Mauch Chunk Times-News from Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania (2024)

mmm TIMES-NEWS, MAUCH CHUNK, THURSDAY. APRIL 1S42. STRICTLY PERSONAL Forest Fires On Increase 4-H Club Enrollment In Carbon County' THE WEATHER Occaalonal rain endlnK early tonight, continued quite cool MAUCH CHUNK TIMES-NEWS SHORT ITEMS Additional contiibutors to the Keil war relief fund in Kant Mauch tink include Mrs John Stahl, Mrs id Hax'hir and Mrs Emma J. T. MINE SCHEDULE NeHquehoning and Lansford will operate tomorrow.

Br'" Us ON1GHT OPEN LATE Friday and Saturday The excitel Market Squai carter (I ahou that prevuiled on 11.15 A. M. today i' Jimmy 2, YEAR MAUCH CHUNK, FRIDAY, AI'KIL 10, H)2. ml PADDPriFhAn nniimmiinn mn iiMfv Nine members of the Young Matrons Society of St. John's Lutheran Church, East Mauch hunk attended thi meeting held yesterday at the home of Mra.

Edgar Eckhart. At present the members are assisting the Red Proas by sewing diaptrs. They are also raising money to help clear the church debt. Mrs. Robot UUnnCUIUln War Board Ke- SHORT ITEMS OF War Board Re SHORT ITEMS OF who nlipped away from in- mother, Mr.

Russell James, following a visit to the 5 10 cent store and who, after much confusion wait located after he hud made un exploratory trip to the apartments locuted above N'ewhi ri v'. Your Pledge forUictory it Another Hand Grenade for MacArthyr'i Men PENNSYLVANIA DEFENSE BOND PLEDGE FOR VICTORY April 1 6 Sign INTEREST TO YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS strains Commissioners' Purchase OUT AS JAPS PRESS ATTACK with pi ii-tan' i Mitchell poured. The meeting clo-ed IHssssV MKasslssstk ImES SSI i ne slogan oi tne uik r.ariy campaign being held through with recitation of thi Lord's prayr. I he regular monthly meeting of out this month by the anion ounty the Brotherhood of St. John's I.uth etta To Be Mrs.

Jeremiah Hildebrand Dead Oper Washington, April 10 (AP) President Roosevelt disclosed today that in connection with study for mobiliz- (km Selected Qualify TfoaU- You neter rlk in'oiij In our Meat liepuruiieut. We guarante complete natlKtaetion. or refuuil money. Presented Tomorrow If the parents of the boys of Mauch Chunk in the service know that their sons will be at home on April 18, will they please notify Mrs. Lynn Hoffmeier or call the high school, phone 369? Women uefuise workers of East Mauch Chunk are asked to report at U.

S. Court Authorizes Sale of Brewery Real Estate Following upon a hearing before Albert Astern, of Wilkes-Barre, referee in bankruptcy, the District Court of Ihe U. S. for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, yesterday approved the petition of Petir J. Cummings, of Scranton, trustee of the bankrupt Mauch Chunk Brewing Company, authorizing the sale of the real estate of the bankrupt free and clear of the lien of a $18,400 mortgage of the Lehigh National Bank of Catasnuqua The court order directed that the sale take place on the premises of ation of man nower for war industry.

The Wur Production Board restricting the puichase of office equipment in cooperation with the nation's defense effurt, today ordertd "stopped" the receipt of a tax billing machine which was to have been used in the office of the County Commissioners. The announcement was made by Lewll Kirbe, chief clerk to the Commissioners, at their regular bi-weekly meeting in the Court House this morning Mary, brand, widow of Jeramiah Hilde-formerly of East Mauch Tuberculosis Association is "Tubercu-losis find it. Treat it. Conquer It." A good idea for your Victory Garden led, white and blue morning glories. The same combination of colors is available in petunias, and centaureas for sowing in rows alongside vegetables.

Miss Peggy Michel is giving up eran Church, East Mauch Chunk, will he In Id tonight at H. Miss Inne Welty, director of reation activities in Allentown, will address the business und professional women's club, of Lehighlon, at the third anniversary dinner on April It, Miss Welty is a sister of Mrs A. P. Snyder, of Normal Square. the government was considering vol- Betty Ccssman plays the part of untary registration for all women 18 Miu Primer, teacher of a private to 65 years old.

school for girls, in the operetta, I Probably within a week, Mr. Hy the A. P. Corrector's big guns still blazed defiance in Manila Buy today and the Japanese reported at 6:60 A. M.

E. Wartime hostilities were continuing on Bataan Peninsula itself deapite preious assertions that Lieut. General Jonathan M. Wain-wrifht'n heroic difenders had "hegrged" for a truce. A War Department bulletin re-Iiorted that American torpedo boats ank a Japanese cruiser off Cebu in the central Philippines but that fighting: on the Bataan Peninsula Chuck Roast Chunk, died at 5 A.

M. today at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Harry Hildebrand, in Wilkes-Banc'. She was 77 years old.

Love PiratCS of Hawaii." whirh will Roosevelt asserted, snmp rleeinion will nl I'M be reached on how to go about chan be presented Saturday night, April 11 at in the East Mauch Chunk High School auditorium Barbara uviiwui uuuiiuiiuni naroara the high school building on Monday, April 13 at 8 P. M. The regular meeting of Charles J. Dolon Post, American Legion, will be held this evening at 7:30. Buy your tickets early for the patriotic to be presented by neling man power into war jobs.

her beauty shop in East Mauch Attending the annual smoker giv, iy the Lehigh (lame Protectivi As 25 One difficulty in registering worn- wne uiiiicuuy in registering Center lb Cuts Born on Susquehanna street, Mrs "lW Hildebrand was a lifelone; resid. rt nf Which was to simPlify expedite As a result, Thi wom-Henritzy will be seen in the role of en, he asserted at a press conference, 1, i i Control of Auto Industry l-nunk to accept employment at a West Bethlehem beauty shop. sociation at Allentown High School last night were diaries Witherich. thi Mauch Chunks. She mtbmAmd w.v,i,ij.

uiai, utiuuuur oi a pianta-, is iiiiiereni in ene numDer oi persons tne band and dramatic club in the St. Joseph's Churcl and was a mem tion manager, and playing rich Ha me elelivery of tax bills to county tax collectors, will not be received here until such a time as the War board lifts the restriction kurvini. Cut from our usual hlh quality Western Steer Beef. 4 ai nM Bankrupt in East Mauch Chunk on May 22, 1941 at 2 A M. The sale will be at public auction and all bids must be in cash.

The petition in bankruptcy was first filed September 3, 1941. ber of tne Altar and Rosary Society. Mrs. Hildebrand was a woman of fine character and her kindness and amiability won her many friends Her husband preceded hi in death 2'i years acn. Shi mm waiian girls are Claire Hock, Norma Keck, Mirie Colombo and Evelyn Knaue.

Hollis Keck is cast as Lieut. Billy Wood; Clifford Knappen-berger as the pirate chief, and Jack Demick as a pirate. Lean Plate Boiling Beef Fancy Short Ribs Beef Fancy Fresh Cut Hamburg Boneless Rolled Rib Roast 15c Ifc Ifc 35c who would come forward to enroll. This would create mechanical difficulties, he said. Mr.

Roosevelt added there had been talk of a voluntary registration for women on the next registration day for men up to 65 on April 27, but emphasized if it is decided to register women a date will be fixed later on. WoWbAY BATES IM ntr son ami hia wifo Mauch Cnunk High School auditorium, Satuiday, April 18. Admission 25c, Sc tax, total 28c. Tickets on sale by high school students. Barbara Brown is celebrating her 8th birthday today.

She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown, Jr. Pvt Adam Melber, of Fort Hanco*ck, visited relatives here yesterday. The grade school pupils in East Mauch Cnunk were dismissed at noon today because of the unfavorable HI GE MIU'iiItT ull Y()C FRIDAY SATURDAY Meanwhile, the former system of preparing i ml distributing the bills will prevail.

Friday, April 17, was set as the appointed time at which officers of the L. N. C. Company, representatives of the Kidder Township Supervisors and School Directors will meet with the three-man county board to discuss the matter of assessments placed on the property of the L. N.

Coal Company at its Lake Harmony Snow and Rain Do Their Act All Cuts Standing Rib Roast XY COIirUiiMlly: Gardeners who a few days ago en- William Ballhom, M. D. Murtz, argetically raked and burned leave Charles liulur, of town, Edward re back where thiy started look- Co-sman and Meryl "rhllnhrOT. ing out the window at snow falling Lehighton on the scene of thiir recent work. To- The Hazard residence, West Broad-day might have been one pickffd wa'' has heeti SOed through Harry smack out of the December calendar.

Pobst, to Charles Edwanls, of town. It was damp and cold and generally i State Treasurer (I. Harold Wag-disagreeable. Drivirg was made haz- i ner annourccd today I i-hrck in the ardou by the snowfall and pedes- i amount will be mailed trians found the going difficult due today to Frank X. Kngler, treasurer to slushy walks and pavements.

the Carbon County Board of School Directors in payment for its Members of St. Joseph's Y. M. B. participation in the training of N.

Society and their guests are looking Y. A. youths, forward to the entertaii iment which will be presented at the club rooms! Maryland Oyster this Sunday night when professional The average Maryland ovster lays entertainer! from Scranton and Phil- avera-m of enn nun -as 29 in i i GR ABLE VICTOR MATURE NESQtlEHONINl Gasoline Truck Goes jvain Surviving are the following children: Mrs Hugh Langden, Lansford; Alphonse, of Cameron; Harry, Wilks-Harre, and Frank, East Mauch Chunk; two brothers, Charles and Alphonse Ink man, of Agassig, B. C. Thi funeral will be held Monday from the Ring funeral home at 9 A.

M. A requiem Mass will be offered Carnella Clare and Lois Tredinnick as well as Shirley Melber will be seen dancing typical Hawaiian folk dances. The band and orchestra of the high school will play on this occasion under direction of Thomas T. Watkins. Miss Helena Becker is being assisted in presenting the operetta by John R.

Eiler and Lawrence Morris. "SONG OF THE ISLANDS" In Technicolif Old Man Winter is lounging in the lap of spring. He doesn't want to give up, it seems. For the past two days there has been a combination of rain and snow Where the altitude was high snow remained on the ground. In the lowlands the snow Tender Genuine Lamb! Legs Lamb 27c Stewing Lamb I Rib Chops Jfc Broad Chops 37c Loin Chops 35c Tender Lamb Liver X9c TONIGHT CAROLE GEORGE LAND1S in MONTGOMERY "CADET GIRL" TO THE LADIES Amapola Dinnerware development known as Split Rock in the Poconos in Kidder Township.

The meeting will be held at 11 A. M. in conjunction with the regular meet Mr. and Mrs Thomas Herman returned to Lansdale following a visit to Mr. and Mrs.

Maurice Eichhorn and Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Ho.n enuy nacl ceased. The communique said Gemral Wainwright reported this morning that all communications between Bataan and Corregidor had been cut off for marly 2i hours. "(Jenerai Wainwright declared that oar flag still flies on the beleagured island fortress of Corregidor, th, War Department added.

The cruiser sunk was one of an rmada of five warships and tin transports landing troops in Cebu. This indicated that the Japanese were extending their conquest of the 7,000 islands in the Philippine archipelago where native Filipino trmiil-Ins and possibly a few United States troops are resisting Cebu lies 350 mr line miles south of Manila. The War Department said General Wainwright sent a message to Pres. I 'dent Roosevelt reporting that "every I thing possible had been done to hold Bataan," but that "the overwhelming air and artillery superiority of the Japanese finally overcame the dotted resistance of the hungry and exhausted defenders." Domei, the Japanese News Agency, said Japanese vanguards were pressing forward against American and Filipino positions on the Perinsula and had captured the towns of Limay and Lamao on the cast coast, 1 i in St. Joseph's Church at 9:30 A.M.

Up In Flames Charles Lambr'echt, 38, of Irving-ton, N. the operator of a gas conveyance truck which caught fire and set fire to the Head Inn at Delaware Water Gap three years ago, had a similar exDerience yester made in the parish Hurial will be cemetery. adelphia will be featured. I. H- M.

Nuns Died ON PAY DAY, Bl'Y BONDS Do you remember in the first war of Public Meeting ft Fancy Roasting or Stewing CHICKENS turned to rain. Along the Huffman Trail from the summit of the mountain above East Mauch Chunk, snow fell to the depth of twelve inches. It continues to pile up. Much water has resulted, replenishing wells anH 31 Mr- Mrs- Philip Bonner and Mrs. Philip Roetgers attended the Bonner-Lacosta wedding at Brooklyn.

N. yesterday. Mrs. George Gerber received word today of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Katherme Henry, at Bethlehem, whose funeral will be held Monday Mr and Mrs.

Charles Getter and son returned to Elizabeth, N. after spending the past week with Mr. day morning between Blakslee and Fern Ridge when the truck he was ing nf the commissioners. The assessments as levied on an acreage rather than on a lot basis are held in dispute by Kidder Township officers. Prior to that time, the board will visit the Lake development.

I. Lamor.t Hughes, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Denartment under 1 announi Health when Dr. E. Baser was appointed Red Cross First Aid instructor for this district? And whi Henry Heff-ler, of Hacklehernie, enlisted in the U. S.

Cavalry? Stamps. Society driving skidded on the slippery surface of the highway there, splintered Sister M. Anastasia, of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who died in Villa Maria, West Chester, on April 2, was an aunt of Sister Admirabilis Mario, who will be remembered as a member of the faculty of Mauch Chunk Catholic high school. approximately twenty guard rail 35c 27c 29c I7c Center Cut Pork Chops Quality Skinless Franks Tender Young Beef Liver dSCO Sliced Bacon km Long Cut Sauer Kraut REGAL BLUM'S Great Onc-a-Year Fishermen dislike the swollen streams as they tend to operate against successful angling. The rain, in many instances has brought on landslides on railways and highways.

USED CARS Buick 4 dr. sedan '37. Chrysler, 4 dr. Royal, '37. Ford V-8 4 dr.

'38. Chev. coupe, '36. Highways, communicated with the I commissioners to inform them that I sections of State Highway 13005-IA in Mahoning Township, measuring VWIM Former Sister Mary Flora, of the I 6c HZ aim mis. jonn r.

tsernhard. Bobby Stewart, who was hit by a car at Lansford, Sunday, is in favorable condition at Coaldale Hospital. His mother is the former Verna Myers, of East Mauch Chunk. Harry Marks, of Philadelphia, contractor on the recently completed Mauch Chunk-JLchightdn highway, visited in town last night. posts which propelled it over a five foot embankment into a body of water where it ignited.

Crawling from the cab, Lambreeht waded to the adjoining bank where he witnessed the fire from more comfortable surroundings. The fuel, 4,000 gallons of it, distributed itself over the water and caught fire, the flames throwing up huge black clouds of smoke for more than five hours. BOOST IN OIL PRICE MAY AID ANTHRACITE Nash Amb. coupe, '39. Nash Iafayette coupe '39.

All in good running condition. 13,221 feet, have been abandoned by the department by reason of a re-loeaticn in that area. The road now reverts to the jurisdiction of the townshin suDervis- Fancy Fish Fillets 17c Finest Canadian Smelts ioc Sliced Steak Cod 19c SHAD Buck lb. 10c; Roe lb. 17c same order, was the first of the I H.

M. sisters, to die in South America since the community's foundation there 20 years ago. Her death occurred on April 1 in Miraflores, Peru. Sister Mary Flora taught in Lansford some time ago. She was sent to Peru in 1939 to teach in St.

Anthony's School at the Port of Callao Good rubber. CORKILLS GARAGE Mauch Chunk. Pa. Tel. 212-M 8 2t The spring meeting of the Carbon County Tuberculosis and Public Health Society was held Tuesday, April 7th in the Arbitration room of the Court House at Mauch Chunk Dr Rosenberry presided Mrs.

Golelie Bartholomew, R. Executive Secretary, in her report explained plans for having speeches delivered bj Dr. Marjorie Batchelor in the vari-us high schools in the county pertaining to prevention of tuberculosis Plans were also outlined for the Early Diagnosis Campaign among I the 9th pupils throughout the county. The association authorized the expenditure of the necessary funds to carry on this program and also to provide x-ray services for those pupils whose reaction to the tests Owners of homes heated with oil-burning furnaces will have to pay an increase of 2 cents a gallon, if request of the oil Industry to off-set the 200 per cent surcharero tK, Stay Home Thursday ors while a bridge spanning Mahoning Creek on that stretch of highway comes under the jurisdiction of the county for maintenance. The supervisors may now petition the court to vacate that road or assume the obligation of providing for its maintenance.

In the latter event Report Hospital Conducted For Graft Because of the importance of the canvass to be made on Thursday, April 16, in the "Pledge For Victory" Telegraphic Briefs rates, put into effect by the Maritime Commission on April 1, is granted. The price jump will 'tend to create a bigger market for anthracite, operators' of the industry predict. Iceberg LETTUCE -Qc Fancy Calif. Green jap Av sm ax SaakvC FOB RENT Hacklehernie Hotel, has Restaurant, Beer and Liquor license. Ideal out-of-ton location.

Apply Hotel Svv itzerlund, Mauch Chunk. 9-lw WANTED Girl for light house work. Apply 323 South E. Mauch Chunk. 9-2t 'owarf a-bloom1 XflBE I Robins a -wing! lJh jk KRIMPETS a-mouthlKj yUAhvelySpring Kjl i Harrisburg, April 9 (AP) i A three-member Senate investigat Washinfrtr.n Anvil a 35 JNavy reoortpH t.n.W j.

oiscnarged from a motor slntH pound gfc DOat Narragansett Bav SENT TO REFORMATORY FOR WEARING ARMY UNIFORM ing committee reported tonight that Shamokin State Hospital is "conducted for political profit and aggrandizement and has been over a period of time by those in charge the U- S- s- Capella, a capturing several thousand prisoners Japan also claims heavy new blows against British sea power in the Indian Ocean. Tokyo headquarters asserted that Japanese naval and air forces yesterday sank the 10,850 ton British aircraft carrier Hermes, two destroyers, a patrol vessel and 6 other ships in an attack off Trincomalee. The Japanese communique said another British cruiser was heavily damaged and 52 planes destroyed. In London the Admiralty acknowledged that the aircraft carrier Hermes, had been Kunk in an aerial attack ten miles off Ceylon but declared that the Japanese claim of having sur.k two additional cruisers was untrue. British and Axis troops fought with increasing violence on the nurtli African desert meantime while on the Soviet front, Vichy reports said red army troops had crossed the frontier into White Russia and were continuing their advance.

The drive into White Russia a Soviet republic, was said to have' taken place in a sector 75 mii I the county will be held responsible for the upkeep of the span. Upon the recommendation of Tax Collector John E. Kuhla, of East Mauch Chunk, the' commissioners will view the property of Sarah Crowley at 6 West Fourth street in that borough. A communication received from the United Charities of Hazleton seeking county aid for a diagnostic examina ai cargp vessel yester day afternoon. War Uonu and Stamp campaign, those conducting the endeavor have asked that all clubs, organizations and groups anticipating social events or meetings that evening change their dates so as not to interfere with the all-out canvass.

The canvass is to start at 4 P. and will continue throughout the evening with the Boy and Girl Scouts of the two communities having voluntarily contributed their service in that behalf. William Wilhelm, chairman of the drive locally, announced todav Fancy Ripe Louisiana Strawberries basket 19c On Sale Friday and Saturday under prior and present administra "The Capella, assisted by tugs, has been anchored in While has father slumped to the floor in a state of partial collapse, Howard Daniel Gewertz, 17-vear-old are positive. It was decided to cooperate with Lehigh, Northampton and Berks counties an organized rehabilitation program for recovered tuberculosis patients. This program will include employment of a rehabilitation ni is in no immediate danger," a com munique saio Vichy, April 10.

(AP)-German 3c dozen 3 muaflclphia youth, yesterday was sentenced at Scranton to an indefinite term in tne United States Industrial Reformatory at Chillicothe, Ohio, by Federal Judge Albert L. Watson for New Cabbage Florida Oranges Juicy Lemons New Carrots auiiiouues notified the population of LUX sm. 10c; lge. 22c RINSO lge. 23c sm.

10c LUX Toilet SOAP 3 for 19c LIFEBUOY 3 for 19c SILVER DUST 23c SPRY 3 lb. can 65c 1 lb. can 23c te committee recommended that the present board of trustees be replaced by a new board "consisting of outstanding citizens, who could remedy existing conditions, build up a staff of employes to a higher degree of efficiency and loyalty, thereby effecting a saving to the taxpayers and the Commonwealth." lHi-ne f. ww cuaseai city qi Brest on the English channel today to be ready for a proclamation of a state of siege with out advance notice. liuneh illegally wearing an Armv ifn that the canvass will be carried over a two anil possibly three day sched- $3250 EXTRA VALUE ADORABLE! s47 3 DIAMONDS QUALITY! and efforts will be made to secure 7 Hchnauffer' of Wea" employment for these people who tft have recovered from tuberculosis W- A detailed report of the Christmas adston'e was or-Seal campaign will be prescn ed at Vct- the next meeting i Ju F- Summit Hill, inary reports indicated the sale of i Ki SUmmit Hi" Christmas Seals was 35' over 1.2 i Cmpany- The tion of Elvvood Schnauffer, of Wea ule so as to assure 100 per cent con-! tact by Ihe workers.

Homes not Fancy Hand Picked SOUP BEANS 2 13 reached Thursday night, therefore, will be visited on Friday or Melbourne, Apr 10 (AP) "We've taken the offensive against the Japanese in the air and we'll continue to increase it," Lieut. General George H. Brett, air chief in the southwest Pacific declared today. Diamond engage- Note the beauty A fine diamond on A gorgeous ring ment ring of eicep- of the unique de- cachside of a lovely designed in tmart tionally fine quality sign. Diamond it of center diamond in escluiive style.

Fine at the price. unusual quality. fine mounting. diamonds. 50e A WEEK 75c A WEEK $1 A WEEK $1 50 A WfEK Swan Soap sm.

7c; lge. 10c GABORWASAS nesquehoning, pa. FINE EXAMPLE OF VICTORY GARDEN uoiiwuiu uraiute company was au- and impersonating a first lieutenant of the United States Army. LANSFORD WOMAN DEAD J1 Weyhenmcyer, 86, Mrs 6 hT -f her Mrs. William Davis, on East Bertsch iasrnignhtLanSfrd 8t 11:15 'k Her deceased husband will be remembered as a fni mor -ail 1 i.

year Its I9c west of Smolensk between Vitebsk and Nevel. Fancy Blue Rose Rice Calif. SoaHIacc naiei ii -01 n. monzed to place a headstone on the grave of George W. Heston, a native of Quakertown, who died in Mauch ni i.

SISTER MARY URSULA DEAD A commendable examnle of e-ood pk(. Sister Mary Ursula, a 1871' Hollywood, April 10. (AP) Babe Ruth, gravely ill with pneumonia two days ago, apparently has passed the crisis and will recover, his physician said today. gardening is evidenced at the home of Harold Miller, Susquehanna street. Deprived of flat ground, he built a series of terraced c-ardens on Local Pharmacist Attends Graduate Seminar ARMY BOMBER CRASH KILLS FIVE Bakers Field, April 10 (AP) An Army bomber crash killed five men, the Minter field public relations office reported today.

The plane, flying from Stockton, Calif, to Tucson, crashed last night on the Mojave desert near Bagdad ffSCO Fancy Fruit co*cktail 25 N. B. C. Premium Crackers 18c Nabisco Crackers Biscuits tc Quality Asparagus "Wwj 2 cans 23c Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cana 20c "-vi mill uaut'l nu was prominently known throughout this region. Besides her daughter, Mrs.

Davis she is survived by three other chil- Scranton, died at St. Agnes' Ho 1 cnecK in the amount of $89.62 Pital, Uivflle Ky afte'r a siort from the G. R. Ceme-illness. short tery Association of Summit Hill for c- i i I back taxes.

lister Ursula was the only daugh- i p0c ter of the late Samuel and Bridget senteci i TT Stafford Vanston I a check the amount of the mountain side in the rear of his Favor Delayed nomc. He cultivates the Viio-Wt type of vegetables, which are in de Among the participants in the Fourth Annual Seminar on Modern I u.en, nussen, ttobert and Harry, the latter of whom is a Lansford school director. Induction Plan 'ctcvi ner XV7 rk nsnrnnr, wmm early education at St. Patrick's School, West Scranton. She was a member of the Sisters of Charity for the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science from April 6 to 9, in- I policy on auto equipment at the County Institution District Home which had been previously cancelled.

LET'S LOOK OUT FOR NO. 1 OPERETTA "Love Pirates of Hawaii" East Mauch Chunk H. S. Satuiday, April 118 M. 9-3t Farmdale Golden Bantam Corn mand by neighbors and others.

Some of his products are grown under glass coverings which protect and nourish the seeds, bringing fehem to quick maturity. Mr. Miller shows the way to successful victory gardens more tnan so years. Enriched Supreme Bread I7C Koy ti. Eberle, former Nesque- t0rmer Nesaut Surviving are five brothers Father 1 i.

hn Franeis Vas hTg 8X derate Franeis Vanston, CP, SUMMIT HILL WOMAN DIES Mrs. Sarah H. Miller, nee Bertha Lynn, died at her home at 122 East Holland street in Summit Hill at 6:30 A. M. today.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. William Martin, Summit Hill, Mrs Henry Ritter, of Philadelphia. 2 nsTR.C' Pittsburgh, April 8. (AP) Allegheny co; nty Lcg-'on Commander Harry Srhreiver said today the County Legion Executive Committee had asked State Selective Service, headquarters to scrap the latest draft induction system and to grant selectees immediate 10-day furloughs WARDENS TO MEET John Scranton; Joseph, William, George and C. C.

Vanston, and several nieces Two of the nephews are Father Edgar Vanston, CP, Springfield, and Father Leo Francis Vanston, Boston, Mass. I ANNOUNCEMENT i hereby made by Bertha M. Melber that her business is now under supervision of Harold W. J. Earley, licensed funeral director and graduate of the Cincinnati College.

Either Mrs. Melber or Mr. Earley may be con miee oroeners and tour sisters Swan Soap 4 2fc 3 '3 29c Gold Dust Soap Powder 17c aiso survive. elusive, was John V. Dougherty pharmacist of 41 Broadway, Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Mr. Dougherty, who graduated from Temple University School of Pharmacy in 1925, attended the four-day refresher course in Philadelphia so that he might keep abreast of the rapid advances being made in the present day practices of pharmacy. In addition, he and the other registrants were given the standard American Red Cross first aid course, with certificates issued to those who successfully finished the work. Air raid wardens of East Mauch Chunk are instructed to reDort to in tne ioiiowing amounts on his i 1937 tax duplicate: General, $4 82' specitl, 113.94; personal property', 11.34. Having satisfied payment on I these and havin? furnished photo- static copy proof of payments made on other delinquencies of 1934- 35.

36 he was exonerated. Announcement was received from Joseph D. Haney, of Towamensing Township, of his resignation as the High School building Friday at Silver Dust large a. pkg 4C THE STOCK MARKET upon their acceptance for the Army. "The present system, whereby men are sent away the same day' they pass their final physical examination is working an unjustifiable hardship To us Mauch Chunk, our home town means everything.

But as government regulations restrict the sale of many products it's going to be more and more difficult for local business men to make a living. The welfare of our community is at stake. s.uu it was announced today by Chief Warden Howard Becker. Rinso tacted niriht or day by calling 330 Mauch Chunk or at 424 Centre $2975 3750 $55 DIAMOND PAIR COMBINATION 6 DIAMOND SET Both of these lovely Brilliant bridal ensemble Three diamonds in each rings at this low price. with two beautiful of the two matching Fine center diamond.

matching rings. I4K gold mountings. 75c A WEEK $1 A WEEK $1 A WEEK -i Plans for the county-wide "black T.tiv jSnan Ftalc BRIGHT'S RADIO PROGRAM Sara Louise Leibensbrrger, by request, will return to J. wv.a Ijk mm mmm New York, April 10. (AP) What brokers termed an over-sold stock market today attracted enough support to retrieve fractions of Thursday's sharp declines.

on both men and their families," Schrciver said in a letter to state draft hcadouarters. out to be held April 19 will be made at that time and a full attendance is urged. Bright's. radio nmmm "I "TP 01 in the western dis- ORDER A CASE OF STEGMAIER'S GOLD MEDAL BEER M. J.

McFADDEN Phone 3111 Neiquehoning Lux and Lifebuoy Soap 2 bars Ifc Fairy Toilet Soap Spry Shortening i 27c 73c POP Cleaner ifc Genuine Anchor Hocking Drinking Glass for only 1c with each purchase of "Pop." LONG-TERM COAL SALES CONTRACTS APPROVED NOTICE On Sunday afternoon, April 12, Every dollar you spend, spend ft in Mauch Chunk. We're all Americans with a war to win and by helping each other, we help ourselves and our government to Victory. THOMAS J. HALL FUNERAL DIRECTOR LANSFORD, PA. Pioneer of tha $75 Funeral 3fc HOUSECLKANING NEEDS Furniture for the Pordi or Home Rugs, Linoleum.

Carpets and Sh.des for Value and Dependability see DUNCAN A FRY, 618 Hamilton St. Adv. OPEN AN EASY CREDIT AClOUNI TODAY! 1 utBl triet of that townshin soloist tomorrow at 11:30 A.M. over TT t1l WAZL Her accompaniment will bo E'rL'In cT' Played by Prof. John Trembath fl 1 Association, The and win game lil be a 1 should feature of the program.

Loca news th 'f' l0t In flashes will be broadcast. yllZ thC Listene.s who call Bright's within Pr DUtriCt. five minutes after their dephone Commissioner, approved the number, are announced on to Coroner The Office of Price Administration ruled yesterday that anthracite coal may be soid under long-term con Cheer the boys in uniform. U. S.

Defense Bonds. NOTICE. All men in the Mauch Chunks who are employed at Bethlehem and who desire making arrangements for daily bus transportation there are asked to attend a meeting to be held at the home of John Marzcn in East Mauch Chunk Friday at 8.00 P. M. A program will be worked out at that time.

members of the defense corps arc requested to intend a mass meeting in the auditorium of the Mauch Chunk high school at 2 P. M. The purpose of the meeting is to devise plans and proceedures for the blackout on April 19. VINCENT McFADDEN, LISTEN, MRS. AMERICA! Hoarding and patriotism don't mix.

Don't hoard ScutTissue and there will be enough for all. The Mauch Chunk National BanL OLD TIME AND MODERN DANCING TONIGHT FRED HUSSAR'S HOTEL aai i vi vuiuiiur services will arceive merchandise awards. tracts wnich stipulate that the price shall be ine OPA maximum in effect on the dale of delivery. Contracts providing for delivery over a period of a year or more are common in fli pa1 attending the death of Earl Klotz in MAUCH CHUNK, PA. weisssport, but deferred payment on that of Charles Simpson, of Alt PrtCfw in Till il 1 tltvilve until eltMliiK time, S.HukIii).

April 11. In jour ncareal Acme Super Market." Corps Commander muuauy ana usually contain open or adjustable Greater Park Theatre 'ODAY LEHTGHTON Betty Grable, Victor Mature In "SONG OF THE ISLAND" Sunday Midnight Show at 12.01 Conrad Veidt, Ann Ayera in "NAZI AGENT" MIDWAY THEATRE Tonight and Saturday "Mr. District Attorney" Chapter. "Captatnj Marvel'" NOTICE Peggy Michel's beauty shop will be closed permanently after Saturday, April 11 at noon. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Effective today all service men in price provisions.

12 Store in New York and New Jersey with over 87,000 Satisfied Customers Youngsters are proud of their Defense Stamp albums give them a chance to earn the money themselves. uniform will be admitted free at the Midway Theatre. Buy Defense Bond and Stamps Buy Defense Bond, and Stamps, i 1 Tmmmmmm.

Mauch Chunk Times-News from Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.