How Wiley Edge can help you with tech skills | Wiley Edge posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

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What is the road ahead for businesses and people whose jobs are being disrupted by AI? The answer lies in the need to ensure that our people are at the center of our workforce strategies. The challenge of adopting emerging technologies in the workplace requires a proactive approach to employee training. When it comes to the race towards tomorrow, it's the learners who inherit the future. Embracing lifelong education with upskilling and reskilling is no longer a luxury—it's a strategic imperative. At Wiley Edge, we're not just observers of change; we're facilitators. Our Reskill program is meticulously designed to enhance tech skills. Select from a range of pre-designed courses that are tailored to meet your development goals. Immersive training is delivered with online instructor-led sessions and can be complemented by technical lab environments hosted on our in-house academy infrastructure. Get in touch if you need digital learning to train your people at scale, preparing them for a journey of continuous growth and innovation. #FutureOfWork #LifelongLearning #WileyEdgeAcademy #Reskill

Why Is Upskilling And Reskilling Important In The AI Era?


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  • Clifford Tan

    Senior Business Analyst at Infinit-O | Process Optimization | Automation Enthusiast | Technology Solutions

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    In a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, it’s important for companies to equip their teams with the skills to collaborate effectively with AI technologies. Beyond just deploying cutting-edge systems, 3 key strategic approach is needed to empower employees. 1. Upskilling and Reskilling - Investing in programs that enhance employees’ skills to work seamlessly with AI systems.2. Cultivating a Learning Culture - Encourage your team to embrace lifelong learning through mentorship programs, online platforms, and internal knowledge-sharing initiatives. 3. Promoting Human-AI Collaborations. - Create opportunities for cross-functional collaboration, where humans and AI work together to solve complex challenges, tapping into the unique strengths of both.🌟 One thing for sure. The future lies in the synergy between human intelligence and AI’s analytical power. By upskilling, fostering a learning culture, and emphasizing collaboration, we pave the way for innovative decision-making, problem-solving, and success across diverse domains.#AIinBusiness #Upskilling #LearningCulture #FutureOfWork #Collaboration

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  • Adrienn Viragh

    Global Workforce Transformation - Siemens Smart Infrastructure, Electrification and Automation

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    We don’t learn for school but for life, as the saying goes. However, what Roman philosopher Seneca, credited with this timeless adage, might not have envisioned some 2000 years ago is that for today, workplaces would also evolve into spaces (be they physical or virtual) where people can acquire knowledge. Yet, applying Seneca's wisdom to our age, the question naturally arises: do we learn for our workplaces? What's the purpose of workplace learning for our people?The message from #LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report 2024 couldn’t be any clearer: what people want at work is #skillbuilding that is tailored to their individual needs, plans and career development. And this is where the business world meets personal growth – with #WorkforceTransformation preparing people for tomorrow’s challenges by focusing on skills development today, with a clear focus on company goals. Because personal growth spurs company growth and vice versa. Skills agility - harnessing the right skills at the right time for the right work – is key for continued success and as organisations navigate unchartered waters in an ever-changing world where speed is of the essence, no wonder that the topic of how to transform our workforce is gaining more attention from the C-Suite as well. The report also shines a light on a key trend that’s impossible to overlook: artificial intelligence. It’s not about a futuristic robot takeover; it’s about using #AI to make learning more relevant, personalized, and effectively intertwined with our day-to-day work. Imagine for example having an AI-powered coach that knows exactly what skills you need to polish for your next career step and suggests tailored content to get you there. That future is now.Key statements from the report also highlight the way towards a learning organisation: 👉 AI-powered tools: They’re not just cool gadgets; these tools revolutionize learning, making education more adaptable and responsive to individual and organizational goals.👉 Focus on human skills: In an age dominated by AI, it’s the uniquely human skills like critical thinking, communication, and empathy that set us apart. Polishing these skills is crucial.👉 Learning as a lifestyle: Turning learning into a habit, not just another task on the to-do list, is key. This means creating a culture where learning is part of the daily flow of work.The traditional barriers between ‘working’ and ‘learning’ are disappearing, but as we have never learnt for school, we are not learning only for work, either. People learn for #agility, for #adaptability, and ultimately, for a fulfilling #life that keeps pace with change. And organisations harnessing this willingness and taking care of their own people’s development are the ones that are going to succeed also in the long run.#WorkforceTransformation #LearningCulture #SkillsAgility #FutureOfWork #PeopleDevelopment

    2024 Workplace Learning Report | LinkedIn Learning
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  • Nabeel Mahmood

    Global CXO, Technology Executive, Board Director, Nomad Futurist, Advocate, Philanthropist, International Keynote Speaker, Ambassador, Ubuntu

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    Closing the generative AI skills gap is an urgent challenge. Companies must provide opportunities for employees to stay ahead of emerging technology & acquire the skills needed to succeed. We must foster a culture of continuous learning to help employees adapt & thrive. Commit to upskilling your workforce & creating a culture of continuous learning. Your people are your most valuable asset. #AIevolution #upskilling #productivityboost #continuouslearning #generativeAI #thefutureisnow #artificialintelligence

    AI Training in the Workplace: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Opportunities


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  • Eric Maida

    Director | Enterprise Sales @ Degreed | Learning and Development

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    Dig into this excellent piece 👇 by Jen Collins as she shares why upskilling your people is more critical than ever in these AI-driven times."At a time when in-demand skills are constantly evolving, investing in learning and development (L&D) is essential to modern business success. Or, as Benjamin Franklin famously said, "For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.""It's worth remembering those words as we navigate an exciting, albeituncertain work landscape. Businesses will never regret upskilling their people, especially when trying to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies like the latest AI models, automation, the Internet of Things, smart cities and more. Your organization cannot remain productive and competitive if your workforce lacks the skills needed to embrace future opportunities."#skills #upskilling #reskilling #ai #aiadoption #genai

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  • David Reid

    Enterprise Sales Director - Global Technology Consulting, Contingent Workforce and Technology Project Services

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    As AI becomes more pervasive in the workplace, about 90% of HR leaders now recognize that up tohalf of their workforce needs to be reskilled. The rapid adoption of Generative AI as an example means that retraining internal staff to adapt to these new technologies is essential. Akkodis Academy comes tried and tested as one of the world's premier upskilling solutions providers. Don't hesitate to contact my colleague Desina Gjeka or metoday to learn more about how the Akkodis Academy can help your business adapt to the future through GenAI Upskilling services. #fomo #futureproofyourbusiness #genai #workforceofthefuture #upskilling #investinpeople#reskilling #akkodis #learninganddevelopment #careerdevelopment #skillbuilding #trainingacademy Jill Welch Stephen Buckel

    In an era of AI, skill building is a top organizational priority, LinkedIn says



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  • Susan Coetzee

    SDR @ The Leadership Board

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    Unlock the Power of AI for Employee Learning and Development In today's rapidly evolving workplace, organizations face a critical challenge: how to empower their workforce with the skills needed to thrive. Enter AI-enabled Learning and Development — a game-changer that promises to revolutionize employee growth and organizational success. The Upside: AI-Driven Learning1. **Personalization**: AI tailors learning experiences to individual needs. Imagine a world where each employee receives a customized learning path, addressing their unique strengths and areas for improvement. 🚀2. **Continuous Learning**: AI doesn't clock out. It enables 24/7 access to learning content, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. 🌐3. **Data-Driven Insights**: AI analyzes vast datasets to identify trends, skill gaps, and high-impact learning modules. Organizations can make informed decisions based on real-time data. 📊4. **Adaptive Content**: Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all training. AI adapts content formats—videos, quizzes, simulations—to engage diverse learners. 🎯**The Pitfalls: Ignoring AI's Potential**1. **Stagnation**: Organizations that resist AI risk falling behind. Without upskilling, employees become obsolete, hindering innovation and growth. 📉2. **Bias and Fairness**: AI algorithms inherit biases from their creators. Unchecked, this bias can perpetuate inequalities in learning opportunities. 🤖3. **Data Privacy Concerns**: AI relies on data, but mishandling sensitive information can lead to breaches and erode trust. 🔒4. **Resistance to Change**: Some fear AI will replace human trainers. Instead, it augments them, freeing trainers to focus on strategic initiatives. 🤝**Engage!**🔗 Share your thoughts! How has AI transformed your learning journey? What challenges do you foresee? Use #AIforLearning and tag fellow upskilling enthusiasts. Let's shape the future of employee development together! 💡#AI #EmployeeDevelopment #Upskilling #LearningJourney #FutureOfWork


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  • NVOY Technologies


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    In the era of digital transformation, upskilling and developing new employee skills are paramount. Leveraging AI-powered tools, companies can identify skills gaps, customize training programs, and provide personalized learning experiences.AI analyzes vast amounts of data to pinpoint specific skills needs within an organisation. By understanding these gaps, companies can tailor training programs to address them effectively. From technical skills to soft skills development, AI enables personalized learning pathways that cater to individual employee needs and preferences.The benefits of AI-powered upskilling extend beyond individual employees. By equipping teams with the latest skills and knowledge, organisations foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Employees feel empowered to adapt to changing job roles and embrace new technologies, driving organisational agility and competitiveness.#AI #DigitalTransformation


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  • Alicia Noddings, Ph.D.

    Chief Talent Officer | SME in Talent Development, Curriculum Design, & Adult Education | Former Big 4 Consultant

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    AI and human capital development 🔥hot trend number 3: In today's competitive hiring market, a continuous learning culture is not only for promoting individual and organizational growth, it’s also a marketing tool to help businesses attract and retain top talent. Whether scaffolding training for new employees or upskilling your existing team members, AI offers a powerful tool to build and support this culture, but it's vital to be aware of potential downsides. Let’s take a closer look at number 3 of 5 🔥hot trends in AI and human capital development (HCD) that I am exploring:🌟 How AI can help organizations embrace a culture of continuous learning.From your learners’ perspective, AI-enhanced learning can easily provide:🔸Flexible, global access🔸Adaptive learning🔸Continuous skills assessment🔸Personalized feedback🔸Collaborative learningFor your L&D personnel, AI-enhanced training efforts can help to:🔸Automate administrative tasks🔸Immediately provide data driven insights🔸Reduce costs for development and implementationHowever, utilization of AI in your L&D organization isn’t without risks, and the personnel developing your training initiatives need to be prepared to mitigate those risks. Some areas to consider? How to…On the technical / development side:🔥 Address data privacy and security concerns with robust protocols🔥 Bridge the digital divide to inclusively offer learning opportunities🔥 Implement responsible AI practices which mitigate bias🔥 Maintain flexibility and avoid over-reliance on a single vendor🔥 Thoughtfully consider both the costs and benefits of AI implementation🔥 Ensure transparency and explainability in AI algorithmsOnce you implement:🔥 Maintain a balance between AI and human interaction🔥 Provide support and training for employees impacted by AI🔥 Recognize the importance of human elements like coaching and mentoringAnd ultimately…use AI ethically and transparently to foster trust and create a positive, engaging learning environment. ✅By thoughtfully navigating the potential downsides and maximizing AI's benefits, your organization can efficiently build a continuous learning culture that empowers your employees, drives innovation, and helps you ensure you retain exactly the employees you need to move forward your company’s mission.#ContinuousLearningCulture #AIandTD #AIUpskilling

    • How Wiley Edge can help you with tech skills | Wiley Edge posted on the topic | LinkedIn (28)


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  • Marie Manalansan-Bonn

    Executive Search Leader | Founder of Bonn Search Partners | C-Suite | Board Member Services

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    Unleashing Potential: The Game-Changer of AI-Powered Personalized LearningAI-powered personalized learning stands as a beacon of innovation. Let's explore the transformative impact and its pivotal role in fostering diversity.The Evolution of LearningAccording to a study by McKinsey, organizations that adopt AI in their learning strategies witness a 50% increase in the personalization of content, resulting in more effective and efficient learning outcomes.Breaking Barriers in DevelopmentResearch from Deloitte shows that AI-driven learning platforms can identify and address unconscious biases in traditional training programs. This ensures that diverse talents receive fair and customized development opportunities.Tailoring Growth PathsA report by PwC highlights that organizations utilizing AI in employee development witness a 39% increase in employee satisfaction. This is attributed to the tailored growth paths that recognize and amplify diverse strengths within the workforce.According to a survey by LinkedIn, 74% of employees want personalized learning opportunities. How do you envision this revolutionizing employee development and promoting diversity within organizations? Unleash the potential of AI-powered personalized learning – a game-changer that goes beyond traditional development methods. Follow: Marie Manalansan-Bonn#AIinLearning #EmployeeDevelopment #DiversityandInclusion #FutureOfWork #ContinuousLearning #bonnsearchpartners #DEIB


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  • Tariq K. AlFandi AlShamsi

    Security Strategy Advisor | National Security | Corporate Security | Strategic Leadership in Crises | Physical Security | AI Trust, Risk & Security Management (AI TRiSM) | Technology Systems Recovery

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    Leadership and technology will need a significant collaboration strategy as we move into 2024. The article emphasizes the urgent need for companies to address the generative AI skills gap in the workforce and provides insights on navigating challenges and leveraging opportunities. Key points for companies include:1. Urgency in Upskilling: The rapid evolution of AI requires companies to upskill employees, but the traditional educational model has lagged behind.2. Cultural Shift: Companies should foster a culture of continuous learning, encouraging employees to stay updated on the latest tools and skills through bite-sized, continuous learning.3. Engaged Workforce: Upskilling opportunities lead to a more engaged workforce, enhancing productivity.4. Skills Gap Challenge: Research indicates that while employers seek to integrate generative AI, a skills gap persists among employees, highlighting the need for investment in training.5. Protecting Company IP: Companies face challenges in managing employees' use of AI tools, with some resorting to defensive measures like banning certain models to protect intellectual property.6. Responsibility of Employers: Employers are urged to ensure workers have the necessary skills for the current and future workforce, particularly in the realm of generative AI.7. Encouraging AI Experience: The article underscores the importance of hands-on experience with AI, suggesting that organizations encourage experimentation and share successful examples to drive adoption.8. Combination of Training Approaches: A combination of in-person and virtual training is recommended, focusing on making AI education compelling and fun for staff.9. Crafting AI Education Strategy: Organizations should define clear business objectives that AI can support, inviting open dialogue to drive positive change.10. Fostering Innovation and Failure: Aligning AI use with business objectives involves encouraging innovation while being mindful of potential pitfalls, with leadership emphasizing the urgency of AI understanding and allowing teams to experiment and learn from failures.#aiupskilling #futureofworkskills #continuouslearning #generativeai #workforcedevelopment #techtraining #innovationineducation #aiethics #digitaltransformation #empowerwithai #skillgapsolutions #techinnovation #leadershipinai #learntech #aiinbusiness #digitalskills #employeeengagement #aiexperience #techinnovationculture #failureislearning

    AI Training in the Workplace: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Opportunities


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How Wiley Edge can help you with tech skills | Wiley Edge posted on the topic | LinkedIn (37)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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