Why Do My Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning? (2024)

Why Do My Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning? (1)

June 7, 2024

Ever wondered why your curtains end up smaller after being in the dryer? It’s a common frustration that leaves many of us scratching our heads. In this article, we’ll explore why curtains shrink after dry cleaning, looking into the reasons behind it and offering alternative cleaning methods to help you avoid this problem in the future.

Let’s figure out why curtains shrink and make sure your window treatments stay just the right size!

Common Condition of Curtain Shrinkage

Curtains often shrink after a dry-cleaning session, whereby the curtains decrease in size after being cleaned. Despite its name, dry cleaning is not actually a dry process; it uses a liquid solvent to remove oily stains. Some natural fibres resist shrinking with solvents, but other types of fabric may still experience shrinkage. Below is an example of curtains shrink after dry cleaning.

Why Do My Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning? (2)

Understanding Fabric Shrinkage in Curtains

Before we investigate why curtains shrink after dry cleaning, let’s learn about how fabrics are made and how this process might contribute to curtain shrinkage.

Fabrics are created through weaving or knitting, which introduces a lot of tension and energy, making them bigger than their natural size. These fabrics are in a “highly strung” state, meaning they are artificially expanded. This is similar to how a liquid occupies more space than a solid, even though the mass remains the same. When the fabric loses this extra energy, it returns to its original, smaller size, which can appear as shrinkage.

When “highly strung” fabric is soaked in water or dry-cleaning solvent, and goes through various mechanical processes, it releases this trapped energy and relaxes back to its natural state. This process causes the fabric to shrink, potentially up to 5%.

While a 5% shrinkage isn’t very noticeable in clothes, it’s much more obvious in larger items like curtains. This is why curtain shrinkage is often more apparent after cleaning.

Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning: Exploring the Factors

Curtains usually have an allowance so that if shrinkage happens, customers can send them for alteration to extend the length. Nevertheless, you probably want to understand why your curtains shrink after dry cleaning so you can avoid it in the future, ensuring your curtains maintain their size and shape. Let’s delve into the various factors that contribute to curtains shrinking after the dry cleaning process.

Understanding these factors can empower you to take proactive steps to prevent shrinkage and keep your curtains in good condition for longer periods.

1. Wrong Cleaning Method

Did you know that cleaning curtains the wrong way can damage them? Depending on the types of fabric, some curtains need to be dry-cleaned professionally. Because these curtains aren’t meant for normal washing, their fabric can get ruined when you accidentally wash with water.

Why Do My Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning? (3)

It’s important to note that shrinkage from incorrect cleaning can be significant, potentially up to 30%. If your curtains have shrunk by more than 10%, there is a 99% chance that you accidentally use the wrong cleaning method.

So, to avoid your curtains from shrinking, please check the fabric label first before cleaning the curtains.

2. Missing Fabric Pre-Shrink Treatment from Manufacturer

As mentioned earlier, fabrics used in curtains often contain excess energy from their production, which can lead to shrinkage if not pre-washed before they are transformed into curtains.

While shrinkage may not be immediately noticeable, it becomes more apparent over time, particularly in the length of the curtains. Therefore, it is essential to properly prepare the fabric to ensure that curtains retain their appearance and quality over time.

Alternative to Avoid Curtains Shrinking After Dry Cleaning: Steam Cleaning

Why Do My Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning? (4)

So, what can you do to avoid your curtains shrinking after dry cleaning? While it might be tempting to skip cleaning them altogether and just buy new ones, it’s essential to maintain clean curtains for better indoor air quality.

Instead of risking your curtains to shrink after the dry cleaning process, why not opt for another cleaning method? As an experienced professional cleaning service, we highly recommend considering steam cleaning as an effective option for preserving the quality and size of your curtains.

Why Do My Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning? (5)

Curtains made of cotton, polyester, or linen can all be cleaned with steam. These materials are resistant to shrinkage or damage from high heat levels. The material can be left looking brand-new and fresh after being steam cleaned, eliminating stains and dirt.

Talk to Your Professional Cleaning Service to Avoid Your Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning

If you’re unsure about the safest and most effective method to clean your curtains, you can always consult a professional cleaning service like Big Mama. Professional cleaners typically carefully examine curtains before proceeding with cleaning.

For instance, if your curtains have fabric care labels, they will follow the cleaning instructions provided. If there are no labels, the experienced team will advise on the best cleaning method, in this case steam cleaning your curtains to avoid shrinkage.

Trust Big Mama’s laundry cleaning service to clean your curtains with care. By relying on professionals, you can avoid the common issue of curtains shrink after dry cleaning. Preserve the beauty and longevity of your curtains with expert care from Big Mama.

Why Do My Curtains Shrink After Dry Cleaning? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.