, Charlie should jump out of the cabin after 5 minutes, and then use his remote guidance to land five kilometers away from the destination.

So he asked Charlie, “Mr. Wade, are you ready?”

Charlie nodded: “Ready.”

Vasily said to Chester, “Mr. Chester, please ask the captain to open the hatch.”

“OK!” Chester immediately walked to the co*ckpit and asked the captain to open the door at the rear of the plane.

When the cabin door opened slowly, a violent cold wind poured in instantly, and Issac and the others shivered.

Issac hurriedly said to Charlie loudly: “Master! You must be careful and vigilant! After six hours, we will definitely be waiting for you at the place you specify!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, we will meet in 6 hours!”

At this time, Vasily accompanied Charlie to the open hatch. Everyone looked at Charlie with breathlessness. This was his first parachuting. Not only was it extremely difficult to parachute, but also the real difficulty began after landing.

Except for Issac, no one at the scene could figure out what kind of self-confidence Charlie had that would make him dare to go deep into mad Tiger’s Lair guarded by thousands of soldiers. This kind of hell-level difficult task, even an imaginary hero in a movie would not dare to take this task.

Therefore, each of them was squeezed by Charlie’s safety concern.

Chester even felt that this matter would most likely end with the Wade family paying a large amount of cash to the opposition and redeeming Charlie from them.

However, Charlie’s face was light and breezy.

Five minutes have passed, and Vasily said to Charlie, “Mr. Wade, you can jump!”

Charlie was indifferent, and said lightly: “Wait.”

Vasily said nervously, “Mr. Wade, we can’t wait any longer. Our flight speed is still very fast. If you wait any longer, your landing point will deviate greatly. If the landing point is more distant from the opposition base If you are close, then you will be in a very dangerous situation! And, the closer you are, the bigger your goal after opening the umbrella!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Time is urgent, so it’s better to get closer.”

Vasily looked at the time and blurted out: “Mr. Wade if you jump now, the distance may only be three kilometers! Can’t wait any longer!”

Chester also said nervously, “Yes, master! If you wait, you will jump on top of the opposition base!”

Charlie looked at Vasily and asked him, “If I want to land one kilometer away from them, when is the best time to jump?”

Vasily swallowed, and said with difficulty, “If you really want to control one kilometer or so, then you have to wait another 30 seconds…”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded and said, “You help me count down. After 30 seconds, I will jump out on time!”

Vasily wiped away the cold sweat, and stammered, “In that case…it’s really…it’s too dangerous…”

Charlie smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, don’t I still have a surrender letter on me? If it doesn’t work, give them this letter, just as spending money to experience extreme sports.”

Chester sighed helplessly.

He saw Charlie for the first time, and at this moment he only felt that Charlie was simply unheard of dude.

He has seen the second generation of super-rich come out all over the world to spend money to play with w0men for fun, but he has never seen the second generation of super-rich like Charlie who comes out to spend money to die.

Vasily kept staring at the stopwatch in his hand, and when the last 10 seconds were left, he started the countdown.

“10, 9, 8, 7…”

At this time, the hatch was fully opened, and there was a thick cloud outside the hatch.

Chapter 5652

Although Syria also belongs to the Middle East, the latitude here is similar to that of Aurous Hill, and it is also wintertime, so it is the most rainy season in Syria.

Thick dark clouds not only block the sun but also make the air very humid.

This is a good thing for Charlie, because if today was cloudless, then the possibility that he wanted to parachute in during the day is almost zero.

That’s why he is confident that he can skydive closer to the opponent’s base.

When Vasily counted to the last three, Charlie stepped forward and went straight to the edge of the hatch. Vasily became more nervous and shouted, “3, 2, 1, jump!”

Charlie turned around and said to a few people, “Everyone, see you in six hours!”

After all, he jumped directly outside the cabin door without hesitation, and the whole person jumped into the thick clouds.

As soon as Charlie jumped out of the cabin, he felt as if he was in an ice cellar.

At an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, the temperature is a full 30 degrees Celsius lower than the surface. The current ground temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius above zero, so the temperature around Charlie is about 15 degrees below zero.

But this is nothing to him, his attention now is all focused on keeping his figure stable, so that he will not lose control of his body in a rapid fall.

Because he was in the thick clouds at this time, he basically couldn’t see the situation below. Fortunately, he could hear Vasily’s voice reminding: “Mr. Wade, the descending speed and direction are very stable, The clock is about 50 meters, please keep it. It is estimated that the height of the parachute will be safely opened after a minute and a half.”

Charlie shouted: “Okay, I get it!”

Ten seconds later, Charlie’s body finally passed through the clouds.

At this time, a small number of raindrops have begun to condense under the clouds, and it seems that rain will form soon.

Charlie can see almost all the endless mountains below him, and the mountains in the Middle East are really what is the scenery at all. Looking at it, it is almost yellowish, and because of the plateau, some of the tops of the mountains are higher. There is still white snow on it.

Charlie can already vaguely see that there are relatively simple villages in the valley below him. Although they are far away, he can still see that the houses in these villages are almost all low earth houses. The degree of poverty is evident.

As the distance got closer and closer, Charlie could see the village, surrounded by two mountain peaks on the east and west sides, and there is an entrance to the village in the north and south.

And at this north-south entrance and exit, there are some armored vehicles parked, as well as man-made trenches and shooting piles. It can be seen that these two entrances and exits are the top priority of the opposition armed defense stationed here.

In the very center of the village, there is a small circular square on which 4 helicopter gunships are parked.

In addition, above the mountain peaks on both sides, you can also see the man-made fortifications and observation decks, and vaguely there are personnel activities in the fortifications.

Charlie had already made a quick judgment in his mind at this time. He is alone and must sneak into the other side’s hinterland quietly, so the north and south entrances were definitely not a choice.

The most suitable entry point is the peaks on the east and west sides.

For the opposition parties stationed here, they are also very clear that the government forces do not have the capability of large-scale airstrikes. If they really want to attack them, the greatest possibility is to attack them by land.

There are mountains on both sides of the east and west, and there is no way to go. Even if soldiers sneak in from here on foot, it is very difficult, not to mention the heavy equipment.

So the government forces really want to attack, they can only enter from the two entrances, the north, and the south.

Because of this, the opposition’s defenses on the east and west sides are relatively weak, basically only equipped with a small number of soldiers, a small number of heavy machine guns, and stinger missiles.

Sneaking in from here, Charlie is very sure that he will not be discovered, and even if he is discovered, there will be no danger, because the anti-aircraft ability of the heavy machine gun is very weak, not only can the bullets not hit high, but also is affected by the gravity force. It’s basically a parabola.

As for the Stinger missile, although this thing is very powerful, it can only lock the aircraft itself, and cannot lock the living person, so in front of Charlie, it is equivalent to waste!

At this moment, Vasily’s voice came in Charlie’s earphones, and he said, “Mr. Wade, according to your current descending speed, you will have to open your umbrella in ten seconds!”

Charlie glanced at the information on the watch. After ten seconds, the height of the umbrella was about 500 meters. For the sake of caution, he wanted to choose the half-mountain on the east side as the landing location, so that he could avoid the top of the mountain directly. Defensive position, so he opened his mouth and said: “I want to open the umbrella at a height of 200 meters.”

“Two hundred meters?!” Vasily blurted out, “Opening the umbrella at this height, let’s not say that you will fall under the nose of the defensive position on the top of the mountain. Your descent speed alone will not have enough time to buffer and land. The strength that the body endures at that time is almost equal to jumping from the height of seven or eight stories without any protection, it will be life-threatening!”

Chapter 5653

The height of seven or eight floors is almost a deadly height for most ordinary people.

But for Charlie, it really isn’t a big deal.

His only worry is that when his height gets lower and lower, he will first descend to the height of the mountain top. The most important thing is whether he will be discovered by the other party at this height.

In order to be sure, he put his hand into his pocket and grasped the thunder warning in his pocket.

This thundering order used the Wannian Lightning Strike Wood sent by Warnia, which can be called the highest quality of the lightning strike wood, and Charlie’s most seized weapon.

Although he had used this shocking thunder for many times, and there were already many cracks on its surface, but at present, it can be used at least a few times.

Charlie didn’t really like to use the Thunderbolt, because every time this thing made a lot of noise, but this time, he still planned to use the Thunderbolt to increase his success rate.

At this time, the whole mountain area was quiet. There were few people here, and there were almost no vehicles on the road. People below could hear the wind and the not-so-big rain, but there was no other sound.

But at this moment, in the western sky, a lightning bolt like a whip of God suddenly lit up!

This lightning slammed on the top of the mountain in the west, slicing several soldiers in the fortifications into co*ke on the spot!

Followed by a deafening thunder!

The rumbling of thunder resounded as a missile exploded, and it reverberated throughout the valley.

On the plane, Chester was taken aback by the explosion. He blurted out, “Damn it! In places like the Middle East, how can there be thunderstorms in winter?!”

The skydiving expert Vasily, because of his professional requirements, is also a meteorological expert. Even he has a dumb face and muttered: “This…this is not scientific…I studied it deliberately I have retrieved today’s satellite weather map, and today’s weather conditions do not exist for the formation of thunderclouds!”

The crew also didn’t understand.

The crew of this aircraft is extremely experienced pilots, but all experienced pilots must be most of the meteorologists and well-informed meteorologists.

They have a good understanding of the formation of various climates and weather, and they can basically know what the situation is at a glance.

But no one thought that this kind of winter rain cloud, even a moderate rain could not fall, how could a sudden thunderstorm occur.

Only Issac heard this loud noise and felt a lot more at ease. He knew that this thunder must be caused by Charlie!

At this moment, all opposition soldiers, local villagers, and even 8 hostages, including Melba, were also shocked by the sudden explosion of thunder!

For these people, the noise of the thunder just now was so great that they had hardly encountered it in their entire life.

Many people have tinnitus in their ears because of this explosion.

If the eardrum is slightly fragile, you will feel severe pain deep in the ear.

Except for the imprisoned people, almost everyone else walked out the door for the first time, or turned their heads, and focused their attention on the West Mountain where the thunder and lightning occurred. The few soldiers who survived on the top of the West Mountain were also in panic and reported through the intercom The specific loss situation.

After hearing the news that five soldiers were killed by lightning, the entire opposition was shocked from top to bottom.

They have never encountered such a terrible thing. A bolt of single lightning can kill five people. How powerful is this lightning?

Most of the soldiers thought it was the anger of the gods, and many people knelt on the ground without hesitation and bowed to pray for the gods’ forgiveness.

Unlike most soldiers with no educational level, the leader of this opposition armed forces was an intellectual who had studied at a military academy. When he heard the message, he immediately realized that the reason why the fortifications on the top of the West Mountain were struck by lightning must be Because of their higher terrain, they have a lightning rod effect.

Therefore, he immediately ordered all the soldiers in the mountain top fortification to hide in the fortification to avoid another lightning strike.

This further helped Charlie. After receiving the message, the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop all shrank into the bunkers inside the fortifications, not daring to show up for fear of being struck by lightning again.

The soldiers on the top of the eastern mountain hid while others were staring at the west and were horrified. In the gray sky, an unremarkable figure fell from the eastern sky of the base at an extremely fast speed.

Chapter 5654

However, at this time everyone, including the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop, focused their attention on the west, so no one noticed the passing of this figure.

And this figure is Charlie who jumped down from an altitude of more than 5,000 meters!

At this time, Charlie’s descending speed was extremely fast, and his descending speed exceeded fifty meters in one second.

Vasily on the plane stared at the data uploaded by the computer and said palely: “Mr. Wade’s descending speed is too fast…and his remaining ground height is less than 300 meters. This is far below the minimum limit for the safe opening of the umbrella.

When Chester heard this, his whole body trembled in shock, and he blurted out, “Let the young master open the umbrella!”

Vasily recovered, and blurted out, “Mr. Wade, open the umbrella! Open the umbrella!”

While speaking, Charlie had already skimmed over the top of the mountain at high speed and fell towards the mountainside.

He was not in a hurry to open the umbrella, because he knew that when he didn’t open the umbrella, the goal was so small that it was difficult to see clearly.

But once the parachute is opened, a huge parachute will be released in an instant. In that case, the target will be magnified ten times or even dozens of times.

Therefore, he must make sure that the time for opening the umbrella is as short as possible!

In other words, he hopes to open the parachute at the lowest altitude, and then use the fastest time to reduce the speed of his fall to a height that is safe enough for him, and then finish the landing quickly, and then parachute immediately after landing Put it away so that he can avoid detection to the greatest extent.

Seeing that there were only two hundred meters left from the ground, Vasily realized that Charlie was still descending rapidly, and realized that he had not opened the umbrella, and couldn’t help but blurt out: “It’s over… this height must be certain. His body will be broken to pieces…”

Chester was frightened by his words.

He had already prepared to inform the old man to prepare for the ransom and save Charlie back, but he never expected that Charlie would fall to death because of parachuting.

If this is really a fall, he will definitely be to blame!

Just when the two of them were panicking, Charlie suddenly opened the parachute.

The huge parachute was released from the umbrella bag at once, causing Charlie’s rapidly falling body to be yanked back by a strong force.

Suddenly opening the umbrella at such a fast speed slows down, even if the average person does not faint, at least they will break a few ribs because of the huge inertia.

But Charlie filled the bones of his whole body with spiritual energy, his shoulders suddenly exerted force, abruptly holding the huge reaction force.

Immediately afterward, his descent speed from more than 50 meters per second, in a very short period of time, reduced to about 20 meters per second.

However, this speed is far from the safe speed for skydiving.

Normal people parachuting, the descending speed when landing is lower than six meters per second.

But at this time, Charlie was still less than fifty meters away from the ground.

Falling at this speed is almost the same as falling.

Fortunately, in the remaining 50 meters, the descending speed is still decreasing due to the effect of the parachute.

Immediately afterward, Charlie gathered all his true energy into his legs, and his whole person slammed into the ground at a speed of more than ten meters per second.

Vasily on the plane did not dare to look at the data returned on the computer, because he knew very well that after a second or two, Charlie’s heart rate would drop rapidly until it falls to zero.

However, he never dreamed that when Charlie had completely stopped falling, his heart rate would only be faster than just a dozen times per second.

He looked incredulous, and blurted out, “Mr. Wade, you… are you still alive?!”

At this time, Charlie had already begun to quickly put away the parachute. While he stuffed all the parachutes into the parachute bag, he said lightly: “Don’t worry, I have landed safely!”

Chapter 2655

Hearing Charlie’s reply, several people in the cabin were shocked to speak.

Vasily’s views of the whole person have been completely subverted, and he subconsciously said: “This…how is this possible…”

Although Chester breathed a sigh of relief, he was equally shocked and said, “Vasily, could it be you who miscalculated the information?”

“Impossible…” Vasily said confidently, “I have been skydiving for so many years, and I have never made a mistake in the calculation of the data!”

Chester frowned, “Then I really can’t figure it out…”

At this time, Issac, who had not spoken, said: “Don’t worry, the true strength of the young master is much stronger than you think! We will go back with peace of mind and prepare to meet the young master at the predetermined place!”

Immediately, the transport plane made a large circle in the air and began to return to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.

But Charlie concealed his figure and breath all the way, in the fastest time, all the way from the middle of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Because of the thicker rain clouds, the lighting conditions are getting worse. Although it is only in the afternoon, the visibility is almost the same as after the sunset.

Such lighting conditions further reduced Charlie’s chances of being discovered. Coupled with the thunder blast that killed several soldiers, all the opposition soldiers were a little restless, so the vigilance around them was naturally greatly reduced.

At this time, the village where the reactionaries were stationed was no more than a step away from Charlie.

He could even see the densely arranged bullet holes on the low walls of the village where the yellow soil was piled up.

Since the entire village is located in a narrow valley, the buildings of the village are divided into crescent-shaped sections. The outermost buildings are almost surrounded by a wall of nearly two meters high. The village only leaves one south and two entrances to the north.

At the entrance and exit of the village, there is a Middle Eastern-style stone arch, guarded by soldiers on both sides.

Outside the village, many soldiers carrying guns and live ammunition walked back and forth along the wall, and on the roofs of many earthen buildings in the village, there were many sentries carrying AK47s.

However, Charlie could see that the soldiers patrolling and standing guard were relatively loose as a whole, and most of them just paced back and forth with their guns in hand and were perfunctory.

In fact, this group of opposition forces, although their individual combat strength is average and their weapons and equipment are not advanced, but their combat experience is very sufficient.

The more combat experience you have, the easier it is to make empirical mistakes.

They have gone through all kinds of wars, including encirclement and suppression, encounters on narrow roads, and decisive battles, but they have never experienced individual infiltration.

Regardless of whether it is the government, the opposition, or the Kurdish armed forces, the biggest drawback is that the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is not good, and the energy of one person is really limited, so everyone is operating in groups, no matter how bad it is, there are seven or eight people and two or three heavy machine guns In the pickup truck, no one has a pit in his head and a person goes deep into the enemy’s nest alone.

Precisely because they had never experienced such a thing, when they were defending, they did not regard individual penetration as a defensive focus.

Their energy is used to monitor whether the government has sent large-scale motorized troops, whether it has sent warplanes, whether it has deployed heavy artillery at long distances in advance, and they are not so concerned about the situation other than these.

Charlie found the patrol team’s gap and quietly touched outside the fence in a very short time.

The point he chose was relatively lax, and it belonged to the blind spot of the sentries on both sides of the building and was the best breakthrough point.

Charlie, who was as light as a swallow, jumped outside the wall, and the person directly climbed over the wall and landed on the inside very quietly.

Chapter 1456

At this moment he was in a small courtyard. There were only three earthen houses in this small courtyard, which looked very dilapidated. Charlie used his aura to perceive the surroundings and found that there was no sign of anyone in these three earthen houses, so he prepared to follow Starting from this yard, it moved little by little to the central square of the village.

When he was parachuting, he saw the opposition park four helicopters in the central square. This shows that the opposition regards the central square as the most defensive place. Since the expensive helicopters are parked here, Charlie believes Eight hostages, including Melba, should also be detained near the central square.

He passed through the deserted small courtyard just now, and when he was about to cross another small courtyard, footsteps sounded not far away, so he immediately took a step back and hid in the wall of the abandoned small courtyard again.

Immediately afterwards, two middle-aged soldiers wearing desert camouflage uniforms walked over while holding a gun while talking.

What surprised Charlie was that what they spoke was not Arabic, but English!

What Charlie didn’t know was that English is also the lingua franca of Syria. Although the teaching level and per capita education level here are very low, in recent years, it has been occupied by Europe and the United States, so English has become their second mother tongue.

These opposition soldiers also received secret funding from Europe and the United States in the early years, and even Europe and the United States sent professional coaches to them to help them improve their combat effectiveness.

At that time, the coaches from Europe and the United States almost all spoke English, and the textbooks were also practical English. So over time, the English level of Syrian soldiers and opposition soldiers has been greatly improved. It is not a big deal to speak English.

At this time, one of them said to the other: “Zishan said on the walkie-talkie that five people were killed by lightning on the mountain, three were injured, and two of the three were injured are in a dangerous situation and medical attention is very urgent. The commander was asked to send a helicopter to the rescue, but he did not agree.”

The other person shrugged, spread his hands helplessly, and said, “The commander is impossible to agree. We are currently in short supply of aviation kerosene. The remaining stock cannot satisfy the four helicopters for several takeoffs and landings. If you want to save everything to deal with emergencies, how can you waste one take-off and landing for the two wounded?”

As he said, he said with emotion: “There is not much diesel left. Fortunately, the government has not started to organize an offensive, otherwise our helicopters and tanks will be able to support one day at most.”

The person before could not help complaining: “The world’s oil is in the Middle East, but we are short of oil to this point. It’s really ridiculous!”

Another person laughed and said: “We only have high crude oil production, but the refining strength is really too bad. This time the commander wants to knock a sum of money from the Americans and then introduce a set of refining equipment. In that case, we will have our own fuel supply in the future!”

The man sighed: “I just don’t know if Yankees are willing to give money or not. Among the eight people, it seems that there are no particularly good family conditions. If you can’t get a penny back, it will be troublesome.”

The other person said disdainfully, “What’s the problem? Just kill them all.”

Having said that, he deliberately lowered his voice and said, “The commander said, if the Americans don’t pay today, they will just kill the eight Yankees. During the process, they will record the video and send it to mainstream media all over the world. Let the Americans face down!”

The person could not help but rub his hands and said, “Hey! I like that blond woman. I haven’t tried the taste of a western woman yet! I don’t know if I have this opportunity to experience it! I haven’t touched a woman for three months. I miss it…”

The other man gave a lewd smile, nodded and said, “I like the black-haired Oriental woman better. There is an illusory oriental mystery.”

The man said with a smile before, “Let’s go over and take a look later. If we have a chance, we will move the guards away, and then take the two women to another room. Let’s talk about the addiction first!”

“Okay! Let’s go and see, maybe there will be a chance! Anyway, they will be executed soon. Instead of this, let us take care of them before they die!”

The two while speaking, laughing together.

At this moment, a pair of big hands suddenly grabbed the necks of the two of them from behind, making them not only unable to move, but also unable to make any sound.

At this time, the owner of the big hands said in English: “If you don’t want to die, just throw away the snatch!”

It was Charlie who spoke!

Chapter 2657

When the two opposition soldiers were talking just now, they were completely defenseless deep down.

After all, this is their base area. Not only are they heavily guarded all around, but even the people here also are their supporters.

Therefore, in their subconsciousness, as long as the outside is not fighting, the inside is absolutely safe.

But just in this “absolutely safe” environment, suddenly an unknown person appeared!

This moment made the two of them extremely nervous.

Because they are not responsible for guarding, neither of their guns are ready, which means that if they want to use a gun to deal with the enemy behind them, they must load the gun and deactivate the safety pin so that they can pull the trigger.

However, this process takes a few seconds at the fastest.

And the hand of the other person pinching the neck of the two people is surprisingly strong and swift, it is like a hydraulic clamp at the same time, so that both of them are firmly convinced that once the other party has any dissatisfaction, it is very likely to directly pinch their necks!

Therefore, both of them cooperated very well and threw their guns on the ground, and then raised their hands.

One of them said nervously, “Hey friend, if you have something to say, don’t be impulsive!”

Charlie said coldly: “You two turn around.”

After Charlie finished speaking, the clamp of the two people’s necks in his hand was slightly loosened.

The two dared not delay and quickly turned around. When they saw Charlie, they seemed to have seen a ghost.

They originally thought that the evil star that appeared suddenly must be an American.

There are two reasons for thinking so.

The first reason is that they captured eight young people from the United States in their battle against the government this time, and they took these eight people as hostages and demanded a huge ransom from the United States, so the United States sending people to rescue them. It makes sense.

The second reason is that they also know that the individual combat effectiveness of the government army is really not bad compared to them. If it is a government soldier, it is impossible to sneak among them silently, only in the United States. Schwarzenegger and Stallone have this ability.

However, what made them dream of was that the evil star in front of them turned out to be a yellow man with an East Asian face.

One of them asked nervously, “Hey…Hey friend…you…who are you? What do you want?”

Charlie said coldly: “You are not qualified to ask me questions. In the current situation, I can only ask, you only answer, and answer honestly. Whoever does not answer well, I will kill him. Do you understand?”

The two hurriedly nodded their heads: “Understood! If you have any questions, just ask…”

Charlie asked, “Where are the young Americans you arrested now being held?”

One of them hurriedly said, “The eight people are imprisoned in the cellar of Ansala’s house!”

Another hurriedly added: “Ansala’s home is in the middle of the village, close to the square!”

Charlie asked again, “How are the eight of them now? Are they all alive?”

One nodded and blurted: “They are all alive now, but they will choose one person to be executed soon. The U.S. Embassy is unwilling to give money until now. Our commander decided to execute one person first, putting a little pressure on the other party.”

Charlie continued to ask, “How many entrances and exits are there and how many guards are there?”

The man opened his mouth and said, “There is only one entrance to the cellar. There are four guards inside, and there are about a dozen guards outside. These guards usually live in Ansala’s house.”

Charlie asked him, “Then if I want to go in, do you have any way to take me in?”

Chapter 2658

“This…” The man hesitated for a moment and said, “To be honest…your face…others will know that it is a foreigner at first glance, and there is nothing I can do. Take you in…”

Charlie pointed to the soldier next to him and asked him, “If I change into his clothes, can you take me?”

The man hesitated and said, “If…if you put on his clothes and put on a mask, you should be able to enter the yard… but once you get down to the cellar, The guards in the cellar will definitely ask you who you are and where you are coming from…This is because our commander has clearly ordered that these eight people must be watched strictly…So, even if you go in, It is inevitable to be exposed…”

As he said, he hurriedly added: “Moreover, if you act on them, it is likely to alarm the guards outside. There is only a narrow staircase in and out of the cellar. Once they find out, you can’t escape at all. As long as they throw a grenade in your face, none of the people in it will survive…”

Charlie said calmly, “You don’t need to worry about it, you just need to take me in.”

The man nodded and said nervously, “I…I can take you in, but…but I still have to remind you, if you are a little careless, I will tell you, There are also eight people who might die inside…”

Charlie smiled slightly: “If you don’t cooperate with me, you might die inside as well.”

The man quickly said, “I will cooperate…I will definitely cooperate…”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded slightly in satisfaction, then looked at the other person, and said coldly: “Take off your coat!”

The man hurriedly said, “You…you pinch me like this, I can’t take it off…”

Charlie smiled: “Okay, then I just let go of you.”

After that, he let go of his hand directly.

The person was overjoyed and pretended to take off his shirt, but the clever soldier quietly looked at Charlie, and his mind was also running fast.

He found that Charlie turned out to be bare-handed, not only did he have no weapons in his hands, but he could not even see that he was carrying a weapon around his waist.

So he thought to himself: “If I listen to him and take off my clothes to him, then he will probably kill me now, but if I find a chance to escape now, he may not have time to chase me!”

“What’s more, he still has my companion in his hand, which makes it more difficult for him to be cloned!”

“Plus he has no weapons, it is impossible to kill me from a distance.”

“Even if he really has a gun, and he takes out a gun and shoots me, there is a certain probability that he will not reach me. Even if he hits me, I have a certain probability that I won’t die!”

“And as long as he shoots, everyone will focus, and he will not be able to escape by then!”

“Because of this, I think he is less likely to shoot!”

“If you look at it this way, it’s more cost-effective to run away anyway!”

Thinking of this, he immediately made up his mind to take the opportunity to escape.

So, he took off his coat, pretending to hand it to Charlie, and then suddenly threw his coat onto Charlie’s face, turned, and ran back.

However, just as he was about to run, he suddenly discovered that his feet seemed to be firmly sucked by the ground, and he couldn’t lift a bit at all.

At this moment, he thought he had met the devil, and his whole person looked at Charlie dumbfounded, his eyes full of horror and despair.

Charlie smiled slightly and said with an apologetic look: “I’m sorry, I just blocked your nerve center with aura, you can’t move anywhere below your neck now.”

When these words came out, not only the immobile soldier but even the guy who was grasped by Charlie was frightened.

They don’t understand what aura is, but this thing can make a living person suddenly unable to move. This ability is far beyond their normal cognition.

Charlie looked at the horrified expression of the guy in front of him, sneered, and said, “Oh my friend, I really wanted to save your life, but you really don’t know how to accept it. Turning your face will overthrow our friendship. If that’s the case, don’t blame me for being merciless!”

Chapter 2659

After hearing what Charlie said, the man hurriedly blurted out and pleaded: “Friend! Friend! I didn’t mean it! I…I was confused just now, please give me another chance!”

Charlie shook his head: “Sorry, there is only one chance! If you have another life, remember that you must not betray someone who treats you as a friend.”

The man turned pale with fright, and he opened his mouth and called for help in order to have another last fight.

At this time, he regarded calling for help as his last chance.

If he can attract other people’s attention, he may still survive.

Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if you can’t live, at least it will cause some trouble for the oriental man in front of him!

Once his whereabouts are leaked, there is a high probability that he will not be able to leave this alive!

So he blurted out immediately: “Help…?”

However, when he opened his mouth to shout out the content of the call for help, he was shocked to find that the volume of his voice seemed to be restricted by some strange force so that the call for help just now was almost inaudible!

He looked at Charlie in horror, and tremblingly asked, “You…are you a human or a ghost…”

Charlie smiled indifferently and said, “This question is not important to you anymore, because you will immediately become a lonely ghost!”

After speaking, Charlie hurriedly changed his words again: “Don’t mean it, I have missed the word, I am not going to make you a lonely ghost, it is better to make you a living dead!”

After that, he stretched out his finger and tapped lightly on the opponent’s forehead. He immediately lost all consciousness and fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and staring.

Just now when Charlie tapped his forehead lightly, a trace of spiritual energy completely destroyed his brain, making the person totally braindead in an instant.

At this time, the person pinched by Charlie was so scared that he almost passed out.

He had never seen a god-like Charlie in his entire life, with incredible strength.

One sentence can make his companion immobile, and one tap can kill instantly, this kind of person is simply scarier than the devil!

Seeing him frightened, Charlie said: “You don’t have to be so scared, as long as you can honestly cooperate with me, then I will save your life. I will do what I say.”

The man said in a panic, “I…I…I…I must…I must be honest…honest I really will cooperate with you…”

Seeing that he was already stuttering, Charlie looked down at his legs and found that his legs were violently swinging at this time, and the whole person was clearly shocked.

This makes him a little big head.

Because, if this guy is so alarmed, even if he can take him to the place where Melba Watt is detained, he will be seen by others as abnormal.

Thinking of this, Charlie sighed helplessly, and said, “Since your mental quality is so bad, then I will give you a psychological hint.”

After speaking, he immediately tapped on the opponent’s forehead and said, “From now on, your only task is to do everything I command you to do with all your strength. Do you understand?”

At this moment, the other person’s eyes were a little dull for a moment, and it took more than ten seconds to return to normal, and he respectfully said to Charlie, “I understand!”

At this time, he has completely lost the panic he had just now, he no longer stammers, his legs no longer tremble.

Chapter 2660

Charlie then relaxed, pointing at the person lying on the ground, and said: “Take off his pants and then set him up. Just make sure that no one will find him tonight.”


The other party responded and immediately stepped forward to take off the man’s pants, then carried him up and hid him in a dilapidated house in an abandoned courtyard next to him.

Charlie put on the clothes and trousers of that person directly, and the person he has changed with the psychological hints also ran back and respectfully said, “The arrangements have been made according to your instructions!”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “What is your name?”

The man hurriedly said, “My name is Faisal.”

Charlie asked him, “Faisal, do you have a mask?”

Faisal hurriedly took out a black mask in a plastic bag from his pocket, and said, “This one was sent out two days ago and has not been used yet.”

Charlie nodded, then took it and opened it. It was the kind of headgear that completely covered his head. Not only did it wrap the head, but it also covered most of the face, and only opened a slit in the eye.

Charlie asked Faisal: “If I wear this, will it look a bit too different?”

“No!” Faisal said confidently: “In fact, many people are used to wearing headgear. On the one hand, it is to prevent faces from being remembered by outsiders, and on the other hand to protect oneself wind and sand. There is also another reason. It is the commander who is afraid of being decapitated by the opponent, so he requires some people to wear headgear as long as they go out. This is the same for him. This can effectively interfere with the opponent’s judgment.”

Charlie was relieved. After putting the headgear on his head, he said: “Okay, you can take me over now!”

Faisal nodded without hesitation, then bent down to pick up the two AK47s, and handed one of them to Charlie, saying, “Please put the gun on your back!”

Charlie didn’t worry that he would resist with a gun. After he took the AK47, he hung it on his body in a manner and then walked towards the center of the village with Faisal.

Along the way, he encountered many soldiers who were just strolling or patrolling on purpose. Some people recognized Faisal and greeted him. Although Faisal was a little slow, he was still normal overall, so no one was suspecting him.

As for Charlie wearing headgear, he didn’t say a word, and no one took the initiative to greet him, because when a person wears headgear, only people who know him well can recognize who he is. None of these people knew who he was, and none of them could match him with his acquaintances.

In fact, this is the safest, because their army seems to have near two thousand people, and no one is really familiar with everyone, so they can’t recognize Charlie, and will only classify Charlie as unfamiliar. Among those comrades in arms, there was no doubt that Charlie would be an invader from outside.

All the way to the square in the center of the village, Charlie found that many soldiers were nervously busy in front of the four helicopters, so Charlie asked Faisal in a low voice, “What are those people doing?”

Faisal hurriedly replied: “They are all members of the helicopter brigade, most of them are maintenance personnel. The weather today is gloomy and visibility is poor. Our visual observations will be restricted a lot, so we will send helicopters to patrol in turn. Monitor whether there are government forces approaching us quietly.”

Charlie nodded, remembering something, and asked him: “By the way, can you fly a helicopter?”

Faisal shook his head and said, “I can’t… I’m from an armored brigade. I can drive tanks and infantry vehicles.”

Charlie nodded, as to how to take himself away after saving Melba, he still has no clear plan.

It would be nice to save Melba alone. Even if he carried her and escaped quietly, walking dozens of kilometers along the mountain road to meet his people and the others was nothing.

However, if he wants to save her and her seven other friends at the same time, it will be tricky on its own.

Thinking of this, he put the question behind his head again, and said to himself: “It’s not the time to think about this, so let’s talk about it when I meet them!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2641-2660 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.