The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2621-2640 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2621

Charlie didn’t expect this girl to reject him as soon as he came in contact with her, but it was naturally impossible for him to admit defeat so easily, so he immediately replied: “I thought Miss Watt was in the United States, but I didn’t expect you to be in Syria. I don’t know why you are running there?”

Melba replied: “I and some of my college classmates came to make a documentary about war, and then prepared to use the documentary as an opportunity to launch an anti-war charity fund.”

Charlie hurriedly said: “If Miss Watt is interested in an anti-war charity fund, I can personally donate a sum of money to you. If Miss Watt, you can cooperate with me for a long time, then I can give you a one-time charity. The fund of 30 million U.S. dollars would be transferred.”

After speaking, Charlie said again: “To be honest, you graduated from finance majors are going to Syria to shoot war documentaries. This is because the donkey’s lips are not right. Professional talents must do professional things. Shooting documentaries. This kind of thing can be done by a professional documentary team, and financial talents like you should do everything possible to create more wealth and more jobs for the society.”

Melba replied: “Mr. Wade, what you said is very reasonable, but to be honest, the situation in Syria is more dangerous. Even many professional documentary teams are unwilling to come to this place and go deep into the front line of the war and shoot videos.”

“Moreover, we have also seen some European and American documentary team’s methods of doing things. They generally try to stay away from the front line as much as possible, and their shooting angles are also very narrow. They are even influenced by the mainstream Western media. Praise the war and beautify the war.”

“It is impossible for people outside to realize how cruel wars are, so it is impossible for people in peaceful times to realize the meaning of anti-war ideas.”

Charlie said immediately: “Ms. Watt, can you see it like this? I can sponsor your team for 20 million dollars so that you can make this documentary better. But I only have one request, which is, you can’t stay in Syria anymore. The money goes to your team, but you must come to Aurous Hill to help me set up the ocean shipping business. What do you think?”

As soon as Charlie finished speaking, Pollard, who was on the side, immediately gave him a thumbs up and praised: “A good way to move the tiger away from the mountain!”

Charlie smiled and said, “This is not about adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, this is adjusting the lamb away from the wolf pack…”

At this time, Melba replied: “Let me leave the team? How can I do it! My team and I have promised to each other that neither of us will back down without authorization.”

Charlie smiled and said, “This is not to make you retreat without authorization, I just gave your team a better choice.”

With that, Charlie deliberately changed the subject and asked her: “Miss Watt, I don’t know how you are living in Syria? Are all kinds of supplies available and whether your personal safety is adequately guaranteed?”

Melba replied: “We have relatively difficult conditions here because we are in the war zone and the supply of materials is severely lacking. As for our personal safety, the government has sent a few soldiers to protect us. The overall situation is still relatively good. It is safe.”

Pollard, who was on the side, heard this and he was relieved immediately.

Chapter 2622

Charlie smiled and said at this time: “As far as I know, it seems that their government and opposition forces have been fighting very close together, and their government forces are short of money, food, weapons, and ammunition. They must have been inadequate training all the year-round, and their combat level. It must be very low. In this case, only a few soldiers have been sent to protect your safety. Then I guess it is basically useless, and you are also unarmed high-achieving students. If something, an accident happens, you will even have the chance to escape. No.”

Melba replied hesitantly: “This…I don’t think it should be that serious…”

Charlie smiled and said, “That’s just what you think. If something really happens, it won’t matter how you think it is.”

As he said, he remembered something, and said, “I heard that mercenaries are very popular in the turbulent place in the Middle East. You can hire dozens of well-equipped and well-trained mercenaries to protect your safety throughout the process. , So your safety will be more guaranteed.”

Melba embarrassedly said: “The cost of mercenaries is too high. We have consulted the Blackwater Company in the United States. On the front line in Syria, their mercenaries’ salary requirements are all settled on a daily basis. A person’s daily cost is only two thousand US dollars, and this The cost of any weapons and equipment is not included. The cost of ammunition has to be calculated separately. If they need to be equipped with vehicles, the price is ridiculously high. Our budget is very tight and we can’t afford mercenaries.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Look, you can figure it out right now. What is the significance of the 20 million dollars I promised you just now!”

“As long as you return home to help me, 20 million dollars can be given to your team.”

“If a mercenary needs two thousand dollars a day, your team can hire twenty mercenaries, which is only forty thousand dollars a day.”

“Even if your team members have to stay there for half a year, if you calculate it at $40,000 a day, it will be $6 million.”

“Plus the cost of renting some armored vehicles, the ten million dollars will definitely stop.”

“The remaining 10 million US dollars, you can all put into the shooting, only you can use the best photography equipment, the best aerial photography equipment, and even the local armed men with AK47 when conflicts break out on the ground, your team can spend money to rent an American mercenary gunship, and take you to shoot from the perspective of God in the sky. The effect of that shot will surely shock the world!”

Melba was obviously a little tempted, but she still hesitated to say: “What you say is really reasonable, but… But when we set out, a few of us have already said that we must live and die together, and advance and retreat together. If I leave at this time, it will be a violation of our original agreement…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Don’t have such a strong psychological burden. You are like a few friends driving a broken car to cross the desert. Now because there is no oil, they have broken down in the middle of no man’s land. Scarce, you people can’t stay in the car and consume it together. You have to send someone out to find gasoline so that everyone can have a chance to live.”

“Although this person got out of the car and left the team, she will be able to bring back enough gasoline for the car and save other passengers, better vehicles and equipment, and various supplies can let them move forward better, faster, and safer. Don’t you think this is a good choice? Especially for those who are still in the car, it greatly improves their survival security. “

“So, I think you can discuss it with your companions. I believe they will also think that this is a very good deal!”

Chapter 2623

Melba, who was far away in Syria, was indeed very moved after hearing what Charlie said.

During this period of time, their classmates were many, and they also encountered a lot of difficulties and dangers in Syria. Although all these dangers were avoided by chance, everyone knew in their hearts that the risk of staying in Syria to shoot documentaries was still very high.

Melba felt that if she could really get 20 million US dollars in sponsorship from Charlie, it would be a qualitative improvement for everyone’s personal safety and for everyone’s shooting expenses.

Thinking of this, she replied to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, let’s do it, I will discuss your suggestion with the people in my team and see what they suggest. If they agree, then I have no opinion.”

Charlie smiled and said, “That’s great, when will you give me a clear conclusion?”

Melba hurriedly said: “We are now preparing to participate in a military operation by the local government forces. They are going to attack a small military base of the opposition before dawn. The entire offensive mission is estimated to last six hours. I’ll give you a final reply before the dark, do you think it’s okay?”

When Pollard heard that Melba was going to take part in the military operation, he hurriedly said to Charlie: “Charlie, you must persuade her to not go! This is really a war. The bullet does not grow eyes, just in case she gets wounded. If it hits her, you have to lose half your life if you don’t die!”

Charlie nodded and said, “Then I will try to persuade her…”

After finishing speaking, he continued to send a voice to Melba: “Miss Watt, I personally suggest that you do not participate in this kind of military operation, or your team will stop going today. Just sit down and have a meeting together and think carefully about my suggestion. If you all agree, I will pass the money immediately, and your team can immediately hire a group of mercenaries from the Blackwater Company to protect your safety, what do you think?”

Melba replied: “Mr. Wade, we started preparing for this operation three days ago, and my companions have started to install the device in the car now, and it will be time to set off soon, so we will wait until we finish this operation to give you a definite reply.”

After that, Melba immediately sent another message: “Excuse me, Mr. Wade, we are leaving now! After leaving the base, there will be no communication. Let’s talk when we get back!”

Charlie hurriedly replied: “I still suggest you not to go.”

However, Melba did not reply this time.

Charlie looked at Pollard and said helplessly, “Uncle Pollard, I guess she has already set off.”

“Hey!” Pollard sighed, “I have been studying for half a lifetime, how can I raise such a rebellious daughter? What a crime!”

Charlie shrugged his shoulders and said, “Uncle Pollard, Syria is at least six to seven thousand kilometers away from ours. No matter how much you worry, it will be difficult to actually solve the problem. It is better to wait patiently for her reply. I think the terms I gave this time are so generous, they shouldn’t refuse.”

Pollard said with emotion: “Charlie, thank you so much, for your work, I need to pay for it…”

As he said, he said with a bit of sullen emotion: “Since I decided to give up my work and life in the upper class and choose to teach and educate people, almost all the money I can donate at home has been donated, and I have also given a part of Melba’s money as charity. Now all my assets are a small villa in here, plus less than 10 million yuan in cash and all of them in total are just over 20 million. If converted into U.S. dollars, it will be around three or four million. I’ll give you all the money and the house, and I will slowly find a way to pay the rest!”

Charlie hurriedly said, “Uncle Pollard, don’t be so polite to me. To be honest, I came to you and your daughter to help me make money. This little money should be invested in the early stage, and you can rest assured that if Melba is willing to come back and help, I will definitely give her a generous annual salary; if Melba can help me push the ocean shipping business on the right track, I can double the salary!”

Chapter 2624

Pollard gratefully said, “Charlie, thank you so much, don’t worry, your uncle will do my best to repay you by then!”

Charlie bowed slightly and said, “Uncle Pollard, don’t be so polite with me.”

After that, Charlie checked the time and said, “Uncle, you will definitely have classes later? Then I won’t disturb you, let’s talk another day.”

Pollard looked at his watch and hurriedly said, “Oh, I almost forgot to mention it. There will be a class right away. Otherwise, Charlie, if you have nothing to do, just stay in my office. Don’t worry. When I finish this class, we will have a meal together at noon.”

Charlie said, “Uncle Pollard, you must be very busy at work. Or maybe you can change the day for dinner.”

Pollard waved his hand: “I’m busy, but there is always time to rest. Besides, let’s meet again. To be honest, I am really kind in my heart, and I still want to chat with you more.”

With that, Pollard said earnestly: “But this also depends on your time. If you have something to do at noon, let’s change the day. Anyway, we are in the same city, so we can look for opportunities.”

Charlie was actually fine at noon, mainly because he was afraid of staying here and delaying Pollard’s work. In fact, he still wanted to chat more with Pollard, because he didn’t know much about his mother in the past 20 years. It’s easy to meet a classmate of his mother’s from back then. He really wants to take this opportunity to learn more about his mother’s story from Pollard.

So he opened his mouth and said: “If this is the case, then Uncle Pollard, you should be busy first, I am here waiting for you.”

“Okay!” Pollard nodded excitedly, and said, “Sit and wait. I have 50 minutes of this class. I’ll be here right after the class.”

Charlie nodded and watched Pollard leave with the teaching plan materials. He was doing nothing by himself, so he sat down on the reception sofa in Pollard’s office.

Just when he had nothing to do, he searched for information about Melba and found that this girl was really amazing. She had excellent grades at Stanford, and she had even published on the official website of Stanford University, and the official website also has her details. There is a photo, Melba in the photo has light golden curly hair and a sweet and flawless face, full of femininity.

Charlie really couldn’t understand, for such a beautiful and excellent girl, there must be many men madly pursuing her on weekdays, but why she prefers women.

However, Charlie didn’t entangle too much with this kind of thing, he was very open to these things, and his orientation in this area was completely personal freedom, even the parents have no right to interfere, this is what he thought.

Just when he turned off Melba’s search results, his mobile phone suddenly received a call from Aoxue.

Charlie answered the phone and heard Aoxue say nervously on the other end of the phone: “Master, someone in our school inquired about Wu Qi and also inquired about Luna’s original matter. Could it be that someone wanted to target you?”

Charlie was slightly startled. He remembered that Luna was the girl who almost committed suicide by jumping into the lake at the hands of Wu Qi’s psychological suggestion.

And this Luna was also Wu Qi’s girlfriend before the accident.

Now someone inquired about Wu Qi’s affairs and found out on her head, is it to find out the whole story of Wu Qi’s accident?

Chapter 2625

Charlie didn’t quite understand why someone would investigate Wu Qi’s affairs now.

After all, Regnar already knew that Wu Qi’s accident was his own work. As a stakeholder, the Wu family would definitely not take off their pants and f@rt, and then came to investigate again.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the people who are investigating Wu Qi now are not sent by the Wu family.

Charlie thought about it carefully. Most of the people he had offended were already cold, and those who were not cold were nothing more than the Su family in China and the Hogwitz family in the United States.

The two families are under his own hands and have suffered heavy losses, and he’s aware that they are in the dark. If they want to find him, they can only clear the fog layer by layer.

So Charlie immediately deduced that the person who was investigating information about the Wu Qi incident at this moment must have an inseparable relationship with one of the two.

So he asked Aoxue, “Who is investigating Wu Qi’s affairs? Have you seen them?”

“I saw them.” Aoxue said, “It’s two people, one old and one young.”

Charlie asked again, “Where are these two people now?”

Aoxue said, “I met them in the small square outside the teaching building just now. It is not clear where they are now.”

Charlie thought that the teaching building was on the opposite side, so he walked to the window and looked downstairs.

Sure enough, on the small square opposite, he saw two people, one old and one young, walking out.

The old man among them seemed faintly unusual temperament on his body. Charlie once felt this kind of feeling in Lai Qinghua, but the temperament of this person seems to be more important than that of Lai Qinghua. Weak.

Charlie has been particularly keen on this feeling since he obtained the Nine Profound Sky Sutras, so he immediately realized that this old man is either a Feng Shui master like Lai Qinghua, or a metaphysics like Master Yu Jinghai from Hong Kong.

So he took out his mobile phone, called Issac, and said, “Mr. Issac, there are two people in Aurous Hill College of Finance and Economics, one old and one young, and they seem to be visiting things related to Wu Qi. Arrange for someone to keep an eye on them. , But you must remember to choose the strongest person to observe from a distance, don’t behave in the dark, and report any movements to me in time.”

Issac hurriedly said, “Okay young master, I will send a few men who have served as scouts in special forces.”

At the same time, the small square in front of the teaching building.

After questioning many students, Mike couldn’t help but whisper to Dan Mai: “Grandpa, I’m just asking about Wu Qi’s affairs so openly, if that big man is really in this university or in the vicinity. If the university has his informants, wouldn’t we be exposed soon?”

Dan nodded and said faintly: “It is right to be exposed. The other party is a real dragon. It is far from being an existence that I can see through. If his deity is unwilling to come forward, no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain. It’s better to disclose our purpose directly. If it attracts his attention, maybe he will take the initiative to show up.”

Mike asked again: “Grandpa, will the other party anger us and treat us as enemies?”

Dan said: “If he is a person who must report to you or is suspicious, he will definitely treat us as enemies, but such a person has a narrow belly, and it is generally impossible to have a true dragon fate.”

“The true lifestyle of the true dragon must be broad-minded and clear-cut, and will never be malicious to us just because we came to investigate Wu Qi.”

Chapter 2626

While speaking, Dan continued: “Besides, when we came this time, we did not intend to disadvantage him. The Su family wanted us to find out his identity, but I was not prepared to intervene in the fight between the Su family and him. So even if we find him, I will not reveal his identity to the Su family.”

Mike couldn’t help asking: “Grandpa, we came to investigate the enemy behind the Su family at the request of the Su family. If we don’t help them, wouldn’t it be a violation of the contract spirit?”

Dan glared at him and said angrily: “Stupid! At the moment when we planned to come to Aurous Hill, we are no longer doing things for the Su family!”

After speaking, Dan continued: “My purpose in coming to Aurous Hill is indeed to find this big man, but I want to see if we can find a chance from this big man, otherwise, If it’s just the Su family who wants to deal with this big man and let me find him for them, how can I agree? Let me fight against a man of real life, even if they give me more money, I can’t agree.”

Immediately, Dan said again: “If we really find this big man, although I will not disclose his situation to the Su family, I will definitely refund the money to the Su family that they gave me. When I go back, I will treat the Su family as half of it for free.”

Mike said embarrassingly: “Temporary breach of contract is also a form of lack of contract spirit. If a person loses credibility, how can he gain a foothold in society in the future…”

Dan shook his head helplessly and reminded: “You have to remember that the more you believe in Fengshui Mingshu, the more you should not fight against Mingshu. The opponent is a true dragon. People like us are definitely not his opponents, cannon fodder at best. We can’t stand on the opposite side of him, do you understand?”

Mike nodded slightly: “I do my grandpa…”

Dan gave a hum and said, “Okay, let’s find a place to eat, it is almost noon, and then come around in the afternoon.”


Charlie didn’t care too much about Dan’s grandparents.

Whether it is a master of Feng Shui or a master of metaphysics, as long as they are hostile to him, then they will have no return for the first time.

Moreover, he was also very clear in his heart that although these two people are much stronger than ordinary people, they are still far behind him. If they really start, they will not be stronger than the original Yu Jinghai.

Therefore, his current attention is all focused on Melba.

He looks forward to Melba’s ability to give him a clear reply as soon as possible.

In this way, as long as she comes to Aurous Hill, he can immediately set up an ocean shipping company and quickly start this business, which will definitely make the Su family more uncomfortable.

Pollard finished class and returned to the office. When he saw Charlie, he hurriedly asked him: “Charlie, did Melba return you any information?”

Charlie shook his head: “Not yet, Uncle Pollard, didn’t she say that after leaving the base, there will be no internet, so we have to wait until she gets back to communicate with the outside world.”

Pollard nodded, sighed, and said, “During the class just now, my right eye was always beating. It didn’t feel like a good sign, so I am worried too.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Uncle, don’t worry so much now. Please wait patiently for Melba’s message. They are six hours later than ours here. If they go back at 8 pm local time. It’s already early in the morning, so please wait steadily. I will contact you as soon as there is a message in the evening.”

Pollard said helplessly: “Now there is no good way, I can only wait.”

After speaking, he hurriedly said to Charlie: “Let’s go, Charlie, I have reserved a seat at the Aurous Hill Archway near the school, and we will eat our lunch there!”

Chapter 2627

Aurous Hill Archway is an authentic local catering brand in Aurous Hill. There are several branches in Aurous Hill that specialize in authentic local cuisine and are deeply loved by locals.

When he came to the entrance of Aurous Hill Archway, Pollard introduced to Charlie: “My ancestors were all native of Aurous Hill for three generations. From my birth to adolescence, I have been living in Aurous Hill. Later I went to the United States to study. I have been rooted in the United States. I have recently returned to live after a few decades away. I suddenly felt that the food in my hometown is too tempting. I don’t get tired of eating it. Although the school’s teachers’ cafeteria provides a variety of food for free, I still have it at noon every day. I come here and have a bite of authentic Aurous Hill cuisine.”

After speaking, he asked Charlie, “But you have lived in this city for so many years, have you already been tired of eating it?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “I have never pursued food. In the ten years of the orphanage, every day with clear soup and water, I didn’t feel anything wrong. Later, when I went to work at a construction site, I felt like steamed buns every day don’t feel bad.”

Pollard couldn’t help sighing: “The days you lived before the age of eight, few people in this world can compare, and you fell to the bottom for so many years. How did you adapt?”

Charlie smiled and said, “When I was very young, my parents taught me not to be happy with things or sad for myself, so for me, there is nothing I need to adapt to. In my opinion, it makes no difference whether to pamper yourself or eat chaffy vegetables.”

Pollard said with emotion: “You are exactly the same as your mother. When we were undergraduate, your mother not only won the full scholarship by her ability, but she also worked in the restaurant outside the school every day during her spare time. The degree is also very frugal, never extravagant and wasteful.”

“I remember at that time, at the end of each semester, your mother would use the money she saved for a semester to travel, and she was a backpacker who traveled poorly. At that time, we all thought that your mother must have poor family conditions. We learned later. The strength of your mother’s family is the best in the world…”

Charlie said with a smile: “I remember her as indeed very frugal. She always taught me how to save money and not waste it. Even a grain of rice should not be left when eating. This is the same as my dad. It’s very similar, the two of them actually had no pursuit of material things.”

Pollard agreed: “So your mother and your father could come together. When they should be young and frivolous, they were already out of material pursuits and low-level tastes. Unlike us, they thought about everything every day when they were young. Earn money and spend money, and sell fame and reputation.”

With that said, Pollard stepped into the hotel first and made a please gesture to Charlie.

Charlie hurriedly followed him in, when the lobby on the first floor of the hotel was already full of people.

The local restaurant in Aurous Hill is quite similar to the tea house in the capital. Basically, the first floor is a lobby with many tables and people, so the environment is relatively noisy, but most people like this messy feeling.

And in the very center of the first floor, there is a small stage for people to play and sing local operas. At this time, two actors are singing Kunqu opera on the stage.

After Pollard came in, he pointed to the stairs and said to Charlie, “Charlie, I have reserved a seat on the second floor. The upstairs is cleaner. Let’s go up.”


Moving to the second floor, the environment was a little cleaner. When a waiter saw the two coming up, he hurried to the front and said politely, “Professor Watt, you are here!”

Pollard nodded and smiled: “It’s still in the old position. I’ve said hello to your manager.”

The waiter said: “Our manager has already told me, you two come with me.”

The seat that Pollard chose was a deck by the window, a small square table made of logs, and the four sides could seat four people, so the two sat leaning against the window.

Pollard pushed over a menu and said to Charlie, “Charlie, come order and see what you like to eat.”

Charlie waved his hand and said with a smile: “Uncle, it’s better for you to choose, and I will eat whatever you order.”

After speaking, he suddenly found two familiar figures not far away by the window.

These two figures, one old and one young, are the Old man and grandchild he saw when he was in Pollard’s office.

Chapter 2628

Charlie was slightly surprised in his heart, but he didn’t show any clues, but he naturally closed his gaze back.

At this time, Dan and Mike didn’t know, the person they were looking for was sitting not far behind them.

They came a little earlier, the food was already ready, and they had been eating for a while.

While eating, Mike asked Dan, “Grandpa, do you have any preliminary plans to stay in China this time?”

Dan shook his head and said, “Let’s take a step and move slow. I vaguely think that coming to Aurous Hill this time will be a chance, so I don’t plan to leave until the chance appears.”

Mike nodded lightly, trying to say something, but looked at the surrounding environment and endured it again.

At this time, Dan’s cell phone rang.

He glanced at the screen, saw that Chengfeng was calling, and then pressed the answer button.

On the phone, Chengfeng asked, “Uncle Dan, did you find out who is the dragon?”

Dan said helplessly: “We have just arrived in Aurous Hill for a few hours, and it can’t be so fast.”

Chengfeng asked again: “Uncle Dan after you find him, are you sure to kill him?”

Dan’s expression changed, and he said solemnly, “I just promised to check it for you. I wouldn’t do what you said.”

Chengfeng said anxiously, “What’s the use of investigation alone, it can’t be solved by finding it out. Isn’t that the same? I had a nightmare last night and lost all the copper coins for the whole night. All the f*cking words are upside down. Anxiety is about to force out my brains. If I don’t get rid of this confidant concern, I won’t be able to sleep peacefully in the future!”

Dan said in a cold tone: “Chengfeng, I only do three things in my life. These three things are watching, calculating, and correcting! To see and calculate is to discover problems, and to correct them is to do what I can. The way to help you improve the problems I found, this definitely does not include the kind of thing you just said! If you want to find someone to do that kind of abuse, then you should look for another wise man!”

Chengfeng on the other end of the phone suddenly became silent.

After touching for half a minute, Chengfeng also said in a cold tone: “If this is the case, then Uncle, you will help me find out who the born dragon is, and then tell me the name and information of the other party. You don’t need to worry about the rest.”

Dan was a little angry, but quickly suppressed the anger in his heart and said lightly: “Well, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first.”

Chengfeng said coldly, “Uncle Dan, please.”

When Dan finished the call, the opposite Mike hurriedly asked, “Grandpa, what happened?”

Dan sighed and said, “It’s not convenient to say here, I’ll tell you later when we go out.”

Mike nodded, no longer asked, and bowed his head to eat.

Not far away, Charlie, because of his extremely keen senses, had already heard the conversation between Dan and Chengfeng.

Hearing Dan call the other party Chengfeng, he knew that Chengfeng was on the phone.

In this way, the two people were sent by Chengfeng to find him!

chapter 2629

What made Charlie feel a little surprised was that Chengfeng would even look for Feng Shui people to investigate him.

Although the old man said vaguely on the phone just now, the key points he mentioned still have very clear directions.

For example, he said that he is only responsible for reading, calculating, and correcting. This is the way of a Feng Shui master.

The role of a Fengshui master is, in a larger sense, like the prime minister of the ancient country. He could discover the problems and could provide solutions to the problems, but he was not a military commander, couldn’t kill people, or lead soldiers to fight.

Perhaps, thousands of people would die because of the prime minister’s words, but the prime minister’s own hands were never bloody.

Of course, not all prime ministers in history were honest gentlemen, so in Feng Shui masters, there are naturally those who seek wealth and kill lives.

However, in Charlie’s view, the old man in front of him seemed to be persistent.

It was his attitude that made Charlie decide to wait and see for the time being and let him go.

Otherwise, he will choose to start first.

Dan didn’t know that the real dragon fate he was looking for was actually in the same restaurant with him.

Since they arrived early and the food was served early, when Charlie and Pollard first started to eat their food, he and Mike had already settled the bill, and the grandfather and grandson left the restaurant together.

Charlie did not put too much energy on the grandfather and grandson but kept asking Pollard about his mother’s deeds back then.

For a long time, Charlie only understood the side of his mother as a wife and mother, but didn’t know what she looked like on the other side.

Now, through Pollard’s introduction, he can finally make the image of his mother in his memory more three-dimensional.

After eating meal for more than an hour, Pollard has been talking endlessly about Charlie’s mother Margarate’s deeds back then, and Charlie has never got tired of listening, and even wished not to go all day, just sitting here and listening.

Pollard’s voice was smoking straight, and it was not too early again, so he drank mouthful of water and said to him, “Oh, what happened to your mother back then, it may not be possible to finish it in a few months. Today Let me tell you to this point here first, I still have classes in the afternoon, so I have to go back early.”

Upon hearing this, Charlie said hurriedly: “Okay Uncle, then I won’t disturb your work this afternoon.”

Pollard nodded and exhorted: “Melba’s situation, you must help me pay more attention to it. Once you have any information, don’t worry about how late it is, you must tell me as soon as possible. please.”

Charlie agreed without hesitation: “Uncle rest assured, I will notify you as soon as I have a message!”

Pollard said: “Then you will be hardworking!”

When the two came out of the hotel, Pollard asked Charlie, “Charlie, what are your arrangements for the afternoon?”

Charlie said, “I’ll go to Shangri-La to meet someone.”

Charlie plans to go to Shangri-La to see Issac. Since Chengfeng wants to find out and kill him, he will definitely have other after-skills. He must take precautions in advance. At the same time, he must find opportunities to kill before the trouble occurs. Local governments also need Issac’s cooperation.

Pollard didn’t think much, and said: “Then I will go back to school first, let’s keep in touch!”

“OK, Uncle.”

Pollard was about to leave when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a fortune-telling stall on the side of the road not far away.

Aurous Hill itself is an ancient city, and most of the people here have the habit of looking at fortune-telling, so there are many fortune-telling people on the streets and alleys.

If it’s the spring season, just find a street in the old city, and there will be a fortune-telling booth every ten steps on the side of the road.

In addition, there are also many foreseers who are waiting at home for customers.

This kind of big fairy generally uses the so-called gimmick of asking fairies and the gods, specifically to help people see the picture, and sometimes help people drive evil spirits.

chapter 2630

This kind of fairy does the most work to exorcise evil spirits from the children.

Old people are superstitious that their children will be frightened when they see unclean things, and then cry non-stop, so they look for someone.

Generally speaking, young people who do not believe in such things, including some old intellectuals, are also dismissive of such things.

Pollard originally did the same.

He has been abroad for so many years if he said that he has never built superstitious things, but today his right eye kept beating, and his daughter followed the Syrian government forces in military operations. He was really uneasy, so he suddenly moved. One hexagram of mind.

So, he said to Charlie: “Charlie, if you have something to do, please do it first. I’ll take a look over there.”

Charlie saw that the direction he was pointing to was the fortune-telling booth, so he asked, “Uncle, are you going to find someone to do the calculation?”

Pollard nodded and sighed, “Hey, I now know why everyone has religious beliefs. It must be at a time when they are so helpless. I really don’t know what to do, so I can only pin my hopes on Religious beliefs, or feudal superstitions, which are mainly for psychological comfort.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Anyway, I don’t have anything important, so I will go with you.”

Pollard didn’t think much, nodded, and went to the fortune-telling booth with Charlie.

At this moment, sitting in front of the fortune-telling booth was an old man with a dark panel, gray hair and beard, and a little lean.

The old man looked like he was about 70 or 80 years old, sitting alone in front of the stall, wiping the beard on his chin unhurriedly, quite a bit of aura.

Pollard came to him, and before he could speak, the old man asked him, “Does this gentleman want to ask good or bad questions?”

Pollard nodded and said, “I want to ask for my daughter to see if she is safe.”

The old man hummed, pushed a bamboo tube full of bamboo sticks, and said, “Come on, thinking of your daughter in your heart, then shake one to sign it out.”

Pollard hurriedly did it, thinking of his daughter, while shaking the bamboo tube, dozens of bamboo sticks in the bucket continued to stick out as he shook, until one of them fell out of the bucket first.

Pollard opened his eyes, quickly picked up the bamboo sticks, looked down at the words on it, and said, “I heard that tonight is Shangyuan, and the silver lanterns are shining forever; there is a gust of wind and rain for no reason, and the lanterns turned off. String…what does this mean?”

The old man smiled slightly, and said unpredictably: “This is the 32nd lottery signed by Che Gongling. If you need to cancel the signing, please spend five hundred, which is also a good fortune.”

When Charlie heard this, he concluded that the old man was a liar.

Asking for fortune-telling is a Taoist philosophy. As for randomness or blessing, this is the Buddhist saying.

It is impossible for a Daoist disciple to say words like joy and blessing. This feeling is like a monk saying that he can go to heaven to see God after donating money. The logic itself is problematic.

However, Pollard did not know this.

He heard the other party say that it would cost five hundred. Without any hesitation, he took out his phone and asked, “Can I scan the QR code to pay?”

The old man took out a receipt code that had been printed a long time ago, and smiled: “Come on, scan this, WeChat or Alipay can do it.”

Pollard hurried to scan the QR code to pay. Charlie wanted to stop him, but after another thought, he was like an ant on a hot pot, and he couldn’t stop him, so he didn’t say much, just watched the changes.

Soon, Pollard’s payment was completed, and the elder’s pocket heard a sound of “WeChat received five hundred”. He smiled with satisfaction and said: “Your signature is for this sign. I heard that tonight is Shangyuan. The silver lamp and the fire tree shine forever; there is a gust of wind and rain for no reason, and the lamp turned off the orchestra. The meaning is very simple. In the violent storm, the lights of thousands of houses are blown out, and the original festivals of blowing, playing and singing disappeared.”

Speaking of this, he sighed, and said, “This is really the most unlucky one. The lottery is drawn. No matter what you want to ask, you can summarize it in four words.”

In desperation, Pollard asked, “Which four words?!”

The old man shook his head and sighed, “‘Everything is not good’!”

chapter 2631

“Everything is not good?”

Pollard heard these four words and asked subconsciously: “What does this mean?!”

The old man looked disgusted and asked, “Have you ever fortuned it? Don’t you know what these four words mean? Nothing is lucky!”

As he said, he continued very seriously: “That is to say, if you get this lottery, what you ask will be unlucky! If you ask about the relationship between husband and wife, it indicates that the man and the woman will be divided; if you ask about career money, then If you ask about your fortune, then you will definitely fall for a long time; if you ask about the safety of your loved ones, it will indicate that the other party will definitely encounter major disasters, or even do not escape!”

“What?!” After hearing these words, Pollard suddenly became anxious, and asked nervously, “Old man, is there any way you can resolve my daughter’s disaster?!”

“This…” The old man said with emotion: “If you draw another sign, I might be able to think of something, but if you draw this one, it means that this matter is too difficult!”

As he said, he changed his mind and said, “But…if I go all out and break the game, there may still be a chance!”

Pollard has been completely disrupted by the other party at this time. All he cares about is the safety of his daughter. As for the books and knowledge he has learned for so many years, it has completely no effect.

He asked nervously and earnestly: “Old Man, please help me!”

The old man chuckles when he sees him getting the bait, and says, “Since you are so sincere, then I will give it a try, but breaking this predicament will cost me too much, so you have to rejoice this time., it can be regarded as showing me your sincerity.”

Pollard doesn’t care about five thousand at all. If spending five thousand can increase the probability of his daughter’s safe return by one ten-thousandth, then he is willing to do his best to make up ten thousand five thousand to exchange for his daughter’s safety.

So, he would continue to scan the QR code to pay almost without thinking.

Charlie suddenly said at this moment: “Old Man, it doesn’t matter if money is there or not, but before you collect the money, should you tell us about the specific situation first, or what kind of method are you going to use to help solve it? , So that we know how to spend money.”

The old man didn’t expect Charlie to come out halfway to disturb his good deeds at this time, so he sneered and said: “Junior, you dare to doubt my ability?”

Charlie waved his hand: “I don’t. I dare not, I don’t doubt you, I just want to make it clear. This is the same as repairing a car. Although we don’t know how to repair it, but where it’s broken, what parts need to be replaced, what do you want? Tell us first.”

The old man sneered: “Huh! I have a way to get rid of this predicament. I can use the Five Emperor’s Money to divination, find out the specific crisis his daughter is facing, and break the ban with magic charms, and even use it too much. This gentleman is anxious to save her. Each solution consumes different energy and the corresponding price is also different.”

Charlie smiled and nodded.

He remembered that there were also records about divination in the Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures, which did use ancient coins for divination, but the records did not say that the five emperors money should be used, but that the real ancient coins should be used. And the older the effect, the better.

As for the theory of the Five Emperors Money, it only emerged in modern times. They often refer to the coins of the Qin, Han, Tang, Song and Ming Dynasties as the Five Emperors Money. Although the author of the Nine Profound Heavenly Scriptures is nowhere to be tested, it is judged based on the age of the porcelain vase at that time. This book was also written by someone in Tang Dynasty at the latest, and the earliest version of the Five Emperors’ Money had to come from Ming Chao, so the ancient coin divination method recorded in it should be much earlier than the Five Emperors’ method, and it can even be said. It is the ancestor of the five emperor money theory.

So Charlie deliberately asked him: “What can you tell with the five emperor money? Or else, you make a divination first. If you do well, I will give you ten thousand!”

The old man said immediately: “Okay! Then I will let you see and watch!”

After that, he took out a string of copper coins from his pocket, on which were hanging five coins of different dynasties.

Afterwards, he untied the red string, held the five copper coins in his palm and shook for a moment, and said coldly, “Boy, look good!”

After finishing speaking, he threw five coins out, stared at the coins on the ground, and said with a shocked expression: “This hexagram shows that your daughter will have blood and light in the near future. If you don’t intervene in time, I’m afraid it will become a disaster. !”

chapter 2632

Pollard was immediately anxious when he heard this. Is that okay? He hurriedly asked: “Old man, please save my daughter anyway!”

Charlie was a little puzzled at this time.

The five emperor coins thrown by the old man were indeed five ancient coins of real materials, but the information conveyed by the hexagrams meant looking at flowers in the fog.

The reason why this kind of hexagram appears is not that the prospects of the target person are confusing, but because the level of the divination person is really limited. Because of the limited level, he can only see the flower in the fog. To put it plainly, this hexagram tells him six words: I can’t understand it at all.

Obviously, it is a hexagram that can’t understand anything, but it happens to say that others are suffering from blood and light. It is obvious that he is deliberately scaring people and trying to use it to hold back.

Therefore, Charlie can basically be sure that this old guy is a liar, and at best he has learned a little bit of fur.

At his level, if it is placed in the medical field, it is equivalent to just learning how to distinguish between the front and the back of X-rays, and other medical knowledge is not understood.

Therefore, his fortune-telling at this level is completely deceitful.

Therefore, Charlie pretended to be surprised and said: “Just by throwing these 5 copper coins on the ground, can you figure out a person’s future good or bad?”

“That’s natural!” The old man said with a proud look: “I have learned this skill for fifty years, and I have already been perfect!”

Charlie curled his lips: “I don’t believe it, let me try!”

After speaking, before the old man agreed, he grabbed the five copper coins one by one.

Then, he thought of Pollard and his daughter in his heart, and then thought of the records of the divination of copper coins in the Nine Profound Heaven Scriptures, and after a moment of meditation, he threw five copper coins out.

The old man saw that he was serious, and he turned his lips in disdain, and said, “You are like a real one, this hexagram seems like you can understand the whole book!”

Charlie ignored his cynicism and focused all his attention on these five copper coins.

The amount of information presented to him by these five copper coins is enormous.

First of all, the overall hexagram is the main evil, and it is extremely cruel, almost mortal.

In other words, Melba not only has a great probability of her life in danger, but also has the possibility of a tragic death.

Secondly, the azimuth sword of this hexagram is pointing to the west, and there is almost no deviation;

In other words, Melba must have had an accident in the west of Aurous Hill;

Syria is in the Middle East and West Asia, and it happens to be almost on the same latitude as the province where Aurous Hill is located. The hexagram is shown in the west of this place, which means that Melba’s current latitude does not differ from Charlie’s location!

In the end, the hexagram image is a mortal situation as a whole, but the only life is left, and the life is here!

He immediately took out his mobile phone and checked the latitude and longitude of Syria and Aurous Hill on the search engine, and found that Syria’s land was between 32 degrees 20 minutes north latitude and 37 degrees north latitude, while Aurous Hill happened to be between 31 and 32 degrees 37 minutes north latitude!

In other words, Melba’s current latitude is within the range of 32 degrees 20 minutes to 37 minutes north latitude!

Chapter 2633

From the perspective of the hexagrams, Melba almost died nine years ago, and the only life is in Aurous Hill.

Charlie suddenly realized that Melba’s life must lie with him.

Except for himself, I am afraid that no one can save her.

Moreover, this hexagram seems to be that Melba seems to have been enveloped in danger from now on.

Furthermore, her life is on him, if he does not save Melba, she will die!

To save, or not to save, Charlie hardly hesitated.

Charlie had already decided to save her just now when he discovered that Melba’s life was in the middle of his body.

Although Charlie had never seen Melba, and had no friendship with her, he still has two reasons to save her.

The first reason is that he now wants to cut into the huge market of ocean transportation as soon as possible. Melba is the best candidate. If she can come back to help him, her father Pollard Watt will certainly assist her. In that case, this business is basically stable;

The second reason is that Pollard was a friend and classmate of his mother before her death, and after his parents had an accident, he took a lot of effort to find him, and he only has one daughter, Melba, so he only looked at this level.

However, Charlie was a little worried.

She can be saved, but how to save her?

After all, she is in Syria, and she doesn’t know exactly where she is in Syria.

Although the hexagram image can calculate the approximate position, the accuracy of finding a person is still much worse. The possibility of finding out exactly where she is by divination is almost zero!

Thinking of this, Charlie flashed a thought: “Melba, this time, is following the Syrian government forces to participate in military operations…”

“In other words, there are several people in their group and they are protected by the government army. If Melba’s life is in danger, it should indicate that the government army will most likely fail in this operation, and it will affect Melba and the others… .”

“In this case, I should pay more attention to the situation in Syria and the news, and see if there is any news about the failure of government forces in the next time.

Just when Charlie was full of sadness, the owner of the fortune-telling booth opposite said sarcastically: “Young man, why are you not talking? Didn’t you understand what your hexagram represents? Or in your mind, now you’re wondering how to fool us for a while?”

As he said, he sneered again: “Oh, I’ll be honest, if you can’t do it, go away, don’t delay me from helping others solve problems!”

Seeing that his expression was very proud, Charlie said indifferently, “I didn’t want to waste time with you, but since you are obsessed, I will waste a few minutes talking with you.” In my opinion, your face is poor, you are destined to endure hardships for a lifetime, and you are destined to be hard to become a powerful weapon. A person like you, apart from cheating and kidnapping, can’t have any real skills. Your old age must be exceptionally miserable.”

“So, I still advise you not to slander and deceive all day long. At such an old age, finding a stable and formal job can save you from the hardship of hunger and cold in the future.”

The old man didn’t expect that it was him who was reprimanding Charlie, but Charlie in turn taunted him.

More importantly, this guy is really right.

He has indeed suffered a lot in his life.

This is mainly because when he was young, he had low-mindedness and low-handedness, and he was not righteous, and he spent several years in prison.

Therefore, there is almost no work he can do for a long time.

There is no longevity in doing anything, let alone any accumulation, so he has almost nothing to do in his life.

Not only he has wasted his whole life, but his children are not very promising either.

Chapter 2634

Now all the children are married, but they all live very poorly.

At such an age, he still has to come out to fool people, on the one hand to support himself and his wife and children, on the other hand, he also hopes to give his children a little subsidy.

On weekdays, his stomach full of bitterness did not dare to pour out, and he had to pretend to deceive others by pretending to be an outsider, but now he was brutally pierced by a young man, which immediately made him angry.

He didn’t think that Charlie really had any abilities to look at pictures. He felt that Charlie deliberately wanted to ruin his business, and he wanted to take the opportunity to mock him!

So he immediately snorted and said disdainfully: “Huh! You said that the old man has toiled all his life? What a joke! To tell you the truth, the old man has achieved financial freedom since he was young, and I have already groups of children and grandchildren, so I can fully enjoy the blessings of the family and the happiness of family at home. The reason why I still come out for fortune-telling at such an old age is to save all beings!”

After all, he looked at Pollard, but said with a bit of sullenness: “You take this boastful young man and go. I wanted to help you with your affairs, but it seems that you and I really have no chance. So please do it yourself. Right.”

Pollard was a little anxious for a while, lowered his voice and said to Charlie: “Charlie, we would rather believe this kind of thing, but not trust it, and to be honest, 5,000 is not a big deal, even if it is a purchase. Melba is worth more than that for me”

Charlie waved his hand, looked at the old man, and said with a smile: “I see that your cheeks are thin and the belly is flat. You don’t look like a blessed person, and your forehead shape is dissatisfied. This is a typical young man. Even in the face of childlessness, you say that your children are in groups and there are many descendants. How is this possible?”

The old man snorted, “Boy, you are inferior to humans. Have you begun to engage in personal attacks? I have three sons and three daughters. There are 13 grandchildren and granddaughters. You said that I have a little face. Childless?! This is really unreasonable!”

Charlie smiled slightly: “Don’t worry, I will give you a fortune.”

After that, he grabbed the five coins and threw them out again.

Afterwards, Charlie looked at the position, positive and negative of these copper coins, and said lightly: “The hexagram shows that you are destined to commit a lone star, and you are doomed to have no future!”

After speaking, Charlie looked at him and asked seriously, “Do your sons and daughters look like you?”

The old man was stunned.

Charlie’s words poke a knot in his heart that has been haunting his heart for so many years.

That is, none of his six children look like him.

Charlie continued: “This hexagram also says that you can see through the clouds and mist in the near future, and I believe it should be just about this.”

The old man said angrily: “You don’t talk nonsense here! You are so young, I advise you to accumulate your morals!”

Charlie waved his hand: “I’m not making fun of you, I’m telling the truth.”

After that, Charlie asked him, “Do you know your blood type?”

“Me?” The old man blurted out, “I am AB-type!”

Charlie asked again, “Where is your wife?”

The old man said: “My wife is an O type! What’s wrong? What do you want to say?”

Charlie asked again: “Then do you know the blood type of one of your six children?”

The old man continued: “My eldest son is also AB, just follow me, what’s wrong?”

This time, before Charlie spoke, Pollard on the side said with a shocked expression: “Your wife has blood type O, you have blood type AB, and your eldest son is also blood type AB?”

“Yes!” The old man snorted coldly, “The blood type is the same as mine, it must be my own blood!”

Pollard said embarrassingly: “This…From the genetic law of scientific blood type, people with blood type AB and O will only give birth to type A blood, or type B blood, it is impossible to give birth to type O. Blood, or AB blood…”

Chapter 2635

The old fortune-telling man didn’t expect that even Pollard, a gentle middle-aged man, would come to sing against him, and immediately said with a little irritation and anger: “You are not talking about science with me, and what science? It’s science. You have to have basic common sense, right? This dragon gives birth to dragons and phoenixes, and mice give birth to holes. I have blood type AB and give birth to a son with type AB blood. It is justified! Is there a problem?

Pollard said helplessly: “Old sir, you really have to believe in science. Although I am not studying medicine and biology, I am also a university professor anyway. This basic common sense is still there.”

When the old man heard that Pollard said that he was a university professor, he suddenly panicked.

He didn’t think Pollard looked like a liar, so he felt that something was f*cking wrong.

So, he subconsciously asked, “Since you are a professor, can you explain to me why my son can’t be of type AB blood?”

Pollard said seriously: “If you really talk about the principle of this, it’s really not clear in a few words, but you can check it online.”

The old man hurriedly took out a different-brand mobile phone with a huge screen, and spent a long time writing and drawing seriously, then he saw his expression suddenly dull.

He did find the relevant results.

On the Internet, all the claims are the same as Pollard’s claims. Parents with blood type AB and O can only give birth to type A blood, or children with type B blood, never give birth to type O and AB blood.

This also means that his eldest son is by no means his own…

Thinking of this, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Immediately, he picked up the phone in a panic, called the second son, and asked directly: “Second, do you know what blood type you are?”

His second son said in surprise, “I remember it is O type, as if you are talking about my mother.”

“O-type?” The old man immediately felt like being struck by lightning, and blurted out, “Are you sure? Did you remember it wrong?”

“That’s right.” The second son said, “Why don’t you steal the cable last time and let people be caught? The blood type test performed by the prison before serving your sentence must be registered in the file.”

The old man’s eyes suddenly went dark.

This is a f*cking tragedy.

The eldest is not his, nor is the second? !

At the same time as he collapsed, he thought of his youngest son and couldn’t help but make another call.

As soon as the other party connected, he asked, “My Child, do you know what blood type you are?”

The youngest son asked in surprise, “Dad, that’s all about your phone call? I’m in the Taxi. Recently, I’m not allowed to drive and make phone calls. The cameras are everywhere.”

The old man blurted out, “You tell me quickly!”

The younger son asked incomprehensibly, “Dad, why are you calling to ask this?”

The old man scolded, “Why are you speaking f*cking nonsense? Can you just answer what I ask you?”

The youngest son hurriedly said, “Okay, I have blood type AB, isn’t it the same as you? I inherited it from you.”

The old man was anxious and almost fell to the ground.

The youngest son said at this time: “Dad, the teacher from Ascendas School called and said that this bear kid couldn’t keep up with his grades in all subjects. He asked me to report to him for training courses. I just calculated it. The registration fee alone costs more than 3,000. Can you give it to me?”

The old man gritted his teeth and cursed: “I’ll give his grandma a leg!”

After finishing speaking, he smashed the phone to the ground and smashed it to pieces, and then burst into tears.

Chapter 2636

He never dreamed that none of his three sons actually belonged to him.

He couldn’t help holding his face in pain: “I…what evil did I do? I…all my life is exhausted to raise sons and grandchildren for others… …”

After speaking, he completely collapsed and lay on the ground all of a sudden, crying loudly.

Pollard was also taken aback.

He always thought that Charlie was deliberately angry with the old man, but he didn’t expect Charlie to become a revealer.

He hurriedly asked Charlie, “Charlie…this…what is going on…”

Charlie shrugged helplessly, “That’s how it is. Judging from his face and hexagrams, he shouldn’t have a son. In the end, he has three more. That’s obviously wrong, but The case is solved now, he really does not have a son.”

Pollard couldn’t help asking, “Is it so accurate to see the truth? Isn’t this amazing?”

Charlie stood up, and while pulling Pollard into the distance, he whispered: “Uncle, I actually teased him on purpose just now. I didn’t expect that my crow’s mouth was even right… ..”

“Ah?!” Pollard said dumbfounded: “This… can this also be said?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Did the blind cat hit a dead mouse! What’s impossible.”

Pollard asked again, “Then what do you say about the difficult things in the autumn?”

Charlie waved his hand: “It’s all lies, so don’t worry about it at all.”

Pollard breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

He also discovered that the old fortune-telling man was indeed a big fool.

Therefore, the tension in his heart was immediately relieved a lot.

Charlie remembered the hexagram he had just made, and said to Pollard: “Uncle, if you have time in the afternoon, pay more attention to the news about the situation in Syria. Melba joined the government forces in military operations, so I believe their safety is also guaranteed. If there is an accident, there should be some relevant clues in the news.”

Pollard nodded in agreement and said, “What you said makes sense, so I will pay more attention to the news. I have some good friends in the media, and they can speak well in major media companies. Several large media outlets should have war correspondents and news networks. I let them help me pay attention to first-hand information.”

Charlie hurriedly said, “If you have any information, please tell me as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, sure I will!”

Charlie checked the time and said: “Uncle, you can go back to school, I’m leaving too.”

Pollard pointed to the old man lying on the ground crying in the distance, and said with some sympathy, “What about this old man?”

Charlie said helplessly, “I can’t help it. He has no son in his life. I can’t change him. Let him digest this matter slowly.”

Pollard sighed helplessly, and said, “That’s OK, then I’ll leave first. We must keep in touch today. No matter who has any information, we will exchange it as soon as possible.”

“No problem.”

Watching Pollard cross the road, Charlie couldn’t help but sighed, and muttered sadly: “I think that Melba’s accident is imminent and there is not much time left for her, but how can I save her? I don’t know. Where exactly is she, I don’t know how to go to Syria…”

“It is civil war in Syria! The situation is too turbulent. There is no direct flight to this country from any city in the country.”

“There are even messages on the Internet that the Syrian civil aviation system has long been completely stopped. Maybe I have to fly to a neighboring country first, and then find a way to enter the country by land…”

“In that case, the time spent on the road is at least 24 hours or more. If there is any danger, this time I will have no time to react…”

Chapter 2637

On the way to Shangri-La by taxi, Charlie was still worrying about Melba.

In order to prevent Melba from having the accident and no time to rush over, Charlie even wanted to set off now, but the situation in Syria was so special that he didn’t know what way to go there.

When he thought that Issac had strong resources in all aspects, Charlie was ready to find him to come up with ideas.

It just so happened that he had to discuss with him how to deal with the Su family next?

After Charlie arrived at Shangri-La, he went directly to Issac’s office.

At this time, in the Shangri-La Hotel, Zynn was still waiting for the opportunity to establish contact with Ito.

However, because he sneaked into Shangri-La quietly, so far he has stayed in the room and dared not show his head.

His wife Liona, eldest daughter Zhiyu, and illegitimate daughter Ruoli also live in this hotel.

It’s just that none of these three parties knows, the other two are in the same building.

Charlie came all the way to Issac’s office. As soon as they met, Issac hurriedly reported to him: “Master, you let me send someone to monitor the two men. My people have begun to watch them secretly. Let me tell you at once.”

Charlie nodded, and said in a serious tone: “These two people were sent by the Su family, and I think they are likely to look for clues to find me, so you must keep an eye on them, and also keep an eye on the recent People who come to Aurous Hill.”

As soon as Issac heard this, he immediately said with outrage: “Master, these two people dare to be against you. If you ask me, let’s get them first and kill them!”

Charlie waved his hand and said faintly: “This old man and his grandson are supposed to be Feng Shui masters, and they still have some moral integrity. First, save their lives and see what they plan to do next.

Issac hurriedly said, “Okay, Master, I see.”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “By the way, do you know anything about the situation in Syria?”

“Syria?!” Issac said embarrassingly, “Master, why do you suddenly care about this place where birds do not sh*t?”

Charlie chuckled and said, “I’ll go where the birds don’t poop.”

“What?” Issac exclaimed and blurted out: “Master, you are not kidding me, are you going to Syria?”

Charlie nodded: “Yes, and maybe the sooner the better.”

“This…” Issac thought for a while and blurted out: “The place is now under war, and the civil aviation system is not navigable… What are you going to do? If it doesn’t matter, I still advise you not to go!”

Charlie said helplessly: “There are some unexpected emergencies, I have to go, and time is running out, please help me to find out if there is a more reliable route that can allow me, in the fastest time, All the way to Damascus, the capital of Syria.”

Chapter 2638

Upon hearing this, Issac no longer persuaded Charlie, but immediately took out his mobile phone and made several calls.

After the call, Issac said to Charlie: “Master, I consulted my friends and also inquired about some overseas channels. Now if you want to go to Syria, the more common route is to fly to Turkey or Iraq first and then from these two countries. Enter Syria by land.”

After speaking, Issac said again: “But what is more embarrassing is that Turkey is in the north of Syria and Iraq is in the east of Syria, but the capital of Syria, Damascus, is in the southwest of Syria. That is to say, whether it is from Iraq or Turkey. To reach Damascus one has to pass hundreds of kilometers of land.”

“Furthermore, the terrain in the Middle East is complex and the transportation is not very convenient. It takes at least 20 hours for this journey alone.”

Charlie frowned and said, “If I remember correctly, the west of Syria should be bordered by Lebanon? And the capitals of the two countries are very close. The straight-line distance is not even 100 kilometers, so fly to Lebanon first. Would it be easier to enter Syria from Lebanon?”

Issac nodded and said, “Master, I asked about this just now.”

“In theory, of course, Lebanon is closer to Damascus, but if civil aviation flies to Lebanon from the country, the route will pass through Syria.”

“Now the Syrian government forces and the opposition are fighting like rotten pears, and both sides have ground-to-air weapons. Therefore, the civil aviation of any country dare not fly into its airspace and avoids its airspace.”

“According to the route of civil aviation, once it has to bypass Syria, the flight distance will increase by nearly two thousand kilometers.”

“As a result, our business jets will not be able to fly in a single breath. We must find a stopover airport midway to refuel.”

“In this case, it will be necessary to coordinate the stopover and supply airports, and then take off after landing, refueling, and regular inspections. There will be a delay of one or two hours.”

“And when you arrived in Lebanon, there is still big trouble. Because it is too close to Syria, the border has been temporarily closed in order to avoid the war spill. If you want to travel from Lebanon to Syria, you can only sneak across the borderline…”

Charlie nodded, and said solemnly, “Even if you want to sneak across the border, a straight distance of less than 100 kilometers will save a lot of time.”

Issac hurriedly said: “Master, crossing the border is not a joke. Both countries are heavily guarded. In an extraordinary period, if someone illegally crosses the border, either party has the right to shoot directly. Moreover, now Syria is not only governed by the Syrian government forces but the opposition forces as well. The situation is too complicated and it is difficult to penetrate into it!”

Charlie waved his hand and said calmly, “This is actually not a problem. I have my own way to cross the border.”

With that, Charlie said a little annoyedly: “The most important thing is that the flight time is too long. It was originally necessary to fly for at least nine hours. If it takes a detour, it will take another two or three hours to fly. The key is There will be another stop in the middle, and another hour or two will be added. After this calculation, it will take at least thirteen or four hours to fly to Lebanon. It’s too long. The lives of people over there are too precious. I’m afraid things won’t last so long. time…….”

Issac also fell into deep thought. He pondered for a long time, and suddenly thought of something, and blurted out: “Master, at present, there is an only solution that will allow you to fly from Aurous Hill to Lebanon in four and a half hours! It’s just that I can’t do this plan, only you can try it yourself.”

Charlie hurriedly asked: “What plan?!”

Issac hurriedly reminded: “Master, do you remember that when you went to Changbai Mountain to ambush the eight heavenly kings in advance, I told you that your grandfather spent a lot of money on a Concorde airliner?”

“The flight speed of the Concorde is 2.5 times that of a civil aviation aircraft. Moreover, the Concorde that your grandpa bought has also been specially modified and upgraded, which reduces the carrying capacity and increases the fuel capacity of the aircraft. A single refueling can exceed Flying 10,000 kilometers at the speed of sound, there is no need to land and refuel in the middle. It will take you to Lebanon in more than four hours!

Chapter 2639

Concorde was once the only supersonic airliner in the world that was truly put into commercial operation.

For many young people, they may not know this aircraft at all, but they have to admit that this aircraft has written a strong fortune in the history of civil aviation.

Looking at the law of development of human science and technology over the past few decades, an interesting phenomenon will be discovered, that is, people have been relatively conservative in the development of science and technology in recent years.

However, during the Cold War from the 1960s to the 1980s, it was a golden age when human technology thrived and developed wildly and rapidly.

The people of that era showed unprecedented enthusiasm and radicalism in the field of science and technology.

In the era when the computing power of computers was not as good as the Cassidy Learning Machine, the Soviet Union sent astronauts to space and the United States sent astronauts to the moon.

Also in that era, people lost interest in ordinary subsonic civil aviation aircraft and began to step into the supersonic era with their heads high.

In 1975, the Concorde airliner that could reach twice the speed of sound was officially put into use. At that time, people had already enjoyed the supersonic airliner at 2,150 kilometers per hour.

Now, it takes nearly two hours to fly from Eastcliff to Aurous Hill, but if you take the Concorde, it only takes 25 minutes.

It is a pity that although this aircraft is extremely fast, its fuel economy is extremely poor, so with the arrival of the economic crisis and a serious flight accident, this aircraft withdrew from the civil aviation stage in 2003 and has since disappeared from the world.

Today, most people don’t even remember the existence of this aircraft, but several of these aircraft have been well preserved.

And, without exception, all became the exclusive cars of the top rich.

Charlie’s grandfather Zhongquan has one.

His Concorde airliner was bought and spent huge financial resources on transformation and maintenance. Up to now, it costs tens of millions of dollars in basic maintenance costs every year.

However, Zhongquan spent so much money on this plane, but it is difficult for him to fly once a year.

However, for the top big families, this kind of aircraft is equivalent to the nuclear weapons of a big country. It can be kept in storage at ordinary times and will not be used for several years or even decades, but once a major event requires it, it can be put into use immediately.

Therefore, Issac thought of this method. As long a Zhongquan is willing to lend this Concorde to Charlie, Charlie will be sent to Syria within four and a half hours, nothing to say!

However, Zhongquan valued this aircraft very much. He hadn’t used it for anyone except himself. Even his children did not have the opportunity to use it.

And Issac was just a spokesperson for the Wade family in Aurous Hill. He couldn’t even get in touch with Zhongquan directly, so Charlie could only talk to Zhongquan about this matter.

Charlie was instantly awakened by his words.

He couldn’t hide his excitement and blurted out: “It’s great! If there is a Concorde, you can save more than half of your time at once!”

As he said, he immediately took out his cell phone and said, “I will call him, and I will borrow this plane anyway!”

Issac said with some worry: “Master, it is said that your grandfather has very precious thoughts about this plane. He has never loaned it out or let anyone other than himself use it. I am now worried that he will not be willing to lend it to you.”

Charlie said solemnly, “No matter what, please give a call first and try!”

After speaking, he hit his grandfather Zhongquan.

Chapter 2640

The phone rang only twice and was immediately connected.

Zhongquan asked happily, “Charlie, why did you remember calling grandpa today?”

Charlie went straight to the topic and said, “I have something I want to ask you for help.”

Zhongquan said without hesitation: “Oh, what is there to be polite about you and grandpa? Just talk about anything, as long as grandpa can do it, it’s absolutely unambiguous!”

Charlie said: “I’m in a hurry. I have to go to Lebanon immediately. I heard that you have a Concorde airliner. I want to borrow it.”

“By Concord?” Zhongquan hesitated for a while. After a while, he smiled and said, “Charlie, in fact, if you want to borrow a private jet, grandpa has a very, very luxurious Boeing business jet. It only costs the internal modification. Hundreds of millions of dollars, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a palace in the sky, or should I lend you that plane?”

Charlie said firmly: “No, I only borrow what I named.”

Zhongquan sighed and said, “Oh, that airplane is really too old. It was manufactured in 1985. To be honest, it’s a lot older than you. You know, the older the airplane, the less it will be its safety.”

Charlie didn’t expect Zhongquan to play around the bush with himself here, so he couldn’t help it. He blurted out, “You don’t want to lend me the Concorde, but at least you have to lend me a plane that allows me to do this. The plane flew from Aurous Hill to Lebanon in less than half an hour.”

“This…” Zhongquan said embarrassingly, “The requirement of four and a half hours is too high, can you be a little more relaxed…”

Charlie asked him back: “If I can borrow it, I can give me a good word. If I can’t, then I won’t be overwhelmed.”

Speaking of this, Charlie said coldly: “However, I may have to reconsider the ancestor worship ceremony. Besides. I think since even borrowing a plane is so troublesome to do such a small thing, I will no longer bother the Wade family in the future.”

When Zhongquan heard this, he gritted his teeth and said without hesitation: “Oh, Charlie, don’t be impulsive! Isn’t it just borrowing a plane? Grandpa lends it to you! I will ask the crew to prepare and fly directly to Aurous Hill! I have two sets of the crew on standby at the airport in two shifts, ready to take off at any time! Are you satisfied now?”

Charlie’s voice eased, and he said, “In this case, I won’t break my promise regarding the ancestor worship ceremony.”

Zhongquan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: “Charlie, you often go home and have a look when you have time. I, your uncle, and your aunt miss you!”

Charlie agreed casually and said, “Okay, after the ancestor worship ceremony, I will visit you often.”

Zhongquan hurriedly said, “That’s good, that’s good!”

After speaking, he asked again: “Charlie, what are you going to do in Lebanon? Do you need help from grandpa?”

Charlie thought of the question he had just talked with Issac, and asked: “I wonder if you can help me to clear the relationship so that I can leave for Lebanon and go to Syria?”

“Are you going to Syria?” Zhongquan asked in surprise, “There is a war going on over there. What are you going to do there?”

Charlie said calmly: “I have some personal affairs that I need to deal with.”

Zhongquan thought for a while and said, “I have some contacts in Lebanon!”

“Well, I’ll clear it up for you, and promise to help you get this done before you arrive in Lebanon.”

“I guarantee that after you arrive in Lebanon, you can go directly to Syria.”

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2621-2640 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.