Ericho's game Reviews on Newgrounds (2024)

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Wow, that was one weird game. I had no idea you could get medals for those things. I mean, you had to sh*t everywhere eventually? I didn't know I'd had to get an option for taking my pants off. That seems like a given. Well, at least it was kind of different.

It's one of the most mundane games I've played in a long time. It's still pretty creative. The graphics are nice. It reminds me of poxpower. You're still good in your own right.


Thanks for the review!

Kill Lola Bunny

You know, it's been awhile since I've played an Assassin game here. We just sort of outgrew them. Well, killing isn't that childish. A lot of people hate Lola. I never really thought of her as being sexy. I mean, look at Rouge the Bat!

Then again, there's even more fetishes from My Little You-Know-What. Hey, Dickneck! Long time, no see. Forkheads sounds like 4Kids. We wanna kill them too!


Childish it may have been, but I truly had fun making this.


Gun Knight (by Stepford)

This would be a good game if I was any good at it! It seems to take too long to fire another shot. I wish there were upgrades or something. I haven't gotten far enough in the levels. Yeah, there probably are, but I'd have to work really hard. If only we had "Candy Crush" games here.

The graphics are still incredible! I know blob enemies like that. At least some of them remain stationary in this game. Again, at first it said I needed a new technology. The longness of the game can get annoying too (as in its size and format).


There are upgrades! The enemies drop them and you press E to pick them up. You should have a few before your verse the first boss.

Ruffle:Another Mission

This was good, but not great. I guess it's mostly because it got monotonous. Still, it can be challenging. The buildup is rather nice. Again, it's not another FNF submission. Well, it is in the Flash Forward Jam.

Everything's still a jam! I'm glad it wasn't too long. Well, not long enough to make it hard to get medals. That's enough for me. For an action game, it seems oddly down to earth to me.


thanks for the awesome feedback and that's really helpful for "Ruffle:Another Mission" part 2.
And all the awesome features mentioned from the feedback will be included in part 2.

Diaphanous 0

Wow, the first three levels were really easy. Then I saw spikes everywhere! That was quite a whiplash! Anyway, this was still at least playable. I would really have to train to fully understand it. I still probably couldn't get far though.

It's weird how small it is. At least there's a lot of ways to continue. That can still make it frustrating though. The sounds are good. Is every game from now on going to be in the Flash Forward Jam?


Well the Flash Forward Jam deadline was February, so I'd wager you won't be seeing any more new games for it.

Roguebot Rumble

That was awesome! I'm glad I learned how to make it work. Well, that was before you changed the format. Or I guess the flash player. I did try this on another computer and it still didn't work. I'm glad to know it wasn't just me.

I really never have played a game like this before! I thought it would be a defense game. It really wasn't. It's always nice to have a big open space to smash baddies with! What a fun layout!


Thanks for putting in the extra effort to give it a fair chance! I'm stoked you enjoyed the game.

'Brain-Toasting Dungeon'

Wait, nine endings? Now I really am interested! The combo that I found was door on the far left, tea pot, climb, lamp, item, and mystery present. That's what got me the Dress Up ending. Or all they all dress up endings?

By endings, do you mean ones where you die? If so, then this is the right ending that I found. I loved the goofy animation. I didn't even know it was a game at first. That was unique for a game.


Oh I was actually counting the 'defeats' as endings; But now that you mention it, I may rephrase that so that it doesn't cause confusion hahah!
Thanks for playing!

Jaded Slasher

Well, it was certainly unique. It just didn't do that much for me. I mean, I didn't even know how I kept dying. I'm not the biggest fan of RPGs. Well, okay, I have lightened up to them over time. At least the graphics were good.

I'd have to investigate more to really understand how this game works. It's a shame I'm not interested enough to. I need easier medals! Well, the music's nice too. I just want a more standard RPG.


Thanks for the review!

Ostrich Run

Wow, I really liked this! It's mostly because of how silly it is. I just loved the way these ostriches just flayed around. The CGI was so cool. It looked like something from "Team Fortress 2". Well, maybe I've just seen too many "Team Fortress 2" videos.

They're everywhere, you know. Even the concept was original. There aren't that many ostrich games out there. You create a nice looking area too. They're just flaying their bodies around.


Thank you so much for your feedback and for trying it out :)

The Behemoth Mural Collab

Hate to say it, but I didn't care for this. When I clicked stuff, it didn't do anything. I mean, I always admire art. Collabs are great too. This just didn't have that much uh, point? It was just one drawing.

I'm always glad when people team up on something big. Well, around here at least. These are decent drawings. I'm glad it wasn't just Castle Crashers. There was some variety.


Thanks for your feedback. Not sure what you were expecting it to do, other than link you to the artist’s website and give you medals.


it might not have a point to newgrounds users who didnt know about this but it had a point to us, the people who participated, it all started on a discord server where we said we were going to draw behemoth characters,and we did, this means a lot to us


Ericho's game Reviews on Newgrounds (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated:

Views: 6450

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.