Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (2025)

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (1)

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (2)

Melissa Smith

In this article:

Nora Smith 5'4" | DS/L | 2028 IN
Ava Lilly 5'9" | MB | 2027 IN
Maddi Higginson 5'5" | DS/L | 2025 IN

<!-- wp:paragraph --><p>In terms of volleyball, I classify everyone <em>but</em> the six-rotation pin hitters and setters as role players. Every DS, MB, RS and OH has a role to play and execute well in order for their team to be successful. For instance, if you are really good at serving and make that your focus, well by golly you can be an epic serving specialist and score runs of points for your team. Or maybe you want to be the best at reading setters when blocking so you can be the most efficient middle blocker there is and totally ruin your opponent's offense. Playing your role in team sports is <strong>vital</strong> and volleyball is no exception. These six role players know how to do just that and it very well might carry them right on to the next level.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:acf/evaluation-block {"name":"acf/evaluation-block","data":{"player_evaluations_0_player":["745189"],"_player_evaluations_0_player":"field_62ab9d62ecf2c","player_evaluations_0_override_profile_image":"","_player_evaluations_0_override_profile_image":"override-player-profile-image","player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"","_player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"field_62aba48cecf2d","player_evaluations":1,"_player_evaluations":"field_62aba7547dc44"},"mode":"preview","alignText":"left","anchor":"acf-block-6793d06518672"} --><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Add evaluation here...","className":"text-gray-700"} --><p class="text-gray-700">Nora has no shortage of great volleyball experience - she plays her high school season at nationally ranked Roncalli H.S. and then spends her club season on the 15-1s team at nationally ranked Circle City. She is a super-fast, highly competitive, never say quit type of know, the one you would give your right arm for as a coach? In serve receive she can cover a lot of court and pass the deep ball very consistently. On defense, she is not afraid of a laser coming right at her, never thinks that a ball is out of reach and is always willing to sacrifice her body into the crowd. Lastly, Smith's serve is fierce - you can tell she simply loves doing it and looks at it as a way to score and not just enter the ball. This young player has a very bright future ahead of her when you look at her skill level already as a freshman and her determination to be the best at what she does.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- /wp:acf/evaluation-block --><!-- wp:acf/evaluation-block {"name":"acf/evaluation-block","data":{"player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":["not_in_db"],"_player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"field_62aba48cecf2d","player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"field_62cca28ffa4e7","player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"Alivia Dieterle","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"field_62aba4c9ecf2f","player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"2027","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"field_62aba4ddecf30","player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"null","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"field_62aba4e8ecf31","player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"32926","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"field_62aba4f0ecf32","player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"Center Grove","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"field_62aba4fdecf33","player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"[program_tooltip program_id='432195' first='Circle' last='City Elite']","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"field_62d20e723441a","player_evaluations_0_player_details":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details":"field_62aba4afecf2e","player_evaluations":1,"_player_evaluations":"field_62aba7547dc44"},"mode":"preview","alignText":"left","anchor":"acf-block-6793bd4a66440"} --><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Add evaluation here...","className":"text-gray-700"} --><p class="text-gray-700">Dieterle comes from a high school program that is stacked with older DS/Ls like senior standout [player_tooltip player_id='172341' first='Maddi' last='Higginson']; she may not have been on varsity, but that certainly doesn't mean she isn't talented. Alivia has a solid deep float serve that she can pinpoint at the back line, PLUS she is able to mix in a very short (inside 10' line) serve to keep the opponent guessing. On serve receive her platform is solid (out away from her body, strong) and she is very calm (no swinging, jumping) with her body. Lastly on defense, she plays well in middle back staying balanced and ready to run-down off-speed shots and touches off the block. I would love to see her work on increasing her foot speed and maybe add a split step on defense to react even quicker.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- /wp:acf/evaluation-block --><!-- wp:acf/evaluation-block {"name":"acf/evaluation-block","data":{"player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":["not_in_db"],"_player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"field_62aba48cecf2d","player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"field_62cca28ffa4e7","player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"Skylyr Merriman","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"field_62aba4c9ecf2f","player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"2026","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"field_62aba4ddecf30","player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"null","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"field_62aba4e8ecf31","player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"32926","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"field_62aba4f0ecf32","player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"Center Grove","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"field_62aba4fdecf33","player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"Team Indiana","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"field_62d20e723441a","player_evaluations_0_player_details":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details":"field_62aba4afecf2e","player_evaluations":1,"_player_evaluations":"field_62aba7547dc44"},"mode":"preview","alignText":"left","anchor":"acf-block-6793bd4a66568"} --><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Add evaluation here...","className":"text-gray-700"} --><p class="text-gray-700">Skylyr is currently a junior (class of 26) at perennial powerhouse Center Grove H.S. and has worked her way onto the varsity squad, ending up 5th in digs per set this past fall season. This young lady is a libero with no fear - she will stand in there in any position on defense and take the hardest driven ball with her platform or hands. Merriman seems to be almost as good with one arm as she is with two, an advanced skill for any DS still in high school. In serve receive she is a <strong>LEADER</strong> - willing to take any ball in her area confidently...having her passing seems to make everything run much more smoothly. I think Skylyr could certainly lead this Team Indiana squad to some high finishes this club season, as well as be a key component of the defense for Center Grove next high school season.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- /wp:acf/evaluation-block --><!-- wp:acf/evaluation-block {"name":"acf/evaluation-block","data":{"player_evaluations_0_player":["586492"],"_player_evaluations_0_player":"field_62ab9d62ecf2c","player_evaluations_0_override_profile_image":"","_player_evaluations_0_override_profile_image":"override-player-profile-image","player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"","_player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"field_62aba48cecf2d","player_evaluations":1,"_player_evaluations":"field_62aba7547dc44"},"mode":"preview","alignText":"left","anchor":"acf-block-6793bf6fedddd"} --><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Add evaluation here...","className":"text-gray-700"} --><p class="text-gray-700">Two things stood out to me first about Ava, her blocking and her serving. Middles don't ever get enough credit for the great serving they often bring to the table (ummm, hello Natalie Foster!), so I want to highlight Ava's. She is super consistent in driving hard through the back of the ball, to keep the serve low and with a heavy float. And good luck when it crosses the net because that ball is going to <strong>DROP</strong> and drop fast. I look for her Circle City team to score runs of points when she serves this season. Secondly, her blocking is very solid - she closes well and fast from side to side and puts up big strong hands. If Ava can work on staying off the net when attacking, she is really going to become a solid middle blocker who can score points on offense AND defense.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- /wp:acf/evaluation-block --><!-- wp:acf/evaluation-block {"name":"acf/evaluation-block","data":{"player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":["not_in_db"],"_player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"field_62aba48cecf2d","player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"field_62cca28ffa4e7","player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"Carson Petty","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"field_62aba4c9ecf2f","player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"2027","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"field_62aba4ddecf30","player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"null","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"field_62aba4e8ecf31","player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"32561","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"field_62aba4f0ecf32","player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"Penn","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"field_62aba4fdecf33","player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"NIVA","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"field_62d20e723441a","player_evaluations_0_player_details":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details":"field_62aba4afecf2e","player_evaluations":1,"_player_evaluations":"field_62aba7547dc44"},"mode":"preview","alignText":"left","anchor":"acf-block-6793c5c73f104"} --><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Add evaluation here...","className":"text-gray-700"} --><p class="text-gray-700">When watching film of Carson, it was clear to me that she is a setter who takes much pride in not just her setting, but also her defense. She is all over the floor and is especially good at getting up balls that come off of the block with one hand - a skill that is so important to have in a right back defender because of how often the opposing OH hits off the block. Petty can also defend the hard driven ball above her head really well with her hands. Setting-wise she is strong and can push the ball to either pin when she is off the net, giving her hitters a chance to make an aggressive play on an out of system pass. One skill I would love to see this young setter work on this club season is being more deceptive with where she is setting so she can start messing with the block on the other side of the net and open things up more for her hitters.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- /wp:acf/evaluation-block --><!-- wp:acf/evaluation-block {"name":"acf/evaluation-block","data":{"player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":["not_in_db"],"_player_evaluations_0_not_in_database":"field_62aba48cecf2d","player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_selected_featured_image":"field_62cca28ffa4e7","player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"Chloe Leyes","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_player_name":"field_62aba4c9ecf2f","player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"2027","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_graduating_class":"field_62aba4ddecf30","player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"5'9u0022","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_height":"field_62aba4e8ecf31","player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"32925","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_position":"field_62aba4f0ecf32","player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"Covenant Christian","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_school":"field_62aba4fdecf33","player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"Team Indiana","_player_evaluations_0_player_details_club_team":"field_62d20e723441a","player_evaluations_0_player_details":"","_player_evaluations_0_player_details":"field_62aba4afecf2e","player_evaluations":1,"_player_evaluations":"field_62aba7547dc44"},"mode":"preview","alignText":"left","anchor":"acf-block-6793d065187c0"} --><!-- wp:paragraph {"placeholder":"Add evaluation here...","className":"text-gray-700"} --><p class="text-gray-700">Chloe seems much taller than her actual height when she plays because of her long reach, which she uses to her advantage. She has a long arm swing that is very difficult to read, especially on the right side. Leyes is able to swing both directions (cross court and line) effectively and hit the deep corners, especially down the line. What makes her even harder to read is her arm swing because it is long and straight, instead of pulled back (you know, the good old-fashioned bow and arrow). Although over time I would want her to work on drawing it back more in a neutral position to generate more power, I think it also gives her a slight advantage because she is so hard to read on defense. Lastly, I also love that she can confidently swing from the back row, giving her Team Indiana squad a good outlet if needed on out of system plays or a third hitting option when the setter is front row.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- /wp:acf/evaluation-block --><!-- wp:separator --><hr class="wp-block-separator has-alpha-channel-opacity" /><!-- /wp:separator --><!-- wp:heading {"level":3} --><h3 class="wp-block-heading"><strong><em>If you loved this article, please follow our Instagram page,&nbsp;<a href="">Prep Dig IN | Above The Net Volleyball</a>&nbsp;for exclusive content and behind-the-scenes action.</em></strong></h3><!-- /wp:heading --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>After following our page, take the next step and&nbsp;<strong>subscribe to PrepDig</strong>! By subscribing, you'll not only stay connected to the latest coverage of your favorite events, but you'll also be helping to shine a spotlight on rising volleyball talent.</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>Use discount code&nbsp;<strong>Smith30</strong>&nbsp;for an exclusive discount!</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>📋&nbsp;<strong>Year-Round Coverage</strong>: Access all PrepDig articles nationwide.<br>📊&nbsp;<strong>Player Rankings</strong>: See how athletes rank across every state.<br>💻&nbsp;<strong>FREE Player Profiles</strong>: Build and update your recruiting profile.<br>👀&nbsp;<strong>College Coach Views</strong>: Know which coaches are checking out your profile.<br>📈&nbsp;<strong>Profile Trends</strong>: Track your profile views over time.<br>🏐&nbsp;<strong>Recruiting Tips</strong>: Get advice for your recruiting journey.<br>📞&nbsp;<strong>Coach Contacts</strong>: Connect with any college program across the country.<br>🎟&nbsp;<strong>Event Perks</strong>: Get discounts off every PrepDig Showcase</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p>Help us continue to grow this positive platform for players by spreading the word and encouraging your friends to subscribe at&nbsp;<a href=""><strong></strong>.</a>&nbsp;Together, we can create unforgettable memories and experiences with your support!</p><!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --><p><strong><em>Thank you for being here and helping to grow this amazing game! ~ Melissa Smith</em></strong>&nbsp;<a href="">@abovethenetvolleyball</a></p><!-- /wp:paragraph -->

In terms of volleyball, I classify everyone but the six-rotation pin hitters and setters as role players. Every DS, MB, RS and OH has a role to play and execute well in order for their team to be successful. For instance, if you are really good at serving and make that your focus, well by golly you can be an epic serving specialist and score runs of points for your team. Or maybe you want to be the best at reading setters when blocking so you can be the most efficient middle blocker there is and totally ruin your opponent's offense. Playing your role in team sports is vital and volleyball is no exception. These six role players know how to do just that and it very well might carry them right on to the next level.

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (6)

Nora Smith



CLASS 2028

View Player

State: Indiana

School: Roncalli

Club: Circle City Elite

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (7)Subscribe below to view this player's evaluation


Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (8)

Alivia Dieterle


CLASS 2027

Alivia Dieterle

School: Center Grove

Club: Circle City Elite

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (9)Subscribe below to view this player's evaluation

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (10)

Skylyr Merriman


CLASS 2026

Skylyr Merriman

School: Center Grove

Club: Team Indiana

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (11)Subscribe below to view this player's evaluation

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (12)

Ava Lilly



CLASS 2027

View Player
Ava Lilly

State: Indiana

School: Franklin Community


Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (13)Subscribe below to view this player's evaluation


Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (14)

Carson Petty


CLASS 2027

Carson Petty

School: Penn

Club: NIVA

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (15)Subscribe below to view this player's evaluation

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (16)

Chloe Leyes



CLASS 2027

Chloe Leyes

School: Covenant Christian

Club: Team Indiana

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (17)Subscribe below to view this player's evaluation

Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (18)

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Indiana Players Who I Expect to Rock Their Roles at the CZ Invite | Prep Dig (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.